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MEGA! Hungary Channels Trump, Vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again’ with EU Presidency

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
The Hungarian government appears to have taken a cue from former President Donald Trump as it is set to take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union, vowing to “Make Europe Great Again”.

Budapest has unveiled its agenda as it prepares to take over the rotating presidency on July 1st until the end of the year. Alongside a seven-point policy programme, Hungary also revealed its logo for its presidency, which featured the Hungarian-invented Rubix cube as well as the Trump-inspired “Make Europe Great Again!”.

The choice of the slogan, an apparently conscious thumb in the eye of the failures of globalist policies favoured by elites in Brussels, is perhaps not surprising given that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been Donald Trump’s closest ally and staunchest defender within the EU since 2016.

The agenda put forward by the Hungarian government was also Trumpian in its ethos, focussing heavily on spurring economic growth and clamping down on illegal immigration.
