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Putin may be in deep trouble and it might be because of something he did or perhaps thought regarding ISRAEL


I'm listening to Konstantin of Inside Russia - YouTube - and there is some evidence that the Russians are restless and cranky and are about to tackle Putin with pitchforks and torches metaphorically speaking. It's bad. But it's what Putin's done to save himself that is even worse and might have Gog Magog consequences!

Putin's in trouble. His popularity is slipping, the "special operation" in Ukraine is going badly and Kursk is gone to the Ukrainians (with a lot of help from the American tax payer and other NATO assets)

https://thehill.com/opinion/interna...an-mercenary-leader-has-turned-against-putin/ https://thehill.com/opinion/interna...an-mercenary-leader-has-turned-against-putin/ backs this up from another point of view. -- a re run of last years failed coup only this time maybe there's more to it. Which lines up with what Konstantin is saying. Unlike Putin's "chef" Prigozhin, who died in a mysterious plane crash after attempting a coup and changing his mind half way thru last summer, this new coup might have a chance. Unless Putin manages to save himself by turning to the Chechens.

Back to Inside Russia and the ISRAEL FACTOR and a possible connection to the buildup to Gog Magog.

Whenever there is strangeness on a high order in Russia and it seems to connect at any point with Israel it's worth a look.

So those who bless Israel are blessed, those who curse Israel are cursed.

WHAT DID PUTIN DO? The last 2 weeks. His behaviour is odd even by Russian standards, even by Biden's standards. Even by the standards of any Emergency Dept at midnight on a Full MOON!

On Aug 11 Putin fired Gerasimov the head of the Russian Army and war in Ukraine. He appointed the head of the secret police to take charge of Russian Armed Forces in his place. That news was buried inside Russia and reported for a day around the world, not much attention.

24 hours LATER he fired the KGB guy and appointed someone else! His personal bodyguard! But not quite so tidy. The KGB guy is still in charge sort of, while the body guard is making the decisions.

Just over 24 hours, 3 different heads of the Russian Army! A disgruntled top general, an annoyed and disgruntled head of the KGB and now Putin's personal bodyguard. An inexperienced body guard is now in charge of the Russian military, at the highest level.

since Aug 12 when he held that exciting military meeting - Putin hasn't commented on the Ukraine war. He's gone silent. Meanwhile the refugees from Kursk are all over Russia. Talking about how it's not going well in Ukraine.

NOW IT GETS INTERESTING (and weirdly Islamic!)

Aug 13 (14:30 time stamp in video) Putin held talks with MAHMOUD ABBAS, leader of the Palestinian Authority!!! He promised him NOT to Forget about the Palestinians!!!

A couple of days later he meets with Chechnya's head of the province Kadyrov(this is the heartland of Russia's Muslim terror problem) more on him later.

Putin failed to recognize a significant anniversary of a Muslim terrorist attack in Russia. Significant sign of a turn towards Islamic factions within Russia!!! He wouldn't normally miss this!

Chechnyans are loyal to Putin. This is Putin's ace in the hole. The somewhat private army that the Chechnyans have may be his safe fortress against those who are after him within Russia. Or they may be ready to fight to the finish in Ukraine. These are not ordinary drunken Russians, but Muslims intent on conquest! Jihad! According to Wiki, they are the 141st Special Motorized Regiment, also known as the Kadyrovites and the Akhmat special forces unit. This is a paramilitary organization in Chechnya, Russia, that serves as the protection of the Head of the Chechen Republic. Get that??? They serve to protect Kadyrov. Putin's buddy.

Around the 20:00 to 30:00 mark Konstantin points this out: Putin loves power. Why he does what he does. He will do anything to hang onto his power. Putin can't do anything with the Russian Army in it's current state of disarray. He has a number of enemies within Russia. The Turkish president was a mediator with the West for Putin, and he stopped talking to Putin. Turkish ambassadors told Russian Foreign Minister the Russians won't sell Russian gas there or anywhere. Gazprom's bankruptcy is coming.

The only exit is a ceasefire and peace, which is his political suicide. He is cornered. Enter Chechnya and it's leader Kadyrov.

What can he give in exchange for his safety?

31:52 PUTIN KISSES THE KORAN IN PUBLIC! This is a shocker from a Russian point of view. Putin's entire career since the fall of the USSR has been tied to his public persona as a defender of the Russian Orthodox Church! Kadyrov the Chechnyan leader smiles as he does so. Putin looks uncomfortable doing it.

And yesterday this from Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/europ...ht-ukraine-surprise-trip-chechnya-2024-08-21/

Listening to all this I'm struck by the possibilities of the Gog Magog group pulling together with an Islamic twist as it should be because this is a predominately Islamic invasion with the exception of Russia's leader.

Who now all of a sudden is kissing up to the Islamic groups near and far from Turkey's Erdogan, to Mahmoud Abbas and Kadyrov. He is literally kissing the Koran! UNHEARD OF in Russia.

As Konstantin said this is a message- Look and see who is the boss now in Russia!!! It's Islam, under Kadyrov!

I'm only half way thru but I'm posting this now. I will add more notes below from the second half of Konstantin's message today. This is rather much like a 9.0 earthquake in Russian thinking.
Azerbaijan is in the mix. They are the little tiny country between Russia and Iran basically. And they were meeting with Putin in the middle of all this. Then immediately after meeting with Putin, the leader of Azerbaijan goes straight over to Uzbekistan (another of the Islamic 'Stans' that are part of the Magog nations) Konstantin seemed to think that was important but he didn't explain why.

The fact that the "Stans" are getting excited to work with a Koran kissing Russian leader is interesting to say the least. Especially when they were happy to leave the USSR. Ditto the Chechens who wanted to form their own country called Chechnya. Another Islamic situation.

But then THIS: Day after Putin's visit, Azerbaijan applies to join Russia and China in the BRICS alliance

"BAKU, Azerbaijan (AP) — Azerbaijan formally applied Tuesday to join the BRICS bloc of developing economies, a day after Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s visit to the oil-rich South Caucasus country to shore up regional ties and secure Moscow’s under-pressure trade routes."

The BRICS, another little signpost pointing to prophetic alignments at the end of the age. THAT is what Konstantin was hinting at.

The BRICS include China, Iran and others such as Egypt and Ethiopia.
Azerbaijan is in the mix. They are the little tiny country between Russia and Iran basically. And they were meeting with Putin in the middle of all this. Then immediately after meeting with Putin, the leader of Azerbaijan goes straight over to Uzbekistan (another of the Islamic 'Stans' that are part of the Magog nations) Konstantin seemed to think that was important but he didn't explain why.

The fact that the "Stans" are getting excited to work with a Koran kissing Russian leader is interesting to say the least. Especially when they were happy to leave the USSR. Ditto the Chechens who wanted to form their own country called Chechnya. Another Islamic situation.

But then THIS: Day after Putin's visit, Azerbaijan applies to join Russia and China in the BRICS alliance

"BAKU, Azerbaijan (AP) — Azerbaijan formally applied Tuesday to join the BRICS bloc of developing economies, a day after Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s visit to the oil-rich South Caucasus country to shore up regional ties and secure Moscow’s under-pressure trade routes."

The BRICS, another little signpost pointing to prophetic alignments at the end of the age. THAT is what Konstantin was hinting at.
Wow how things change quickly !!! Thanks Margery
This war in Ukraine seems to be pulling a lot of the Ezek 38 gang together, with others not mentioned such as China. Along with the recent economic problems that the BRICS seem intent on using to their advantage.

I don't expect any of this to hit the western news media any time quick other than as very different news items that don't appear connected. But the look on Putin's face as he kissed that Koran, and the gloating delight on the face of Kadyrov was ASTONISHING to see. I never thought I'd see THAT!
This war in Ukraine seems to be pulling a lot of the Ezek 38 gang together, with others not mentioned such as China. Along with the recent economic problems that the BRICS seem intent on using to their advantage.

I don't expect any of this to hit the western news media any time quick other than as very different news items that don't appear connected. But the look on Putin's face as he kissed that Koran, and the gloating delight on the face of Kadyrov was ASTONISHING to see. I never thought I'd see THAT!
The world is distracted right now on the US elections and to a lesser degree the rioting in the UK.

You're right that this is a perfect time for Putin to make background moves like this.
The world is distracted right now on the US elections and to a lesser degree the rioting in the UK.

You're right that this is a perfect time for Putin to make background moves like this.
This is about money and power. Putin wants to hang onto both. Money is important- the Stans are big in the plans for a supply route for Putin's gas and oil. Azerbaijan helps sell Russian oil and gas to bypass the sanctions and he needs to increase that.

somehow Gog retains control of Magog which is the southern areas - the Stans and Ukraine.

Putin's grip on things might be a little shaky, and perhaps God moves him out of the top spot before it really starts shaking. Meanwhile this is amazing to see. If he isn't the human face of Gog, then someone else might grab power. Kadyrov seems likely but he'd want to use Putin or someone like Putin to keep the Russian Orthodox Russians happy. Do the sock puppet thing with Putin as the face of leadership while Kadyrov and the Muslims control things.

We might see this continue to shift and change as the chess pieces move themselves into position for their end times performances. It's an amazing sight. Even if it takes a year or two it's sure shaping up fast.
@Margery Did Konstantin say anything about the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) Patriarch Kirill?

Patriarch Kirill has an obligation under ROC church law to do something about the apostate act, especially since it was in public, and especially since it was the State head of ROC.

and because the ROC leader is up to his eyeballs in Ukraine over supporting President Putin in Ukraine and saying the Ukraine Orthodox Church (UOC) isn't a separate national OC, that they're part of ROC because Ukraine is part of Russia.

Wonder if the old Patriarch's days are numbered, either at the hands of KGB, for doing his clerical duty, or at the hands of the ROC if he doesn't do his duty. President Putin has created quite the rotton potato for Patriarch Kirill :eek:
Wow! Unbelievable that he actually kissed the Koran! A long time ago, in my little pea-brain, I wondered if a Muslim “thing” could happen in Russia or with Putin (or with whoever Gog will be) Because I could never figure out how Russia ends up collaborating with Iran and Turkey. Well, now I read your post and then I learn that the Chechnya’s are Sunni, just as the Turkish are Sunni. 12% of Iran is Sunni.
@Margery Did Konstantin say anything about the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) Patriarch Kirill?

Patriarch Kirill has an obligation under ROC church law to do something about the apostate act, especially since it was in public, and especially since it was the State head of ROC.

and because the ROC leader is up to his eyeballs in Ukraine over supporting President Putin in Ukraine and saying the Ukraine Orthodox Church (UOC) isn't a separate national OC, that they're part of ROC because Ukraine is part of Russia.

Wonder if the old Patriarch's days are numbered, either at the hands of KGB, for doing his clerical duty, or at the hands of the ROC if he doesn't do his duty. President Putin has created quite the rotton potato for Patriarch Kirill :eek:
No he didn't but then Konstantin hasn't got a high opinion of Patriarch Kirill. Konstantin is a humble ordinary Russian Orthodox Christian who ends his livestreams with prayer. He hates the church heirarchy and political ambitions with a passion. He loves Jesus.

Patriarch Kirill got where he did, by a great deal of pleasing the political bosses. It's how it's done in the RO church in Russia. Kirill is not unlike Pope Franny the Hippy Pope- a political creature surviving and thriving and rising to the top based on a lot of unsavoury connections. Little to do with the Bible, lots to do with keeping up with the former KGB officer named Putin who was on a similar quest to rule Russia.

In fact that is more or less the relationship between Putin and Kirill. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Both benefit. ZERO to do with genuine faith although perhaps I'm wrong and Kirill and Putin will surprise us all in the Rapture. God alone knows the heart.

I've seen articles that suggest that Kirill's motives in supporting Putin's rise to power were based on the fact that Putin was offering power to those church types that supported him.

The monopoly on church within Russia. The RO has always had an unholy joy in persecuting Baptists and others who don't fit their mold even while THEY were being somewhat persecuted under true Communism in the USSR days when church was outlawed.

The RO is enjoying it's comeback, and it's position as the State sanctioned Russian church. And back to creating misery for all those calling themselves Christian who aren't part of the Russian Orthodox church.

That goes a bit further- they also feel that they need to stamp out the Ukrainian blended church which is a hybrid of RO and Catholicism. Putin was flying the Black Madonna over Crimea and Ukraine as soon as he got his sweaty paws on it when the Pope gave it back to Russia. There is a superstitious reason for that. He was "consecrating" the territory to the Icon of the Black Madonna. Much the same as Catholics "consecrate" stuff to the sacred heart of Mary. This was intended to cause the icon (and the spirit behind it, which has nothing to do with Mary and I suspect is another version of Artemis of the Ephesians) to give him dominion over that territory.

The RO church blessed this endeavour as they want to stamp out the Ukrainian heresy as they see it, and both Putin and Kirill wanted to get Ukraine back into their power.

So that is the backstory about Kirill and how he fits in.

ONTO what Kirill would do to Putin for kissing a Koran. In a word. NOTHING! Unless Putin became a problem for Kirill then he'd stab him in the back quite easily. Kirill will support Putin as long as it's in Kirill's best interests. When that changes, Kirill will help finish Putin off.

For the good of Mother Russia of course!!!

As for the others in the upper echalons of power in the RO church, they too are political creatures! The ones that truly have a heart for the Lord and I've met a few don't tend to get promoted.
Found another weird, but possibly interesting puzzle-piece (maybe?)

A report from a Syrian source:
President Assad who came to Russia for a state visit stayed in Russia and did not return... he is there with his family members.
What do the Russians know?
Is there a fear for the life of the Syrian president?
Did the fear of a regional war in which Syria would be involved make him stay?
Isaiah 17:1

What's interesting is the money angle.

Russia has resources, wealth tied up in gold, oil, natural gas etc but because of sanctions, that wealth remains unavailable except as Russia sells it thru third parties like Azerbaijan.

Because of that bottle neck, their economy at home is suffering.

Found another weird, but possibly interesting puzzle-piece (maybe?)

A report from a Syrian source:
President Assad who came to Russia for a state visit stayed in Russia and did not return... he is there with his family members.
What do the Russians know?
Is there a fear for the life of the Syrian president?
Did the fear of a regional war in which Syria would be involved make him stay?
Isaiah 17:1

Wow!!! I was typing the above and saw your post. Just WOW!

Erika I'm still gasping from yesterday trying to see all this and take it in. It's moving faster than I can wrap my head around it.

This afternoon I watched this with Britt Gillette - YouTube in which he's explaining how war between Russia and Ukraine is escalating and why. It involves a lot of NATO stirring the pot.

And MonkeyWerx - YouTube also has some ideas about that war but this one I only listened with half an ear so I missed a lot

And Konstantin was talking about this today: Volgograd: Four officials dead in Russian jail hostage-taking - this is from the BBC so it's toned down a lot, but there is a LOT LOT LOT of muslim unrest happening in Russia at the moment. This was ISIS at work. Although you wouldn't know it unless you read the article to the very end when the puzzling mystery is solved and ISIS is identified.

And Modi of India (a member of the BRICS) showed up to hug Zelensky in an apparent attempt at peace. Marred by the fact that Modi had already hugged Putin previously on the same day as Russian strikes on a Kyiv hospital killed Ukrainian children. India ready to help find peace, Modi tells Ukraine's Zelensky