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Need a good understanding of how all those Middle East Prophecies tie together AND an encouraging talk all in one?


When Stuff Gets Crazy LOOK UP! Maranatha!
Staff member
Well Bubba of Bubba News to the RESCUE!

Lauren Caron interviews Bubba!

dated 2 weeks ago and it is still fresh and interesting.

starts at 7 minutes in. If you fast forward to 07:00 you won't miss anything important. If you need the Transcript, go to the description box on the Left bottom, open it, and scroll down till you see TRANSCRIPT, and click on that to open it as you are watching on computer or phone or iPad devices.

DON'T be alarmed at the length, this is easy to listen to 15-20 minutes at a time, with breaks to think about what you just heard. It is good as podcast style, BUT Bubba has some terrific slides with maps and charts to help people understand.

Time stamps:

7:48 Jeremiah 49:34-39 and Jer 42:51 Bubba outlines the key players. He discusses how this ties into Damascus - Jer 49:23-27. AND JORDAN.

9:19 Bubba switches to Psalm 83 and how that ties in. He explains why Asaph is both a psalm writer, and a prophet or seer. BUBBA'S explanation of Psalm 83 is even easier to grasp than Bill Salus. Bubba ties it into why it wasn't in '48 or '67, but it IS for now.

12:30 Bubba ties Psalm 83 into Isaiah 17- the Destruction of Damascus. Why that might be tied into Psalm 83 and the current conflict in Lebanon as well, plus extending to Jordan.

I took frequent breaks, I will go back over it all, because this was jam packed with really good observations tied into current events.

This is kind of Bubba's wheelhouse, News from the Biblical perspective, and it gives a whole overview from his point of view.

A real gem.

If your mind tires easily (mine does) hit pause, do something else, come back.

By the end he and Lauren Caron the host of the show, answer questions (that was a good one too) and finish up with encouragement for those of us who are praying for lost loved ones, knowing the Rapture is coming.

VERY encouraging look.
Well Bubba of Bubba News to the RESCUE!

Lauren Caron interviews Bubba!

dated 2 weeks ago and it is still fresh and interesting.

starts at 7 minutes in. If you fast forward to 07:00 you won't miss anything important. If you need the Transcript, go to the description box on the Left bottom, open it, and scroll down till you see TRANSCRIPT, and click on that to open it as you are watching on computer or phone or iPad devices.

DON'T be alarmed at the length, this is easy to listen to 15-20 minutes at a time, with breaks to think about what you just heard. It is good as podcast style, BUT Bubba has some terrific slides with maps and charts to help people understand.

Time stamps:

7:48 Jeremiah 49:34-39 and Jer 42:51 Bubba outlines the key players. He discusses how this ties into Damascus - Jer 49:23-27. AND JORDAN.

9:19 Bubba switches to Psalm 83 and how that ties in. He explains why Asaph is both a psalm writer, and a prophet or seer. BUBBA'S explanation of Psalm 83 is even easier to grasp than Bill Salus. Bubba ties it into why it wasn't in '48 or '67, but it IS for now.

12:30 Bubba ties Psalm 83 into Isaiah 17- the Destruction of Damascus. Why that might be tied into Psalm 83 and the current conflict in Lebanon as well, plus extending to Jordan.

I took frequent breaks, I will go back over it all, because this was jam packed with really good observations tied into current events.

This is kind of Bubba's wheelhouse, News from the Biblical perspective, and it gives a whole overview from his point of view.

A real gem.

If your mind tires easily (mine does) hit pause, do something else, come back.

By the end he and Lauren Caron the host of the show, answer questions (that was a good one too) and finish up with encouragement for those of us who are praying for lost loved ones, knowing the Rapture is coming.

VERY encouraging look.
Does Bubba have anything to say how the shrimp population has sunk LOL ?
Does Bubba have anything to say how the shrimp population has sunk LOL ?
Not that I noticed but I was enjoying the fast ride thru all the scriptures I've been puzzling over regards Ezek 38 and Ps 83 and their relationship to one another. As long as you've known me and it's been a while now. Bubba Gump got nothing on this Bubba.
Not that I noticed but I was enjoying the fast ride thru all the scriptures I've been puzzling over regards Ezek 38 and Ps 83 and their relationship to one another. As long as you've known me and it's been a while now. Bubba Gump got nothing on this Bubba.
Yeah i was in the what the heck are you talking about Psalm 83 being a prophecy club but I'm starting to show a lot more leniency to it being a legit prophecy after these past 2 years or so.

I'm just wondering which big war is on the horizon because so many are close to kicking off.
Yeah i was in the what the heck are you talking about Psalm 83 being a prophecy club but I'm starting to show a lot more leniency to it being a legit prophecy after these past 2 years or so.

I'm just wondering which big is war is on the horizon because so many are close to kicking off.
Well he's talking about a combo of Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 with a little bit of Jeremiah 49 swirled into the mix. In short, this war we are seeing play out now, having bits that pertain to each of those

and it's all in preparation for Ezek 38 which he also thinks is after the Rapture and these current wars in Lebanon, Gaza and Syria plus the next little bit in Iran's Elam area will prepare Israel to be in that state of peace for Ezek 38.
Break it up over 2 days , 1 hour each or 4 making it 30 mins each LOL
Or just take it 15 minutes at a time or per day. This is a deep dive into the Bible, not so much about current events, he's pointing out what the Bible says, and how it might fit what we are seeing.

If I split it up in enough little bitties, the Rapture might occur before I'm done.
Hey, there's a thought. That would be awesome. No more need for vids, just watching from the balcony! :rapture: