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Posting Rules

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Staff member
Posting Rules

As you have read in the board welcome message, we ask that members operate as the New Testament directs us. We ask that you view all the members here as your brothers and sisters in Christ—which they are—and let that govern the content and the tone of your posts. After all, as David began the 133rd Psalm: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity!”
  1. Give grace to others. People may hold to differing opinions about many things spiritual, yet still be true members of the Body of Christ.
  2. Do not criticize or denigrate the sincere beliefs of other members. You may question and debate; but you may not judge them on the forum.
  3. Be careful what you write. They say words spoken cannot be taken back; but words written truly last forever. Since written communication lacks all of the subtle cues of face-to-face speech, it is easy for someone to unintentionally offend you. Correct them if necessary—but with love. Also: what you write will be seen by others, and is a reflection of our walk with the Lord and the Church as a whole. Please consider that before you post: we are ambassadors of Jesus Christ.
  4. Be very, very careful with dreams and personal words of prophecy. Our faith—and this board—is founded on the objective, immutable, infallible Word of God as presented in the 66 books of the Bible. Personal “words” and dreams and visions are subjective. Too many deceptions have entered the church via such means. We are not going to outright ban such things because we have had experiences educating us to the fact that sometimes God does speak to His children in such ways. But they are rare. So, let’s stick exclusively to the Word, unless what you have to offer is in perfect alignment with it and encourages the reader and glorifies Jesus Christ. And the Mod Team will make the final decision as to whether a post meets these guidelines.
  5. Please do not upload graphics or videos. We have limited storage space; graphics and videos eat up an enormous amount of storage space that we just do not have. You can post links if you like (although the mod team will keep an eye on such material in accordance with rule 6 below.) However, if you start a thread based on a link, you MUST add a paragraph or two describing the subject of the link along with the link itself. Please do not start a thread about a link without giving enough information for members to decide whether to click on it or not. This is simple kindness.
  6. Please do not copy entire articles and post them here. In most cases you will be violating the article creator’s copyright and will subject this site to legal action against us. Just because somebody puts something up on the web, does not mean it is fair for anybody to use it. Copyright laws are very real. Only post a short portion of an article or news story, sufficient to give a sense of the story and to raise interest in it. And make sure to include a link to the entire article.
  7. Be careful with whom you share personal information on the boards/ in Private Messages. As you know, the boards are visible to folks online; any personal info you post is like putting that info on a billboard out in the real world! As for sharing personal info in private messages: unless you know the person very well (in real life or friends for many years), you should consider it carefully before doing so! We're not "forbidding it'; we're simply asking you to use caution in divulging such information. As a note: CCF Admin and moderators are not responsible for anything resulting from sharing your info; that will be your responsibility entirely. Also, if you do not want to use the private message system or have other members be able to pm you, please let us know and we will remove you from the private message system.
  8. Be careful what video links you include in your posts. This goes for text links as well. The internet is like the old Wild West. Anything goes. And there is a LOT of craziness out there purporting to be God’s Word, prophecy, and whatever. Please make sure that if you post a link the video you are linking to is legitimate, factual, and brings encouragement and understanding rather than fear, uncertainty and doom. Yes, there is a lot of bad stuff in the world and worse coming down the road. But we do not need to be fearful. God is with us; He has conquered death and the grave; nothing can happen without His permission; and—just as God’s people (Deuteronomy 32:10) and King David (Psalms 17:8) are described “as the apple of God’s eye”—so are we also His beloved (Zephaniah 3:17; Romans 1:7; Romans 9:25). In fact we are His Bride (John 3:29; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:25,31-32; Isaiah 54:5; Revelation 19:7). And God will not subject His Bride to his wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). In fact, God says in Hosea that He has espoused His Bride to Himself “forever” … in righteousness, justice, loving devotion, compassion and faithfulness. (Hosea 2:19-20a).
  9. Not all sources are welcome here. We try to provide a safe place where our members can freely discuss Bible related topics, world affairs, and enjoy fellowship with one another. (Proverbs 13:20; 1 Cor 15:33; Proverbs 4:15; Romans 16:17; Proverbs 1:15) There is occasionally going to be a source that we feel isn’t in the best interests of our Board or its membership. In those cases those sources will be listed here: Zak the Wretched Watchman, Infowars, Alex Jones Show
  10. Do not be outraged if the Mod Team takes down or edits one of your posts. We are not mean-spirited; we are not picking on you; we are not rejecting you. We are, however, zealous for the Kingdom of God, the purity of the faith, and the spiritual well-being of this board and all on it. Our actions will always—and only—be governed by those values. Please respect and accept our actions. We serve Christ and His people and will always act to protect them… as we believe we are being led.
  11. Do not publicly complain if you are unhappy with us. You are welcome to express your views to us via private message. And you might be able to convince us where we have erred concerning one of your posts. But, for peace and order in this community, please do not begin public arguments with us.
We are hoping that unlike other boards, the foregoing will be the only rules we need. Please follow them along with our Scriptural Truths … for the good of this board and the fellowship of all the saints who gather here.
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