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Pope Francis: ‘All Religions Are a Path to Reach God’

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
ROME — Pope Francis told young people in Singapore on Friday that all religions are paths to God, an affirmation that seems to counter the Christian belief in Jesus Christ as the sole savior of humanity.

In an interreligious meeting with youth at Singapore’s Catholic Junior College, the pontiff underscored the importance of interreligious dialogue, insisting that there is no point in arguing about who is right since everybody is right.

If people start fighting over whose religion is more important “or saying, ‘Mine is the true religion; yours isn’t true,’ where does that lead? Where?” the pope asked.

All religions are a path to God, says satan's servant.
I'm going to 'mark and avoid' each protestant who has sought the pope's blessings (Rick Warren for one).

Unfortunately, some leaders in Assemblies of God have been working for years to combine the RCC and AOG. One of my relatives is a leader in the US AOG and has bragged about this :sob:
What? Literally combine the denomination with the RCC? Never heard of this. I am so sorry.
There is a reason non-Catholic Christians in the West are called PROTESTants :tap:

FWIW, The Orthodox (Eastern Church) were the original PROTESTants, having split from the Roman Church (RCC) (Western Church) in 1054 (Great Schism). Martin Luther posted his 95 theses in 1517 and wrote the Smalcald Articles in 1537.

IAW RCC doctrine and church law, the Pope needs to repent, recant, and do penance, or be excommunicated for his apostasy and heresy. Is there a Cardinal/group of Cardinals with the courage to start church discipline procedures against the Pope? How about the Priest at the home parish of the Pope? It's actually his responsibility.
According to Martin Luther:

"Therefore the Church can never be better governed and preserved than if we all live under one head, Christ, and all the bishops equal in office (although they be unequal in gifts), be diligently joined in unity of doctrine, faith, Sacraments, prayer, and works of love, etc., as St. Jerome writes that the priests at Alexandria together and in common governed the churches, as did also the apostles, and afterwards all bishops throughout all Christendom, until the Pope raised his head above all.

This teaching shows forcefully that the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ because he will not permit Christians to be saved without his power, which, nevertheless, is nothing, and is neither ordained nor commanded by God. This is, properly speaking to exalt himself above all that is called God as Paul says, 2 Thess. 2, 4. Even the Turks or the Tartars, great enemies of Christians as they are, do not do this, but they allow whoever wishes to believe in Christ, and take bodily tribute and obedience from Christians.

The Pope, however, prohibits this faith, saying that to be saved a person must obey him. This we are unwilling to do, even though on this account we must die in God s name. This all proceeds from the fact that the Pope has wished to be called the supreme head of the Christian Church by divine right. Accordingly he had to make himself equal and superior to Christ, and had to cause himself to be proclaimed the head and then the lord of the Church, and finally of the whole world, and simply God on earth, until he has dared to issue commands even to the angels in heaven. And when we distinguish the Pope s teaching from, or measure and hold it against, Holy Scripture, it is found [it appears plainly] that the Pope s teaching, where it is best, has been taken from the imperial and heathen law and treats of political matters and decisions or rights, as the Decretals show; furthermore, it teaches of ceremonies concerning churches, garments, food, persons and [similar] puerile, theatrical and comical things without measure, but in all these things nothing at all of Christ, faith, and the commandments of God. Lastly, it is nothing else than the devil himself, because above and against God he urges [and disseminates] his [papal] falsehoods concerning masses, purgatory, the monastic life, one's own works and [fictitious] divine worship (for this is the very Papacy [upon each of which the Papacy is altogether founded and is standing]), and condemns, murders and tortures all Christians who do not exalt and honor these abominations [of the Pope] above all things. Therefore, just as little as we can worship the devil himself as Lord and God, we can endure his apostle, the Pope, or Antichrist, in his rule as head or lord. For to lie and to kill, and to destroy body and soul eternally, that is wherein his papal government really consists, as I have very clearly shown in many books.

In these four articles they will have enough to condemn in the Council. For they cannot and will not concede us even the least point in one of these articles. Of this we should be certain, and animate ourselves with [be forewarned and made firm in] the hope that Christ, our Lord, has attacked His adversary, and he will press the attack home [pursue and destroy him] both by His Spirit and coming. Amen.

For in the Council we will stand not before the Emperor or the political magistrate, as at Augsburg (where the Emperor published a most gracious edict, and caused matters to be heard kindly [and dispassionately]), but [we will appear] before the Pope and devil himself, who intends to listen to nothing, but merely [when the case has been publicly announced] to condemn, to murder and to force us to idolatry. Therefore we ought not here to kiss his feet, or to say: Thou art my gracious lord, but as the angel in Zechariah 3, 2 said to Satan: The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan."

Smalcald Articles, II, IV, 10-16

pdf with numbering at https://infowerke.martinluther.us › Smalcald Articles.pdf

This Pope is trying to unite Christianity (the RCC) with islam and Judaism. The multi-faith worship complex that's supposed to accommodate all three religions . . . Abrahamic Family House, located in United Arab Emirates, facilitated by agreement between Pope and imam :puke: :apost: :ban:

Without going into details of islamic eschatology, the description of Antichrist in the Bible is very similar to the islamic eschatological mahdi, although islam veiws him favorably and expects him to usher in worldwide golden age of islam. Yet another indicator that the author or islam is satan and the religion is evil.

The devil deceiving, leading away, and destroying with lies, lies, and more lies.
And sadly, this is what happens when believers don’t take the responsibility to read and study their own Bibles. They don’t hold their leadership accountable for their error…wolves slip in and lead the leadership into even greater error…and the wolves themselves get into leadership…eventually the denomination becomes apostate. Makes me realize how much of a responsibility we have to stay in the word, not only for ourselves and own walks but for the sake of our own churches and the people in them!!
I'm going to 'mark and avoid' each protestant who has sought the pope's blessings (Rick Warren for one).

Unfortunately, some leaders in Assemblies of God have been working for years to combine the RCC and AOG. One of my relatives is a leader in the US AOG and has bragged about this :sob:
Do you know of any articles out there about this? I have been trying to verify this so I can share it with my own church and I can’t find anything.
Do you know of any articles out there about this? I have been trying to verify this so I can share it with my own church and I can’t find anything.
It's one of my niece's husband. I'm not AOG, but her mom (my sister) is. She was bragging about it to me.

In my opinion the AOG is very loosey goosey when it comes to biblical authority, add to that the fact that their leadership are not known for transparency or humility.

They would be among the denominations that wouldn't 'join' the RCC but seek the sort of reconciliation that pope is offering. It's been a large outreach position of this particular pope's. I kind of liked Pope Benedict, read one of his books, but even he had confusion about the Bible's authority. He was brilliant and had close Jewish friends, but had reasoned that they are saved without Jesus if they are good Jews.
Is there a Cardinal/group of Cardinals with the courage to start church discipline procedures against the Pope?
Have you followed Bishop Strickland's group who have been against him? He's out of Texas. He almost got removed last I heard.

A couple of years ago a priest known as Father Frank, leader of a group of active priests against abortion, got defrocked due to tweeting positive things about Trump in 2020. (I think his last name is Pravalone?)
IAW RCC doctrine and church law, the Pope needs to repent, recant, and do penance, or be excommunicated for his apostasy and heresy. Is there a Cardinal/group of Cardinals with the courage to start church discipline procedures against the Pope? How about the Priest at the home parish of the Pope? It's actually his responsibility.

Except at some point the doctrine of papal infallibility took hold.
In my opinion the AOG is very loosey goosey when it comes to biblical authority, add to that the fact that their leadership are not known for transparency or humility.
Yes I have visited in their churches quite a few times in the past and did find the same thing.
And although they have been in error for quite a while (women teaching and in authority, among other things) I am still shocked at this possibility. I pray that those who are genuine but simply in error see this and run like the wind.
Except at some point the doctrine of papal infallibility took hold.

He needs to repent and recant, of that, too :tap:
He's in a position that he could declare that doctrine in error and have it officially removed from RCC.

Papal infallibility was supposed to be only Excathedra (literally "from the chair in Latin," so when the Pope's speaking from his chair/throne on church/doctrine/Bible matters only), but it's gotten a lot broader.

and even if Papal infallibility were only from the Pope's chair/throne on specific things, the Pope is a sinful human being, so the doctrine would still be erroneous.
Have you followed Bishop Strickland's group who have been against him? He's out of Texas. He almost got removed last I heard.

A couple of years ago a priest known as Father Frank, leader of a group of active priests against abortion, got defrocked due to tweeting positive things about Trump in 2020. (I think his last name is Pravalone?)

Looks like a lot of Bishops and Cardinals got/getting removed from their positions, although not actually defrocked. A lot of ranking RCC clergy speaking up all over the world, but the Pope just replaces them with someone more to his liking.