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Anti-Christian Hostility And Restrictions on Religious Freedom Sharply Increase Across Europe


Anti-Christian hate crimes, discrimination, and restrictions on the religious freedom of Christians are increasing in many European countries, according to a new report by the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (OIDAC Europe).

Using government statistics, police data, and information from international and local organizations, OIDAC found 2,444 anti-Christian hate crimes documented by police and civil society in 35 European countries in 2023, including 232 personal attacks on Christians, such as harassment, threats, and physical violence.

The report identifies three countries of particular concern: France, with nearly 1,000 anti-Christian hate crimes in 2023; the United Kingdom, where incidents rose to more than 700; and Germany, which saw a 105% increase in anti-Christian hate crimes from 2022 to 2023. In terms of church vandalism, German police recorded more than 2,000 cases of property damage to Christian places of worship in 2023.

OIDAC’s findings revealed widespread discrimination against Christians in the workplace, noting, “Traditional Christian beliefs, such as the conviction that God created [humans] as male and female for each other, may be labelled as ‘discriminatory’—even if the person has never been found to have discriminated against a colleague or client—and can lead to interrogation, suspension or even dismissal.” In light of this, many Christians, particularly younger people, self-censor or hide their beliefs in order to avoid discrimination at universities and in the workplace.

The report identifies three countries of particular concern: France, with nearly 1,000 anti-Christian hate crimes in 2023; the United Kingdom, where incidents rose to more than 700; and Germany, which saw a 105% increase in anti-Christian hate crimes from 2022 to 2023. In terms of church vandalism, German police recorded more than 2,000 cases of property damage to Christian places of worship in 2023.
Interestingly, three of the nations where Islamic immigration is the highest. Coincidence? I think not.
Interestingly, three of the nations where Islamic immigration is the highest. Coincidence? I think not.
Hello Matt. I think you're right, that might be part of it. There seems to be a lot of hostility towards the gospel from many directions, even from within the church, there are many goats in leadership positions in denominations. What to do about it though, that's the problem. The current UK Labour Government are shocking on just about every level, very hostile to Christianity and they have another 4 years to go.

Anti-Christian hostility I think is another sign of the last days. Britain, once the land of the book, now the land of the crook.

I take encouragement from this scripture: Be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord (Psalm 27:14).

We've been chosen for the tough but privileged assignment, to be carrying the torch in the last of the last days. Even a little light shining in the darkness can be seen from a great distance, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

God Bless :)
I get a LOT more hostility to my Gospel text T shirts and crucifix from woke, PC, LGBTQABCXYZ, new agers, occultists, and satanists than muslims.

I believe the difference between here and Europe is because The Holy Ghost is working here among the muslims, particularly the women. The muslim women have experienced discrimination and worse in their own religion, in their own families, and understand how it feels . . . from that, especially with the older women, who came here from someplace else, there is a unwritten sisterhood kind of a thing. Kindness, compassion, and often interest/curiosity. In many of the countries where the older women came from, wearing Christian attire/symbols could/would be punished by death on the spot, so many have never seen anyone blatantly/openly Christian. Ditto women not being covered head-to-toe, or at least not covering the hair. My white/silver hair has gotten comments from the older women, and I think they just want to see what's on my T shirt and it's the safest way they can get me to turn more toward them if they can't quite read it all at whatever angle. Returning a compliment about their hair being pretty under their covering always gets a smile and thank you, and even if a younger woman has to translate and/or is unhappy with The Gospel being right there, The Holy Ghost does His thing right in front of satan :big grin; :lol: Being older gives a respect/gravitas kind of thing among the older muslim women, as well, because old/elderly are revered and respected in their home culture.

The hindus, muslims, bhuddists, etc. in my building are very curious and excited about the cross on my door that says "He is Risen" :) The Christian family, who escaped persecution in India, have now moved, but they were amazed that it was safe to have a cross on the hallway door to my apartment. When they left, they hadn't yet gotten over their fear of people finding out they were Christians. The former muslims and hindus down the hallway bring their visitors to my door and excitedly explain The Gospel and pray aloud. A few people have gotten a little annoyed because of the noise in the hall, but the men sharing their faith don't care. They just talk louder about Jesus if anyone objects :lol:

When it's going on, I just stay inside and pray, especially since a woman's presence could be extremely counterproductive due to cultural norms and religious beliefs :)

Far be it for me to get in the way of The Holy Ghost :)

FWIW, if a LGBTQABCXYZ person or someone I'm not sure of asks what religion/church I go to, I simply say Lutheran. They generally assume I mean ELCA because it's so prevalent around here, which is at least OK with most of them, so haven't had anything too horrible, and it gives me a chance to talk with them because they don't feel threatened or uncomfortable. Every once in awhile, it's a conservative Christian, who wants to set me straight on the apostasy, and then we get a great laugh when they find out :) The occultsts and satanists, that's a whole 'nother ball of wax. When someone is possessed, the demon(s) know, so they know, so the time for niceties and finness can come to a screeching halt in a hurry. Good thing I'm pretty tactless
and can read violent intent/de-escalate if it becomes necessary. Hope it never gets any farther than that, but I have no illusions that things will definitely get a lot more hazardous here for sharing The Gospel if The Lord tarries. So be it. God's got my 6