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The carnage left behind by Hamas’ massacre of Israeli citizens and several from other countries shocked and deeply saddened me as I read hundreds of messages and viewed a few pictures of the slain.

Because the tragic events of October 7, 2023, involve Israel, prophetic implications from what's happening in the Middle East will reverberate long afterward.

Is it the fulfillment of Psalm 83? Before the tragic events of October 7, 2023, several respected Bible prophecy experts said the Psalm refers to a future attack while other such specialists placed it in the past. Although it’s not clear whether or not all the participants listed in verses 6-8 will join the coming war, the opening verses to the Psalm apply to the plotting of Israel’s current


The carnage left behind by Hamas’ massacre of Israeli citizens and several from other countries shocked and deeply saddened me as I read hundreds of messages and viewed a few pictures of the slain.

Because the tragic events of October 7, 2023, involve Israel, prophetic implications from what's happening in the Middle East will reverberate long afterward.

Is it the fulfillment of Psalm 83? Before the tragic events of October 7, 2023, several respected Bible prophecy experts said the Psalm refers to a future attack while other such specialists placed it in the past. Although it’s not clear whether or not all the participants listed in verses 6-8 will join the coming war, the opening verses to the Psalm apply to the plotting of Israel’s current


That is a reality that all of us watchman/woman are definitely paying attention to. Definitely opening eyes of unbelievers and hopefully their hearts to receive/believe God's Truth/Word. Pretty amazing to be alive in these times and see God's Word continue to pour forth his truth, what is written. Our redemption sure is getting close! :)
Whatever this war ends up becoming I think it’s highly significant.

For one thing I am amazed by the way Israel went from a politically fractured nation, riots in Jerusalem and soldiers threatening to go on strike to a united front against the world and their enemies.

That happened overnight and at a cost not seen since their founding.

The other significant change has been the horrifying increase in antisemitism around the world and the hostility against the Jews everywhere.

I think for those 2 reasons we could be seeing the stage set for a number of prophecies- quite possibly one after the other each one leading into the next.

The battle between Heaven and the forces of evil is getting more obvious but when we see it involving Israel that suggests the prophetic time clock is in play.