New Target: Homeschoolers
By Hal Lindsey
The Washington Post called their long, long article “immersive reporting and narrative writing.” But it felt like a hit piece on the rapidly growing homeschool movement in the United States. Homeschoolers now have a target on their backs. The article took aim at them, and others will follow. So, if you are a part of the homeschooling community, get ready. The powers-that-be are about to do everything they can to bring you down.
By Hal Lindsey
The Washington Post called their long, long article “immersive reporting and narrative writing.” But it felt like a hit piece on the rapidly growing homeschool movement in the United States. Homeschoolers now have a target on their backs. The article took aim at them, and others will follow. So, if you are a part of the homeschooling community, get ready. The powers-that-be are about to do everything they can to bring you down.
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