One of Obama’s little pseudointellectual gimmicks was very visibly holding topical books to send a signal ahead of a policy intifada. One of those infamous moments came when he was showing off Fareed Zakaria’s “The Post-American World”.
That’s not something Biden does.
Biden’s not much of a reader and he hasn’t bothered with that kind of posturing before, but then shortly after forcing a ceasefire on Israel using an arms embargo, he was photographed while ‘pulling an Obama’.
President Biden was photographed exiting the Nantucket Bookworks bookstore in Massachusetts with a copy of an anti-Israel screed by Obama’s old pal Rashid Khalidi who had been a terrorist spokesman. Was Biden really planning to read through ‘The Hundred-Year War on Palestine: A History of Colonialism and Resistance’ which slurs Israel as an ‘apartheid state’ and describes Islamic terrorism against Jews as ‘resistance’?
After the Oct 7 attacks, Khalidi defended Hamas, claimed that its members really wanted peace and that Hamas had opened “a door that the United States, Europe and Israel slammed shut”.
“If you can’t go to the International Criminal Court or do a BDS,” Khalidi argued, “then you pick up a gun.”
Khalidi was so toxic that the Los Angeles Times had permanently buried a video of Obama’s toast for the former terror spokesman.
So why is Biden showing off a copy of Khalidi’s hate tract?
That’s not something Biden does.
Biden’s not much of a reader and he hasn’t bothered with that kind of posturing before, but then shortly after forcing a ceasefire on Israel using an arms embargo, he was photographed while ‘pulling an Obama’.
President Biden was photographed exiting the Nantucket Bookworks bookstore in Massachusetts with a copy of an anti-Israel screed by Obama’s old pal Rashid Khalidi who had been a terrorist spokesman. Was Biden really planning to read through ‘The Hundred-Year War on Palestine: A History of Colonialism and Resistance’ which slurs Israel as an ‘apartheid state’ and describes Islamic terrorism against Jews as ‘resistance’?
After the Oct 7 attacks, Khalidi defended Hamas, claimed that its members really wanted peace and that Hamas had opened “a door that the United States, Europe and Israel slammed shut”.
“If you can’t go to the International Criminal Court or do a BDS,” Khalidi argued, “then you pick up a gun.”
Khalidi was so toxic that the Los Angeles Times had permanently buried a video of Obama’s toast for the former terror spokesman.
So why is Biden showing off a copy of Khalidi’s hate tract?

Obama Signals He Controls Biden and He's Coming for Israel | Frontpage Mag
Bad news for America and Israel.