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New Target: Homeschoolers

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New Target: Homeschoolers

By Hal Lindsey

The Washington Post called their long, long article “immersive reporting and narrative writing.” But it felt like a hit piece on the rapidly growing homeschool movement in the United States. Homeschoolers now have a target on their backs. The article took aim at them, and others will follow. So, if you are a part of the homeschooling community, get ready. The powers-that-be are about to do everything they can to bring you down.

WARNING! RANT follows.

Some places, homeschoolers have had a target on their backs since the early 60s when the Bible and prayer were removed from the public schools. Other places, not until the 70s when busing to desegregate the schools became widespread and people pulled their kids to homeschool or go to private schools to avoid them being taken to bad schools in dangerous areas. Some places, it's all about the money because every homeschooled child means less money for the public schools due to lo headcount criteria for funding. In some places, school choice vouchers and allowances for homchooling cause further financial incentives to the teacher unions and school districts to come after homeschoolers and people that place their children in private schools.

And, since most homeschooled kids do better on standardized tests, there's incentive for TPTB to get these students back into public schools, where their test scores would help improve the apparent, but not real, public school achievement. These places don't care if they never see the kids, who do poorly on the standardized tests, and who often spend a lot of time absent, truant, suspended, expelled, or arrested/in Juvenile justice system facilities. This often extends to homeless, migrant, or other kids, whose parents don't pay taxes in the district, even indirectly via rent. Sometimes, the lack of caring extends to sick, injured, or disabled kids that spend a lot of time in the hospital, rehab, or at home for legitimate medical needs, especially if they need extra resources, such as Special Education or on-site accommodation.

:mad: 😠 :headbang: