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Putin Views 'Nuclear Button' as Re-election Bid Nears


President Vladimir Putin was shown a simulation of the "nuclear button" but declined to press it on Monday as he toured a vast exhibition of Russian achievements in what looked like a warm-up for an imminent re-election campaign.

Putin was given an explanation of a Soviet nuclear bomb design and shown a mock control panel for launching a nuclear test, before observing images of a blast and mushroom cloud through a viewing window.

Since the start of the Ukraine war, Putin has frequently reminded the West of the size and capabilities of Russia's nuclear arsenal, saying anyone who tried to launch a nuclear attack against it would be wiped from the face of the earth.

He has deployed tactical nuclear missiles in Belarus and shifted Russia's stance on two major arms treaties, while insisting that Moscow is not recklessly "brandishing" atomic weapons or changing its doctrine on their use.


The Russian people love a "strong man" leader. This goes back as far into their past as history tells. This type of photo op is perfect to reassure the Russian public that Putin is ready and willing to lash out at the West for any insults whether real or perceived.

Off topic @1LoverofGod I'm enjoying your Christmas tree there. you and @LightOfMyLife have them up to cheer us all up.