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If you talk against a prospects religion they will go on the defensive and shut you down. What you can do is talk about their righteousness as filthy rags and that sacraments doesn't save you, but don't make it about denomination, keep it vaguely about their righteousness.
My observation has been that generally the simple preaching of the Word and only the Word keeps defenses down better rather than directly attacking personal practicing religion. And by hearing the truth that allows for one to see for themselves what the lies are vs. God's truth, if they are willing.
Same for Christians caught up in false teaching (although there is a time and place for direct challeges).
Exactly: when there are direct questions and/ or challenges, then we address those. But we never turn it into an ad hominem ("to the man") attack.
I've found most respond when when they are simply given the info and are allowed to decide on their own. Make yourself available for any follow-up questions or suggest a good resource if need be.
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