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'Queer Theory': Biden-Harris Official Calls for 'Queering Nuclear Weapons.' No, Really.

If you've been waiting for that perfect example that the rabid left is not only a threat to the moral fabric of American society but also a clear and present danger to the very existence of the United States, today's your "lucky" day. Even better, the example comes from none other than the Biden-Harris administration.

Sneha Nair, appointed in February as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration, a wing of the Biden-Harris Department of Energy, has been pushing various disarmament policies – including reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons. Fine, that's nothing new on the left. But, as far as I can tell, this is:

Nair also argues that advancing "queer theory" to include America's nuclear arsenal is essential to America's national security. No, really. I'll give you a minute to stop laughing before we continue.

Ready? Nair's insane argument goes like this:

Queer theory informs the struggle for nuclear justice and disarmament. Queer theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing.
By understanding DEI as a set of values critical to security, and therefore as an element of an effective nuclear security culture, stakeholders can explore how DEI can contribute to stronger security at nuclear facilities
Collectively, these principles (of DEI) can work to mitigate counterproductive work behavior and prevent disgruntled employees from becoming insider threats.
If any of that lunacy makes a lick of sense to you, you're (fill in the blank) than I am.


I'm a little late to the discussion and have lots to learn about our twisted Biden-Harris evil duo.

Another article from Aug. 21:

A Harris-Biden official wants to ‘queer’ nuclear weapons​

Yesterday, I had the tremendous pleasure of hearing James Lindsay speak at a Moms for Liberty event. Typically, the speech was a guided tour of leftism through a brilliant and informed mind. Lindsay focuses on education because that has been the left’s main (and very successful) avenue of attack for decades, but he also provides an overview of how leftism works.

One of Lindsay’s most important points is about the word “queer,” which extends far beyond bizarre sexuality. If you understand that word, you also understand why a Biden-Harris Department of Energy official has called for “queering nuclear weapons.” It’s not that she wants to have sick sex with them; it’s that she wants to destroy America’s nuclear arsenal capabilities.

As James Lindsay explains, the word “queer” is much bigger than homosexuality, although it was introduced into mainstream America through the gay liberation movement. In their important and accessible book, The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids, Lindsay and his co-author Logan Lancing explain what the word “queer” means in the American neo-Marxist lexicon. After discussing the word’s history, they sum it up this way:
Queer Theory is a radical ideology that uses activism (queering) to convince people that nothing is normal or natural. It specializes in convincing people that sex, gender, and sexuality are social (political) constructs—fabrications invented and sold as “the truth” by dominant classes—but those categories are not limiting factors. Queer Theory’s activity is to deconstruct the very concept of normalcy.
[he goes on to say]
Queer Theory broadly argues that society is a prison constructed by dominant classes who artificially label some things as “normal,” “legitimate,” or “true” for their own benefit. (Emphasis in original.)

Everything normal, accepted, and traditional, no matter how useful it’s been in creating the most prosperous, liberty-based culture in the history of humankind, must be overthrown.

me skipping lots...

The gist of Nair’s argument is that white people, especially men, need to be marginalized in the nuclear energy program because their viewpoints make it impossible to understand how power operates and who the real threats are to America (hint: those white men are the real threats). The American nuclear program needs to abandon the concepts of merit and loyalty to America in favor of promoting people of color, minorities, and women, all of whom have a more nuanced and appropriate understanding of nuclear power. Most importantly, they are willing to reject the idea that having a bigger arsenal deters America’s enemies.

If you weren’t scared of a Harris administration before, I certainly hope you are now.

link: A Harris-Biden official wants to ‘queer’ nuclear weapons
I'm a little late to the discussion and have lots to learn about our twisted Biden-Harris evil duo.

Another article from Aug. 21:

A Harris-Biden official wants to ‘queer’ nuclear weapons​

Yesterday, I had the tremendous pleasure of hearing James Lindsay speak at a Moms for Liberty event. Typically, the speech was a guided tour of leftism through a brilliant and informed mind. Lindsay focuses on education because that has been the left’s main (and very successful) avenue of attack for decades, but he also provides an overview of how leftism works.

One of Lindsay’s most important points is about the word “queer,” which extends far beyond bizarre sexuality. If you understand that word, you also understand why a Biden-Harris Department of Energy official has called for “queering nuclear weapons.” It’s not that she wants to have sick sex with them; it’s that she wants to destroy America’s nuclear arsenal capabilities.

As James Lindsay explains, the word “queer” is much bigger than homosexuality, although it was introduced into mainstream America through the gay liberation movement. In their important and accessible book, The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids, Lindsay and his co-author Logan Lancing explain what the word “queer” means in the American neo-Marxist lexicon. After discussing the word’s history, they sum it up this way:

[he goes on to say]

Everything normal, accepted, and traditional, no matter how useful it’s been in creating the most prosperous, liberty-based culture in the history of humankind, must be overthrown.

me skipping lots...

The gist of Nair’s argument is that white people, especially men, need to be marginalized in the nuclear energy program because their viewpoints make it impossible to understand how power operates and who the real threats are to America (hint: those white men are the real threats). The American nuclear program needs to abandon the concepts of merit and loyalty to America in favor of promoting people of color, minorities, and women, all of whom have a more nuanced and appropriate understanding of nuclear power. Most importantly, they are willing to reject the idea that having a bigger arsenal deters America’s enemies.

If you weren’t scared of a Harris administration before, I certainly hope you are now.

link: A Harris-Biden official wants to ‘queer’ nuclear weapons

This is excellent and I think dovetails with Margery's post.

I'm noticing something here from the OP:

".....theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing."

What's being used as a Trojan horse here is the victim card that we've seen being amplified in gross misapplication (and to the loss of real victims) the last 10 years or so, with the idea of convincing America to put herself in great danger and lower healthy, protective boundaries .
This is a cult, mind controlling, manipulation tactic.

Thing is the American people generally have been a compassionate group of people (as attested by being the nation that's donated the most helps/food around the world of any other nation, the helps in catastrophic areas, etc.). Our Bible believing history is a major root of this generosity.

I think this strength and attribute held dear by Americans is being targeted and manipulated, used against them in basically accusing America of the opposite, with lies, putting Americans on the defense and of whom some in essence throw common sense cautions to the wind to 'prove' compassion, to 'prove' they're not racist.

Remember the see something/say something after 9/11 and American people not saying something when observing people in our country who later proved to be terrorists? They didn't want to be seen as racists. They wanted to 'prove' their unbiasedness, to 'prove' they don't hate, never mind the obviously suspicious ACTIONS giving serious red flags.

Really, it's those making the accusations that themselves that are showing to be the very things they accuse others of. This is meant to undercut and undermine that which is strong and good to create confusion, division and gain controlling power.

The messaging of this 'theory' is in essence, 'You want to be nice.....don't you? You don't want to hurt poor people suffering....right? Well then to prove it, you need to endanger yourself and allow yourself to be in a position to be abused.'

Of course many Americans care! But we don't need to endanger ourselves in order to 'prove' being nice!! It's from a position of strength (not trembling, defensive uncertainty) that a group of people can be of beneficial help to others. Particularly strength in the Lord.

The big flaw in this 'theory' is outrageously ignoring human nature and history's ample proof on how human nature through various people in unbridled control (unyielded to God) will wreak tyranny on the defenseless. America needs to remember this lest she lose her influence for good and becomes a victim instead.

Just as we all lock our doors and take certain defensive precautions, so too does any nation need to do so. Why? Because there is evil in this world. This is a hard reality and truth right now (until Jesus sets His Kingdom up)

This 'theory' is like saying a ranch owner putting protective, electric fences around their property in protective care of their cattle and having a gun to shoot attacking wild beasts is a meanie, hateful and uncompassionate person. Those poor wild beasts are suffering victims of bias, traumatized and displaced!!

The truth is, just as a rancher is responsible to care for his cattle by keeping his fence in repair and guns clean and ready for danger which will come, so too leaders of a nation are responsible to care for their people in the same manner.

Not to do so is gross negligence at best and looking like tyranny in a velvet glove at worst.

Just as a diligent rancher can then be a good neighbor, from protected strength, and help those in need. So too, it's a protected nation that can then in turn, from strength, help other nations. A weakened nation cannot help others.