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May 2025 be the end of Israel’: Australian writer calls for destruction of Jewish state to mark new year

An award-winning Australian writer has called for the destruction of Israel and the “death cult of Zionism” in what was apparently meant to be a message of hope and optimism for the new year.

“May 2025 be the end of Israel. May it be the end of the US-Israeli imperial scourge on humanity. May we see the abolishment of the death cult of Zionism and the end of US empire and finally a world where the slaughter, annihilation, and torture of Palestinians is no longer daily routine,” Randa Abdel-Fattah posted on X/Twitter on Wednesday evening.

“And to achieve that,” she continued, “is to snowball collective liberation because the tentacles of Western imperialism oppress and dehumanize us all. May every baby slaughtered in Zionism’s genocide haunt you who openly support or acquiesce through your gutless silence.”


It's just more posturing by people with a last name like Abdel-Fattah! Wherever they go in the planet, they don't seem to assimilate anywhere. They just have lots more babies, who grow up to be terrorists and write this kind of trash.

Someday soon they'll be face to face with God and His name is NOT Allah the moongod of Arabia.
Also here's a blatant hypocritical situation, all over the Jewish populated suburbs (They're also probably jealous of them being rich) they are vandalising their shops with anti semitic graffitti and smashing up their shops yet one person graffitti's F Islam under a bridge in a suburb populated by muslims amd all the muslims come out with their violins saying islamaphobia is rampant and they feel scared???????