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Putin says Russia could use nuclear weapons if its sovereignty or territory was under threat

ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin, asked about the risks of nuclear war over Ukraine, cautioned the West on Wednesday that Russia could use all available means to defend itself if its sovereignty or territorial integrity were threatened.

Putin said that the West had repeatedly accused Russia of nuclear sabre rattling but said this was wrong, and pointed out that it was the United States which had used nuclear weapons against Japan in World War Two.

Putin, speaking to senior editors of international news agencies in St Petersburg, said that Russia's nuclear doctrine permits such weapons to be used in response to a number of threats.


Putin has been using the example of Nagasaki and Hiroshima a LOT lately. Russia's nuclear doctrine does INDEED permit such weapons. I think he's using WW2 Japan to make his case that he is saving lives by nuking Ukraine. I think he will use small tactical nukes - neutron bombs to limit the exposure to Radiation in the border areas of Russia. Also to preserve infrastructure.

He is preparing his legal defences ahead of time, giving plenty of warning, explaining his reasoning and using Japan as a precedent.