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Netanyahu to Iran at UN — 'If you strike us, we will strike you'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran not to directly attack the Jewish state, as he addressed the United Nations General Assembly on Friday morning.
“If you strike us, we will strike you,” Netanyahu said.

“There is no place in Iran where the long arm of Israel can not reach,” Netanyahu said.
“Far from being lambs led to the slaughter, Israel will fight back,” Netanyahu said, adding, “We are winning.”

Netanyahu spoke to the plenum as his country is fighting a multi-front war against Iranian proxies, namely Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.


His words would mean more if Israel had done a little bit more (a lot more) after Iran sent the 300 or so bombs towards Israel not too long ago. None-the-less, I suspect Iran is currently afraid to do that again and will have to be content with attacking Israel through its proxies, which may be defeated before long.