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Noah, Lot, and the Last Trump?

So long as there are enough civil service employees left behind, the government will more or less function. Elected officials come and go, but except at the most senior levels, the bureaucrats are there "forever." An elected official isn't required for a government employee to issue driver's licenses, marriage licenses, building permits, employee paychecks, get the roads plowed, etc., etc., etc.

At one law enforcement agency where I worked, there was a time that if the Rapture had happened, only one or two officers would have been able to report for work :lol: Another place would have been completely empty :lol:
The military will be decimated.
I often wonder how many people globally will die as a direct result of the rapture. Such as passengers on a suddenly pilotless plane, or cars, trains, Drs and nurses gone while operating….,etc….

I worry about my dog, but she's good enough looking and has valuable skills,especially in a without-rule-of-law world, so someone will take care of her until they're forced to eat her. I just hope they kill her mercifully and quickly. OTOH, someone might have to kill her when they come for my stuff since she's so protective and territorial. Or she might get hit by a 100 pound hailstone. Although she's got such a hard head that that might not bother her at all :lol: And, she's having some issues right now, so maybe God's going to take her before the Rapture. In any case, I'll see her again and forever.
It's funny because I do hear 2 responses from the unsaved about what's going on around us:

1: the majority- "It's always been like this, even in ancient Rome they were talking about the good old days and how bad modern times were"- my unsaved relatives- failing to recognize that Rome fell as every empire does- from within.

2: the minority- "Dunno what it is but something feels OFF! Things are getting REALLY BAD" -my hairdresser that I'm witnessing to for the last 21 years.

and sort of the same from the Christians around me:
I hear that the most -- things have always been that bad, we just didn't hear about everything before modern technology.

If things have always been this bad, then why do we have monitored alarms and multiple locks on the doors and windows these days, and still sometimes get burgled/robbed, and once upon a time people didn't bother locking their doors or windows?

If things have always been this bad, then why are teachers getting fired because some kid whined that the teacher used the correct pronoun for his or her gender instead of the perverted make-believe one, and it used to be that teachers were so revered and respected (and maybe feared) that kids shut up and stood up when the teacher walked into the room?


:tap: :ban:
If things have always been this bad, then why do we have monitored alarms and multiple locks on the doors and windows these days, and still sometimes get burgled/robbed, and once upon a time people didn't bother locking their doors or windows?

If things have always been this bad, then why are teachers getting fired because some kid whined that the teacher used the correct pronoun for his or her gender instead of the perverted make-believe one, and it used to be that teachers were so revered and respected (and maybe feared) that kids shut up and stood up when the teacher walked into the room?
