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'Making Jesus in their own image': Leftists use AI to rewrite Bible, talk to 'God'

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I guess this was inevitable...

Liberal activists are using artificial intelligence to rewrite the Bible and put words in the mouth of Jesus, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) introduced their version of the biblical account of the creation story of Adam and Eve to give a “can’t-be-missed animal rights message filled with vegan teachings,” according to a May press release. PETA’s manipulation of AI is one in a long list of concerns that religious advocates who spoke to the DCNF had about the technology’s impact on faith.

Yuval Noah Harari, historian and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, suggested that AI could be used to create a new Bible that will “be able to invent new concepts and beliefs that are more socially acceptable than the Bible,” according to the Christian Broadcast Network. Harari further noted that in the years to come AI could make religions that may be “actually correct” and asked the audience to consider what religion could look like “whose holy book is written by an AI.

In March, a user on the popular gaming platform Twitch created an AI Jesus that other users could engage in a sort of question-and-answer game with the generated Jesus avatar, according to NBC News. Questions included asking for personal prayers and dating advice, and at one point AI Jesus was asked about the “trolley problem” where someone chooses whether to kill one person to save five others, with the avatar electing to not answer.
I guess this was inevitable...

It is playing out just as the bible says. Should we be surprised? I am not asking AI this question but instead I am asking You. SHOULD WE BE SURPRISED?
From the AI Bible:

Wrong answer from AI: Your friend is beloved of the Father, as all people are
From the AI Bible:

Wrong answer from AI: Your friend is beloved of the Father, as all people are
Exactly: this "AI Jesus" contradicts Scripture.

Perhaps I should ask it a question...
Wrong answer from AI: Your friend is beloved of the Father, as all people are

But respectfully, brother, IS that specific answer really wrong? (Please bear with me for a moment: I am leading up to something.)

God loves every person He creates. After all He tells us that He "so loved the world that He sent His Son...." That term (the world) in this specific context refers to its inhabitants. Therefore, God loves all members of the human race. After all, God IS love. So, does it not stand to reason that this love extends to all? Even those who are His enemies?

Jesus Himself said, "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:43-45) And shall He command us to do what He Himself does not do? Never! In fact the Bible (Romans 5:8-10; 1 John 4:10) says that at one time WE ourselves were enemies of God; but He called us and saved us when we responded to God call.

So when the AI says, "Your friend is beloved of the Father, as all people are. Keep showing him love, keep being a reflection of my love in his life, and keep him in your prayers. Trust in the Father's infinite mercy, love, and justice" it is accurately reflecting the truth of God's Word. Know anyone who is rejecting God? Pray for them. God will move heaven and earth to save them. So things like this are not the problem I see with this AI so-called "bible".

No, the error I see is not in that. It is in subtle little comments the AI throws in, tucked away in the verbiage. Satan always quotes truth but mixes in a little error. In fact, that old devil will give 99 parts truth in order to sneak in 1 part error. For error is like yeast. S Jesus warned, a little will eventually corrupt the whole thing. And in this passage the error comes in a little sentence: "It is in love and truth where the Kingdom of God is found." No, it isn't. It is found only in Jesus Christ. In Him alone are we saved; through Him alone can we enter God's eternal kingdom. But Satan would have us focus on the things we receive from God through Christ --love and truth-- target than on the One who gives the gifts.

As soon as our eyes are shifted away from the Giver, we transfer our focus and our trust from Christ to something else. To the unsaved world, love and truth are human ideals that may differ from person to person and circumstance to circumstances; therefore, there is no solid ground to be found in them by themselves. It is only in Christ that a find solid ground...indeed, solid rock upon which to stand.

It is through subtle insertions of error that Satan deceives us. And the AI Bible and site is filled with such sneaky little statements, statements that will surely shipwreck anyone sailing in those waters.