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Red Sea Chaos: Is The Aggression Of Yemen’s Houthis Rebels Prophetically Significant?


Ever since the Hamas invasion of Israel, the Houthis in Yemen have been firing daily ballistic missiles and suicide drones at Israel, in addition to attacking ships in the Red Sea. The Houthis stand in solidarity with Hamas. They insist that when Israel withdraws from Gaza, they will stop these attacks.

While there are isolated Iran proxies In Iraq and Syria, the three main groups doing the bidding of Iran are Hamas in Gaza, which Israel is attacking now, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the southern portion of Syria, and the Houthi rebels located in Yemen.

Who Are The Houthis?​

An article published in late December by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) states, “The Houthi movement’s ideology is deeply rooted in antisemitic, Islamic fundamentalist, anti-American sentiment, as reflected in the slogan on its flag…”

The slogan on the Houthi flag reads: “Allah is great, death to the USA, death to Israel, curse the Jews, victory to Islam.” That pretty well summarizes what they’re all about.

AJC further noted that “the Houthis are an extremist Shia-Islamist movement and terrorist army.”

Only about 15% of Muslims in the world are Shiites, and about 85% are Sunnis. There are only three nations in the world that have a majority of Shiite Muslims—Iraq, Iran, and Bahrain. The Houthis are part of this Shiite wing of Islam.

“Backed by Iran, this organization controls approximately one-third of Yemen’s territory and more than two-thirds of the country’s population,” the article continues, “It has emerged as a prominent player in the Israel-Hamas war.”

“In recent weeks, Houthi terrorists have fired near daily ballistic missiles and suicide drones at Israel and ships in the Red Sea – most of them intercepted by Israel’s multi-layered air defense system or U.S. warships in the Red Sea,” the AJC described.


Every missile, rocket, drone is built and supplied by Iran and some of that product may be manufactured in Iran, but maybe quite a bit is made and stored in Syria and near Damascus, or underneath it. Could be one reason the city is destroyed in one night and never inhabited again, but I think radioactivity is involved and main reason people never come back, and God's word says it will be so.
Every missile, rocket, drone is built and supplied by Iran and some of that product may be manufactured in Iran, but maybe quite a bit is made and stored in Syria and near Damascus, or underneath it. Could be one reason the city is destroyed in one night and never inhabited again, but I think radio activity is involved and main reason people never come back, and God's word says it will be so.
I've had the same thoughts that Iran must have a lot of artillery and explosives in underground tunnels in and near Damascus and with a good solid strike by the IDF could hit that stockpile underground and may just be why Damascus is left uninhabitable.
I've had the same thoughts that Iran must have a lot of artillery and explosives in underground tunnels in and near Damascus and with a good solid strike by the IDF could hit that stockpile underground and may just be why Damascus is left uninhabitable.
Maybe they have dirty b o m b s stored there, Syria supposedly transported arms from Iraq that Saddam had in storage underground.
I remember a while after the fall of Iraq - after the news media made a big deal of not finding the WMD's that Bush Jr was warning of-- that they found evidence that in the final months in Iraq before the Americans took over, Saddam had indeed transported most of his WMD stockpile to none other than Syria under Bashar al Assad.

Assad's strongholds are in the western part of Syria and Damascus especially.

Bush Jr was proven right but the media was in no mood to apologize for their errors or make amends. They buried the stories.

Those WMD's included biological, chemical and nuclear devices including things like neutron bombs that are able to kill all living flesh within a certain radius while leaving structures intact (except at the point of impact) and finally, the type of radiation dissipates rapidly.

@Andy C is right that the Bible's description lines up with it being not inhabitable- like Chernobyl.

For that to happen, whatever destroys Damascus would not dissipate for hundreds of years if not millennia.

That rules out dirty bombs, suitcase bombs, neutron bombs, biological weapons (even germs die eventually) and chemical weapons (as the weather happens over the decades a lot of the worst chemicals get washed or blown away, diluting the strength).

For something to stay lethal, it's a proper nuke.

Israel has always had that as it's "Samson Option". They won't use it unless they have to- unless they have no other option because as Isaiah 17 points out- their northern area of Israel takes a terrible hit.
I remember a while after the fall of Iraq - after the news media made a big deal of not finding the WMD's that Bush Jr was warning of-- that they found evidence that in the final months in Iraq before the Americans took over, Saddam had indeed transported most of his WMD stockpile to none other than Syria under Bashar al Assad.

Assad's strongholds are in the western part of Syria and Damascus especially.

Bush Jr was proven right but the media was in no mood to apologize for their errors or make amends. They buried the stories.

Those WMD's included biological, chemical and nuclear devices including things like neutron bombs that are able to kill all living flesh within a certain radius while leaving structures intact (except at the point of impact) and finally, the type of radiation dissipates rapidly.

@Andy C is right that the Bible's description lines up with it being not inhabitable- like Chernobyl.

For that to happen, whatever destroys Damascus would not dissipate for hundreds of years if not millennia.

That rules out dirty bombs, suitcase bombs, neutron bombs, biological weapons (even germs die eventually) and chemical weapons (as the weather happens over the decades a lot of the worst chemicals get washed or blown away, diluting the strength).

For something to stay lethal, it's a proper nuke.

Israel has always had that as it's "Samson Option". They won't use it unless they have to- unless they have no other option because as Isaiah 17 points out- their northern area of Israel takes a terrible hit.
Does that Samson option include taking themselves out as or preparing for most of Israel to be damaged?
Does that Samson option include taking themselves out as or preparing for most of Israel to be damaged?
It means preparing to lose a HUGE number of Israelis.

It's always meant they'd lose a significant number of northern cities.

Caroline Glick in her book Shackled Warrior goes into the Samson Option. My memory is that they understand taking out Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt or even the one step removed nations like Iraq or the Saudis would mean Israeli casualties in horrific numbers as nuclear fallout drifts across the border. Not all at once though.

Like Samson, they know that taking out their enemy, may take many of them too. They reserve it as a last ditch option to ensure survival of a few.