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Purple haze! Maine residents baffled by mysterious magenta vapor filling the sky


Purple haze! Maine residents baffled by mysterious magenta vapor filling the sky

Natalie O'Neill
August 4, 2023

Maine residents are smoking mad about this purple plume.
Maine residents were baffled and outraged by a mysterious purple vapor that filled the sky in Portland on Thursday and Friday — calling it potentially hazardous pollution fit for a supernatural horror story, according to reports.
Workers first spotted the magenta vapor billowing from the smokestack at the Ecomaine waste energy plant on Thursday morning, likely due to burning iodine, wmtw.com reported.
“Isn’t this how @StephenKing books begin?,” tweeted Alexander Hitchen, who snapped photos of the eerie scene.

Ecomaine claimed the purple pollution — which can cause health problems — was halted within hours, but it reappeared Friday, according to the station.

“This was probably caused by a larger than normal amount of iodine present in the waste stream all at once,” Kevin Roche, CEO of Ecomaine, said Thursday. “Fortunately, our plant employees were able to correct the situation in 2 ½ hours and get the plant back to normal operations.


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