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Question about new member announcements

Armor of Light

I never see the new member until they post to a response of their joining the forum. I rarely see a new member post their own appearance as such. It seems a CCF member announces so and so is joining us and then several posts later the new member is thanking CCF members for welcoming them to the forum. Maybe I don't have something set correctly on my end computer wise ??
You can see them at the bottom of the homepage, underneath forum statistics.
Also if you go to the members at the top of the homepage you can find the newest members.

I watch out for new members, because I'm still waiting for some, I reached out to.:pray:
If you go to the New Members forum, you can see the threads you haven't posted to in bold (and also the ones that have been posted to since you posted to them). The threads you have posted to at any time have your avatar in a very small size on the lower right corner of the avatar of the OP, and you don't have to open the thread to see it.