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Palestinian Islamic Jihad is firing on Jerusalem

So far no direct hits. Rockets have been intercepted, except 1 that fell in Bethlehem in heavily palestinian populated area.

Hopefully, the Church of the Nativity, Manger Square, and the other important historical sites there are OK. And the shops where they make and sell the olive wood Nativities, etc. Oh, and the post office, from which I mailed my Christmas cards on Christmas Day, one year :)

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Yes, like the John the Baptist Souvenir shop,
where the "Palestinian" guide took us after the tour.....
Was the guide an Arab Christian? Some of them "blend in" with the muslim majority very well, since Christians are sometimes subject to the same violence Jewish people are in the West Bank. Bethlehem's probably the safest place since there are so many Christian tourists, though.

Did you pay one of the kids to watch your vehicle? The small amounts of money tourists "tip" the kids to do so make huge differences to their families. Plus your vehicle doesn't end up with anything "extra" attached to it. Even so, I always checked very carefully, especially since it was a Multinational Forces and Observers (MFO) vehicle.

How did you like your time in Israel? Favorite place(s)?