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NEA Promotes World Hijab Day, Ignores Women Brutalized and Killed for Not Wearing Hijab

Saturday, Feb. 1, is another World Hijab Day, a Western feminist expression of solidarity with Muslim women in the United States who are supposedly oppressed and discriminated against because they wear the hijab. The National Education Association (NEA) is going in for this in a big way out of concern for hijab-wearing Muslim women who have supposedly been discriminated against. Notably absent, however, is any NEA concern for women who have been victimized for not wearing the hijab.

The NEA asserted Wednesday that “Muslim students in the United States—from middle school through college and university—are experiencing harassment, discrimination, and bullying at scary rates, surveys show. On college campuses, 49% of Muslim students experienced harassment or discrimination due to their Muslim identity, they told the Council on American–Islamic Relations-CA in 2024. More than one in three felt targeted by professors; more than half by their peers.” That would be terrible indeed, but it ain’t necessarily so.

Nonetheless, in order to counter this alleged harassment and discrimination, the NEA wants you to observe World Hijab Day, and quotes one of the proponents of the day as saying: “The whole goal is to dismantle Islamophobia.” The idea that there have been any significant manifestations of “Islamophobia” is, however, dubious; note that the NEA relies for its data on the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Yet CAIR has been caught promoting numerous fake hate crimes.

Also, the oppression related to the hijab is not linked to wearing it, but to not wearing it. Actual incidents of Muslim women being harassed or discriminated against for wearing the hijab in the U.S., meanwhile, are extraordinarily hard to find. It’s much easier to find examples of Muslim women in America who falsely claimed that they were being harassed or discriminated against in order to score points on the left’s insane scale of victimhood worship.

