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Lies That Generate Hate: The World Is Falsely Depicting Jews As Violent Usurpers


Across the Middle East, children are taught to call the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, “the Nakba,” or catastrophe. Their teachers depict Jews as violent usurpers of the land. Today in the United States and other western nations, educators are using those same lies on our children. Now the lies that generate hate in the Middle East are generating the same kind of hate here.

Al Jazeera is a Qatar-based, global, anti-Semitic, and anti-American news conglomerate. It says, “Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world mark the Nakba, or catastrophe, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948…. Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands.”

Dictionary.com defines “ethnic cleansing” as, “the elimination of an unwanted ethnic group.” Today, with well over 3 million Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria, 2 million living in Gaza, and another 2 million living in Israel proper, there was clearly never an “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians.

Al Jazeera also says, “Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands.” That accusation is repeated often, even by the United Nations. In an article called, “The Question of Palestine,” the United Nations affirms that the birth of modern Israel was a “catastrophe.” “Before the Nakba,” the UN article contends, “Palestine was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society.” In other words, they were one, big happy family until the formation of Israel.

