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Just thinking about the implications of everything going on in the Middle East right now


I've been watching the news over the past few days, and something was said that struck me (can't remember who said it) - Israel is picking off Iran's puppet regimes one by one. From Hamas in Gaza, to Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemem, and raids into Syria where Iran's other major stronghold is.

One by one.

The person that said this, pointed out that Hezbollah and the others were Iran's insurance policy. If Israel attacked Iran, they'd face a multi front war on all sides. So Iran felt insulated from the threat of Israel. I think it might have been Bill Salus as he's been talking about the destruction of Elam in Jeremiah 49 and Ezek 32 as well as Damascus in Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49. Ezek 32 is interesting because Syria is mentioned as Assyria along with Elam (south western Iran where a lot of her missile launchers sit aimed at Israel) and Turkey not to mention Egypt, some areas of Jordan and basically the gang of Psalm 83.

So up till recently Iran has been very confident in their ability to say the word to her puppets, and take Israel's mind off Iran.

Not now.

Iran's starting to look lonely. She has to risk her OWN people's lives not just random Lebanese, Gazans, Syrians and Houthi's or Iraqis.

Iranian assets in those regions are going up in smoke. Rather fast. Don Koenig said in the spring that he thought the war in Gaza would spread north (which it has) and that he also thought Iran would be dealt with in the aftermath of the fighting in the north (with Lebanon). He said he thought Israel wouldn't be alone in dealing with Iran. I don't know if that will work out or not, but it's been interesting to watch and see.

As a result of Iran losing her puppets, she is leaning closer to Russia, Turkey, North Korea and China for support. (think NATO for nasties- the SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS) - Ezek 38 allies keeps shaping up on the horizon.

AND guess what- Russia is having an economic meltdown (so is China, NK and Turkey isn't in great shape either thanks to Erdonut tinkering with his economy) which Konstantin reported recently in his Russian news. Ezek 38 "have you come for spoil?" springs to mind. - YouTube - YouTube

Just as we are watching the IDF gain confidence again.

Which they should do in order for the preconditions of Ezek 38.

They have to be dwelling in confidence- a careless attitude of self reliance (rather than watchfulness and a trust in God) that leaves them vulnerable to that invasion from the north. After Oct 7 last year there is NO way that attitude was possible in Israel.

But if Bill Salus is right, and this is the war that takes out the inner ring of enemies (and I'm starting to think that is a strong possibility) then he might be right that this is the set up that leaves Israel in careless confidence in their own abilities (rather than a recognition of God's hand in their protection) prior to Ezek 38.

That careless attitude was on full display leading up to Oct 7- people on the front lines of the IDF who were warning of the impending attack were being silenced-- and suddenly Israel's faith in their army was shaken to their core when the attack on Oct 7 happened. The Israeli govt has had trouble politically this last year because the army failed the people, the hostages aren't back yet and people from the north are still in temporary housing, under evacuation.

Even a few weeks ago, they were being blindsided by the Americans- who were being informed by the IDF defense minister himself (according to Amir Tsarfati, that one has been acting as a pipeline of info straight to the White House, who then tells Iran or Hezbollah etc). But when they took out Nasrallah, Netanyahu made it crystal clear that nobody was to be told, it was a top secret until afterwards. FINALLY!!!

As a result suddenly things are improving for Israel and their enemies are nervous. And Israel is regaining confidence in their IDF again.

I think it was Amir who pointed out that they have a narrow window of opportunity because of the American election and their need still for American made weapons. They have to get 'er done NOW while they can. Before November!

Something else I noticed- I've always been struck by the wording of Isaiah 17- Ephraim is in the north. The area that seems to feel destruction inside Israel as a result of whatever happened to Damascus is NORTHERN Israel.

Ever since Israel evacuated most of the inhabitants of the north I've wondered if God is allowing that to protect Israel from whatever blowback happens in the Damascus event.

By having most of the inhabitants of Ephraim (often used to describe the northern kingdom which extends from the Golan Heights to just north of Jerusalem) evacuated safely in the south- that protects a lot of people who would otherwise be hurt as Isaiah 17 occurs.

(I also think Isaiah 17, the prophecies about Damascus over in Jeremiah and the Elam prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel dovetail with the Psalm 83 stuff- they just seem to fit together).

Looking at that map of Syria that Amir posted on his Telegram the other day before Nasrallah was eliminated- it looks a lot like the same hornets nest as Lebanon. Same players. Hezbollah is on both sides of the border in Lebanon AND Syria and of course Iranian handlers all over the place pulling the strings.

When I looked closer at that map I was reminded of the emphasis on certain aspects of the Damascus destruction in Jeremiah 49:23-27. Homs and Aleppo are right where Hamath and Arpad sit. They are in direct line with Damascus via the major highway in Syria which Israel has threatened to bomb in order to stop weapons shipments going south to Damascus and west to Beirut. Trouble on the sea- if you look west from Damascus it is pretty much looking at Beirut and northern Lebanon if seen from Hamath and Arpad.

If this thing spreads to Syria (it really already has- Israel took out Assad's brother) then the various prophecies about the destruction of Damascus might be on the near horizon.

Or not because until a prophecy is firmly fulfilled, it remains speculation as to how God will bring it about and what the domino effect will be. How will prophecy unfold, and how does each puzzle piece lead to the next?

God's in charge and it's amazing to watch.
I've been watching the news over the past few days, and something was said that struck me (can't remember who said it) - Israel is picking off Iran's puppet regimes one by one. From Hamas in Gaza, to Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemem, and raids into Syria where Iran's other major stronghold is.

One by one.

The person that said this, pointed out that Hezbollah and the others were Iran's insurance policy. If Israel attacked Iran, they'd face a multi front war on all sides. So Iran felt insulated from the threat of Israel. I think it might have been Bill Salus as he's been talking about the destruction of Elam in Jeremiah 49 and Ezek 32 as well as Damascus in Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49. Ezek 32 is interesting because Syria is mentioned as Assyria along with Elam (south western Iran where a lot of her missile launchers sit aimed at Israel) and Turkey not to mention Egypt, some areas of Jordan and basically the gang of Psalm 83.

So up till recently Iran has been very confident in their ability to say the word to her puppets, and take Israel's mind off Iran.

Not now.

Iran's starting to look lonely. She has to risk her OWN people's lives not just random Lebanese, Gazans, Syrians and Houthi's or Iraqis.

Iranian assets in those regions are going up in smoke. Rather fast. Don Koenig said in the spring that he thought the war in Gaza would spread north (which it has) and that he also thought Iran would be dealt with in the aftermath of the fighting in the north (with Lebanon). He said he thought Israel wouldn't be alone in dealing with Iran. I don't know if that will work out or not, but it's been interesting to watch and see.

As a result of Iran losing her puppets, she is leaning closer to Russia, Turkey, North Korea and China for support. (think NATO for nasties- the SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS) - Ezek 38 allies keeps shaping up on the horizon.

AND guess what- Russia is having an economic meltdown (so is China, NK and Turkey isn't in great shape either thanks to Erdonut tinkering with his economy) which Konstantin reported recently in his Russian news. Ezek 38 "have you come for spoil?" springs to mind. - YouTube - YouTube

Just as we are watching the IDF gain confidence again.

Which they should do in order for the preconditions of Ezek 38.

They have to be dwelling in confidence- a careless attitude of self reliance (rather than watchfulness and a trust in God) that leaves them vulnerable to that invasion from the north. After Oct 7 last year there is NO way that attitude was possible in Israel.

But if Bill Salus is right, and this is the war that takes out the inner ring of enemies (and I'm starting to think that is a strong possibility) then he might be right that this is the set up that leaves Israel in careless confidence in their own abilities (rather than a recognition of God's hand in their protection) prior to Ezek 38.

That careless attitude was on full display leading up to Oct 7- people on the front lines of the IDF who were warning of the impending attack were being silenced-- and suddenly Israel's faith in their army was shaken to their core when the attack on Oct 7 happened. The Israeli govt has had trouble politically this last year because the army failed the people, the hostages aren't back yet and people from the north are still in temporary housing, under evacuation.

Even a few weeks ago, they were being blindsided by the Americans- who were being informed by the IDF defense minister himself (according to Amir Tsarfati, that one has been acting as a pipeline of info straight to the White House, who then tells Iran or Hezbollah etc). But when they took out Nasrallah, Netanyahu made it crystal clear that nobody was to be told, it was a top secret until afterwards. FINALLY!!!

As a result suddenly things are improving for Israel and their enemies are nervous. And Israel is regaining confidence in their IDF again.

I think it was Amir who pointed out that they have a narrow window of opportunity because of the American election and their need still for American made weapons. They have to get 'er done NOW while they can. Before November!

Something else I noticed- I've always been struck by the wording of Isaiah 17- Ephraim is in the north. The area that seems to feel destruction inside Israel as a result of whatever happened to Damascus is NORTHERN Israel.

Ever since Israel evacuated most of the inhabitants of the north I've wondered if God is allowing that to protect Israel from whatever blowback happens in the Damascus event.

By having most of the inhabitants of Ephraim (often used to describe the northern kingdom which extends from the Golan Heights to just north of Jerusalem) evacuated safely in the south- that protects a lot of people who would otherwise be hurt as Isaiah 17 occurs.

(I also think Isaiah 17, the prophecies about Damascus over in Jeremiah and the Elam prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel dovetail with the Psalm 83 stuff- they just seem to fit together).

Looking at that map of Syria that Amir posted on his Telegram the other day before Nasrallah was eliminated- it looks a lot like the same hornets nest as Lebanon. Same players. Hezbollah is on both sides of the border in Lebanon AND Syria and of course Iranian handlers all over the place pulling the strings.

When I looked closer at that map I was reminded of the emphasis on certain aspects of the Damascus destruction in Jeremiah 49:23-27. Homs and Aleppo are right where Hamath and Arpad sit. They are in direct line with Damascus via the major highway in Syria which Israel has threatened to bomb in order to stop weapons shipments going south to Damascus and west to Beirut. Trouble on the sea- if you look west from Damascus it is pretty much looking at Beirut and northern Lebanon if seen from Hamath and Arpad.

If this thing spreads to Syria (it really already has- Israel took out Assad's brother) then the various prophecies about the destruction of Damascus might be on the near horizon.

Or not because until a prophecy is firmly fulfilled, it remains speculation as to how God will bring it about and what the domino effect will be. How will prophecy unfold, and how does each puzzle piece lead to the next?

God's in charge and it's amazing to watch.
He seems very confident here doesn't he?

(Bibi personally addressing the Iranians)

He seems very confident here doesn't he?

(Bibi personally addressing the Iranians)

Yes, he does seem confident. Sort of wonder if he's trusting God more and more these days vs trusting America to help in time of need.

Seems like a lot of Jews in Israel are beginning to see God's hand in this.
Yes, he does seem confident. Sort of wonder if he's trusting God more and more these days vs trusting America to help in time of need.

Seems like a lot of Jews in Israel are beginning to see God's hand in this.
Yeah from the take i'm getting and i'm hoping that i'm wrong is that he has more confidence in the actual IDF and what they're achieving so far rather than giving glory to God
Yes, he does seem confident. Sort of wonder if he's trusting God more and more these days vs trusting America to help in time of need.

Seems like a lot of Jews in Israel are beginning to see God's hand in this.
I noticed in BiBi's speech to the UN that he was quoting from the Bible.
That's what Israel needs to do is turn back to God and stop looking at world leaders for help. This has been Israel's downfall going back to Israel wanting a king like the Gentiles to lead them and God gave them Saul. Didn't go well for them. They must turn back to God. And ultimately call on Messiah Jesus.
Yeah from the take i'm getting and i'm hoping that i'm wrong is that he has more confidence in the actual IDF and what they're achieving so far rather than giving glory to God
No you're right. A little from column A and a little from column B I suspect. Like a lot of people who are used to expecting a normal world, thrust into Bible prophecy. Searching for a natural explanation when only God and the Bible have the answers.

I expect that as we come close to that transition period- them getting ready to come to faith in God but still clinging to natural explanations, a "human" saviour in the AC, treaties with the AC rather than full on trust in God, while we get ready for the Rapture.

I think we should see a lot of that right now. I think we are starting to see God's plan for the Jews starting to ramp up before the Trib, and the Rapture. Their responses will vary. At times they'll be looking in wonder at the Bible and tracing the prophecies with open mouths, and then give their heads a shake, and decide it's all just the IDF pulling up their socks.

I think the way Ezek 38 reads, they are fully back to trusting in their own IDF and ability to be amazing not realizing it's all from God.

Between now and then I expect they will go back and forth a lot. And even when the Trib starts and the 2 Witnesses are preaching (with incredible signs of power) there will be those who trust Christ and those who don't. Hosea I think it is says that only 1/3 make it thru to the end which would be the Millennial period after the return of Christ and His judgment.