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Russia is going polygamous. At least the Muslims inside Russia are. And their economy is melting down.


When Stuff Gets Crazy LOOK UP! Maranatha!
Staff member
I saw this headline from Inside Russia today: - YouTube but you have to fast forward to 1:04:03 mark or an hour into it. Regular Russians are not happy about this. Especially because the Ukraine invasion was based on the idea of protecting Russian family values. (He can explain that wrinkle from a Russian view- but it's basically been framed as the Western decadence, combined with other moral failure in Ukraine, forced Putin to invade).

I didn't quite believe it but here it is from other sources: Russian Islamic Council Approves Polygamy For Muslim Males, Contrary To Legal Code Russia’s Top Islamic Authority Permits Men to Marry Multiple Women - The Moscow Times

the fact that there is no pushback from Russia authorities to enforce Russian law prohibiting polygamy, means that Putin is being forced into yet another concession by the Chechens. He had to kiss a Koran a few months ago, looking decidedly uncomfortable while the leader of the Chechens and the mullahs were beaming.

This is more of the same.

Konstantin also explains that the inflation in Russia is horrific, the Central Bank rate is 23% I think he said. Sanctions, plus war spending are causing a crisis.

And to top it off, last year when Russia forced conscription, taking young men off the streets, the army devoured a lot of the work force and other working age males fled to other nearby countries. Konstantin took his family to Kazakhstan along with a lot of other Russians.

The loss of military aged males to death or continuing army service is impacting every other area in Russia. Konstantin mentions school teachers as just one example.

I wonder about their oil industry, mining, forestry and other sources of income.

At the same time they are asking the women to crank out the babies - increase the birth rate above 1 per couple they are asking women to get back into the work force and fill the shoes of the dead husbands and fathers who went to the front in Ukraine.

Putin is having a hard look at the future of Russia and it's going Islamic. He's being forced to allow Muslim men to marry up to 4 wives each. Those same muslim men who aren't being conscripted, because they are part of Kadyrovs special army of Muslims from Chechnya.

There is a huge shift in demographics right now, and it is NOT favouring the Russian Orthodox "christians" of Russia, the ones it does favour are the Muslims.

Why is this important?

Ezekiel 38

Russia is beginning to feel the economic hardships that a prolonged war in Ukraine bought them. Ez 38 mentions theft as a motive.

Russia is leaning on it's minority Muslim population to keep going- having babies, propping up Putin's rule. Muslims hate Israel and Jews.

Pulling out of Syria comes at a good time for Russia- they need those troops and supplies in Ukraine. Turning north again. It will take a hook in the jaw to turn them back towards Israel.
Wonder what Patriarch Krill has to say about this.
Probably nothing polite :lol: but sadly his big patron Putin has his back up against the wall and nothing Kirill (or Cyril) can do about that situation so he's best off keeping his lip zipped as Putin's buddies in his past life as a KGB officer still control internal politics in the Russian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch got there with their help and he can be removed just as easily and replaced with someone who says YES SIR to Putin.
Probably nothing polite :lol: but sadly his big patron Putin has his back up against the wall and nothing Kirill (or Cyril) can do about that situation so he's best off keeping his lip zipped as Putin's buddies in his past life as a KGB officer still control internal politics in the Russian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch got there with their help and he can be removed just as easily and replaced with someone who says YES SIR to Putin.

How do you suppose that Patriarch Krill got where he did :rofl:
It was neither pretty nor polite.

:tape2: :tape2: :tape2:
Not surprised.

islam is both religion and political/government.
sharia is the law they live by and impose on people living in places they conquer.

islam's methods and history mirror the mechanisms described in the Bible about the OWR, although some pieces are missing, which could be supplied by the apostate church via/in the form of crislam :puke:

I surely hope God brings us home before the worldwide hard persecution of Christians begins in earnest.
Once it starts here, there is truly no place to flee to, EXCEPT HEAVEN

I'd much rather flee before the festivities begin.


I’m surprised that Putin maybe boxed in.
It's been a slow train wreck of their economy and the war that never ends. It doesn't get traction in the western media. Goes against the current narrative that NATO and the globalists are pushing out- that Russia is forcing us into war when it's actually the other way round. For the globalists and NATO they don't want the media talking about the actual situation inside Russia. It's pretty dire actually.

Konstantin of Inside Russia has reported with documentation from Russian media and reports from family and friends back inside Russia on the following just lately:

Severe inflation- the Central Bank rate is either 23 or 25%, with other loans higher and the govt is printing money to "solve" the problem.

Loss of working age males due to conscription into the death sentence of army service in Ukraine and resulting problems with the economy. Another huge slice of the population left rather than fight Ukrainians who they feel are their own people.

Konstantin is one of those. George and I enjoyed watching his YT before the war started, he would talk about life in Russia, comparing it to Europe and the West. It was fun, he'd go to the Moscow McDonalds and show what was the same and different. When the war started he quickly left. He is a Russian Orthodox Christian (who isn't too happy with the RO church) and murdering Ukrainians wasn't something he was ready to do. He and his wife and kids are rebuilding their lives in Kazakhstan.

Food rationing and food cards- that is just starting now and it's a very bad sign (when farm workers go to war, nobody is left to tend crops or milk cows)

Demographic implosion- for over a century Russian women have been encouraged to work with unlimited access to abortion on demand. Difficult economics due to communism, the fall of the USSR, then the rise of the oligarchs, now the war and sanctions have meant Russian women don't feel secure enough to have more than 1 child if that. The people who ARE having lots of babies are the Muslims especially in Chechnya, aka the Chechen area but that extends everywhere Muslims exist in Russia. The Muslim population is steadily replacing the Russian Orthodox or non religious.

Putin is running out of military age males except the Chechen Army. That is a private army run by Kadyrov the head of the Chechens. Putin has been forced to rely more and more on Kadyrov JUST TO STAY IN POWER. We saw that with that failed coup by the Wagner leader Prigozhin.

Right now Putin controls the FSB and SVR which are equivalent to the FBI and CIA and they are the successors to the KGB which is loyal to Putin. Putin was KGB and his leadership was a soft coup of the former KGB to control Russia. Still is. Putin controls what is left of the army after some reorganizing the deck chairs on the Titanic to replace his generals that were getting cranky with Putin. Putin has the Kadyrovites which is the paramilitary organization in Chechnya run by Kadyrov.

Kadyrov has put a price on his services. First Putin was forced to kiss the Koran, something unthinkable before the Ukraine invasion.

Now the overturning of laws that predate the Russian Revolution! Marriage laws. Even the non religious are shocked and horrified. Putin's pretext for invading Ukraine was to clean up corruption and the slide into western decay. Marriage and the family were part of that conversation. Right now that is a VERY big deal and shows just how desperate Putin is.

The fact that Putin still has armed forces in the field in Syria and Libya is due to the takeover of Prigozhin's private army the Wagner group when Prig was murdered ....er .....died of a terrible air accident to his private plane.

The fact that Putin hasn't lobbed a small tactical nuke (neutron or suitcase bomb) at several key cities in Ukraine to end things is something of a HUGE miracle. I can only attribute that to THE RESTRAINER acting to restrain Russia from doing that.

In terms of prophetic events, Russia will be hungry for spoil to fulfill Ezek 38

But they must still be able to field an army so I think we see an end to the war in Ukraine soon (God may use Trump to do that, perhaps) before they use up all their armies.

And they still must command enough respect in Iran, Turkey, etc to lead them into Ezek 38

PLUS they still have to have enough clout to dominate world leaders who might otherwise object to them invading Israel. Right now that's looking like the growing antisemitism around the globe combined with a residual fear of something that Russia is able to do. Because only Sheba, Dedan, Tarshish and her cubs object, and that is just the mild question- have you come for spoil? Perhaps there is such world wide hatred of Israel at that time, that they aren't afraid of Russia, they are mostly cheering Russia, Iran and Turkey etc on, in this invasion.

And that might be the world wide antisemitic hatred rising even worse after we leave if Ezek 38 happens after the Rapture (something I expect, but not everyone agrees).
@Margery thank you so much! You’re right that the news about Russia’s meltdown conditions haven’t reached my newsfeed. While I’m not surprised, it’s shocking! I had understood that Putin is concerned about Islam, but now that you’ve explained I can better understand how bad it is.