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Report: Border Agents Told To Turn In Family and Co-workers Over Election Beliefs

An agent who spoke to me under the condition he remains anonymous told me that immediately after Joe Biden took office in 2021, official email communications from his administration instructed all Border Patrol agents to turn in family members, friends, and co-workers if they believed that the election was stolen or tampered with.

The communications also directed agents to turn in people they knew if they were against the COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns.

The emails directing agents to hand over names may have gone out to all federal agencies, although the agent did not indicate this.

The agent also told me that it was a profound 180-degree change from when Donald Trump was president.


I think it would be wise to realize this is a factor behind the scenes in our country right now and pray for the Lord's wisdom in our activities.

This is why I don't react or reply to some comments and even to some emails from family, and have been self-censoring for a long time.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are some woke members of my family, plus the "friend," who will turn me in for my religious beliefs as soon as they're told to do so. Ha ha, we may be outta here :rapture: before they do :rofl: Hopefully . . .

If not, I'll be easy to identify in my John 3:16 and John 14:6 text T shirts :lol:

Maybe if I'm first in line, the sword will be a little sharper . . . dull blades in the kitchen hurt worst, bet a sword's worse :lol: