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Pastors, please lead your Sunday services in prayer for Israel — Iran has launched its 1st-ever direct drone and missile attack on the Jewish state

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL — Dear pastors and priests around the world:

In the Bible — in Psalm 122:6 — the Lord commands true believers to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
Many of you do this already.
But never have we needed your prayers and those of your church members more than right now.
I’m asking, therefore, that you would lead your church services in prayer for Israel on Sunday morning.

At this hour, we here in Israel are facing the first-ever direct attack by the Iranian regime against the Jewish state.
Around 11pm Israel time on Saturday night, Tehran launched more than 100 killer drones at Israel from Iranian soil, rather than using terror proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah to launch such attacks.

There are also multiple (but so far unconfirmed) reports that Iran has launched missiles at Israel.
In the Bible — in Psalm 122:6 — the Lord commands true believers to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
Many of you do this already.
But never have we needed your prayers and those of your church members more than right now.
I’m asking, therefore, that you would lead your church services in prayer for Israel on Sunday morning.