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Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member

Nicaraguan Dictator Bans Jesuits and Seizes All Their Assets​

Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega has declared the Jesuit religious order illegal, mandating the confiscation of all its assets.

The Jesuit order, which supported the leftwing Sandinista guerilla group and rise to power of Daniel Ortega in the late 1970s and early 1980s, had grown more and more critical of the Ortega regime in recent years.

Jesuit Father Fernando Cardenal, a proponent of Liberation Theology and member of the Sandinistas, was Nicaragua’s minister of education from 1984 to 1990. Pope John Paul suspended Father Cardenal for his political activism in violation of Canon Law, along with a number of other priests, including his brother, Father Ernesto Cardenal.

Despots will bite the hands of those feeding it...
I don't know if the strong relationship between the people of South and Central America and the catholic church has weakened over time or not... I'm thinking not... so this could create an uprising. :pray:
A very large family moved in recently that's from south of the border. Catholic and they're voting pro-life. IIRC, there's 20 voting-age people . . .

Demographic change in the US might not work out how TPTB had anticipated or designed :lol: