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Joel Osteen soft pedals sin.

What does Joel Osteen's church believe.

So far while I don't agree with a lot of what Joel teaches, he does seem to teach the most important thing which is salvation. Most Churches while they may teach a lot of correct things, do not teach one how to get saved and that it is a FREE GIFT. I actually had to wait until I was 28 years old to find that out, even though I had attended many churches.

Does Joel teach who God is and how to get saved? Yes from all I can gather.
Does Joel teach what we Christians should learn after salvation? Seems like not much and some incorrect things.
Really? Is that true! I don't know where he gets his money from currently, but years ago when I did watch him he did not take a salary from the church and made all his money selling his books. Whether or not you think he should get money for selling his books or not, that is not fleecing his followers.

"While Joel forgoes the megachurch pastor salary"
His church reportedly takes in 43 million a year in donations.

He personally owns a private jet worth over 50 million, drives a ferrari, owns a 10 million dollar Houston mansion.

Some reports value his personal net worth at as high as 100 million.
Just another thought... 🤔

I am not a Pastor but I guess I am a teacher of sorts. God has given me a gift to understand scripture especially regarding Grace. If you follow me you know how many things I have written about salvation being a FREE GIFT. However God did not give me the gift of understanding Prophecy, therefore you will not see me post much about that. So someone could say that since I don't teach about Bible Prophecy I should be disqualified from teaching anything at all.

So yes I know and have known for years now that Joel does not teach on things like Hell and damnation. Just because he does not teach it, does not mean he does not believe it. Now should a good Pastor teach the whole counsel of God? Of course, so I do not think he is a good Pastor. However the Bible says salvation is just by believing in and acceptance of Jesus as ones Savior. As long as Joel is presenting the correct Jesus and people are getting saved (assuming that is true), should I be against him?

Now we know for a fact that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a different Jesus than us also adding works as a requirement for salvation. So sure if Joel is not representing the correct Jesus, then no one is really getting saved in his congregation. However if he is presenting the correct Jesus, then people are getting saved through what he preaches.

So hopefully I can find out for myself just what Joel does and does not himself believe and if his salvation message is correct.
I hear what you're saying, brother; and I don't disagree in cases where we do not know. But the danger with Joel Osteen is not so much what he says and focuses on, but what he doesn't. He is not giving a full Gospel. And that is more dangerous than no gospel at all. I think Danny Burke makes some very valid points in this short article: Joel Osteen’s Christianity without a Cross . Joe is a very dangerous man when it comes to people's souls. Many are trusting in his "gospel" entirely; and, sadly, likely missing the real gospel. This is absolutely tragic. There's a very real reason that Jesus gave us the parable of the sheep and the goats. In that powerful it's not the unbelievers are told that to depart from Him that He never knew them. It is believers or, rather, people who thought they were believers and by their actions tried to serve Him, but never truly followed Him.
His church reportedly takes in 43 million a year in donations.

He personally owns a private jet worth over 50 million, drives a ferrari, owns a 10 million dollar Houston mansion.

Some reports value his personal net worth at as high as 100 million.
As I already stated he does not get his money from his church. Why are you not responding to that?
Many are trusting in his "gospel" entirely; and, sadly, likely missing the real gospel.
What is Joel Osteen's Gospel? 🤔
I provided and read what his church believes and it looks correct to me.

What is the Gospel? It is good news! When I go out and share the Gospel while I do know and believe that if the person is not yet saved they will go to Hell, I do not however say that to them. I just tell them the good news about what Jesus has done for them and how they can receive it. So because I don't mention Hell to them, do you say that is wrong?

But again, what are you saying that Joel Osteen's Gospel is? :noidea:
I doubt you read the link I provided.

As to his income which does come from selling books and videos, etc-- I doubt he would be selling so many books and videos if he didn't have a pulpit from which to promote his ideas and his materials every week. The Bible says to judge a teacher by his fruit. Joel's fruit seems to be amassing wealth, mansions, airplanes and fancy cars for himself. God will judge him; that's not my job, nor am I permitted to do so. But I am to warn others of false teaching. And a gospel that teaches nothing but what's best for me to make life better for me--ie: health and wealth through positive thinking and confession-- rather than what God calls me to --dying to self and living for Christ-- is a false gospel; and the one who proclaims it is a false teacher.
What is Joel Osteen's Gospel? 🤔
I provided and read what his church believes and it looks correct to me.

What is the Gospel? It is good news! When I go out and share the Gospel while I do know and believe that if the person is not yet saved they will go to Hell, I do not however say that to them. I just tell them the good news about what Jesus has done for them and how they can receive it. So because I don't mention Hell to them, do you say that is wrong?

But again, what are you saying that Joel Osteen's Gospel is? :noidea:
I'm saying that, after listening to what Joel Osteen says and reading what he writes, Joel Osteen's gospel is humanism. It is that God wants you to be happy; that the chief end of everything is the happiness of man. Christianity is built on the fact that the chief end of everything is the glory of God. We were created to bring God glory, not to bring ourselves pleasure. And our trust in God is such (or should be such) that if we live lives that glorify Him, in accordance with His teachings, He will provide the pleasure we desire. But when we turn that around and make God a means of gaining pleasure for ourselves, we reverse the entire program of God and miss completely His purposes. The first path leads to eternal life and glory through Jesus Christ; the second path leads to eternal death, according to God's Word. This is what makes Mr Osteen such a dangerous man: his Gospel is exclusively focused on the second, not the first. And the end of it is eternal death. I'm not judging the man, I'm judging his gospel.
I doubt you read the link I provided.

As to his income which does come from selling books and videos, etc-- I doubt he would be selling so many books and videos if he didn't have a pulpit from which to promote his ideas and his materials every week. The Bible says to judge a teacher by his fruit. Joel's fruit seems to be amassing wealth, mansions, airplanes and fancy cars for himself. God will judge him; that's not my job, nor am I permitted to do so. But I am to warn others of false teaching. And a gospel that teaches nothing but what's best for me to make life better for me--ie: health and wealth through positive thinking and confession-- rather than what God calls me to --dying to self and living for Christ-- is a false gospel; and the one who proclaims it is a false teacher.
We will just have to disagree on this one. Getting people saved for me is by far more important that anything else. If Joel's weak teaching does not help a Christian's walk at all but gets them saved, I am good with that. I say that he is doing a good thing as there are many that get saved by going to his church that would not set foot in any other church. Do they learn anything? Maybe not, but if they get saved that is what is most important. Did you read what his church believes? If you do, please tell me what it states that is wrong.

All I have receive so far is peoples opinions, not what I requested which is Joel saying something against Christianity himself. That's OK but kind of sad to me. I hope people don't judge me because of what others say. Unless someone can post what I requested, I am not interested in debating this. I am extremely careful who I judge as I don't want God to judge me.

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
I doubt you read the link I provided.
I did not read it until you told me that it was a link. So after that I scanned through it as I don't have time to read it all right now as I have a operation to remove my Gallbladder tomorrow and need to get ready for that.

The guy talks about and interview talking about Joel's book. That is different from what he preaches and takes certain liberties to state what Joel just happens to believe. It is like I could write a book saying I think the rapture will happen this year. As long as I don't say God said it, then it is just an opinion I have that could be wrong.
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Brother, I'm praying now for your operation tomorrow. I am asking our heavenly Father that He would cause the operation to be entirely successful, with no side effects, a minimum of pain, and a rapid recovery. And I am asking in the precious name of Jesus, our Savior.

I'll keep you in my prayers, precious brother. Please let me know when you have recovered.
Brother, I'm praying now for your operation tomorrow. I am asking our heavenly Father that He would cause the operation to be entirely successful, with no side effects, a minimum of pain, and a rapid recovery. And I am asking in the precious name of Jesus, our Savior.

I'll keep you in my prayers, precious brother. Please let me know when you have recovered.
Thank you! 😍

I tend to not ask for prayer as others needs are much greater than mine, but I guess I should as God is all powerful and can help me along with everyone else. I am told that it is a common and very successful operation, as long as they don't find any other issues. My primary concern is them finding another issue during the operation. I guess that is primarily what I would ask you to pray about. 🙏

Thanks again!!!
As I already stated he does not get his money from his church. Why are you not responding to that?
When a pastor is one of the richest men in his state, I have to ask myself is he there to lead his flock, or he is there to use his highly public pulpit to line his own pockets?

I know he has stated he has not received a salary since 2005, but any business man can make that statement without lying, but still draw from his churches vast wealth.

Unabashedly flaunting personal wealth would seem to be at odds with the teachings in bible.
When a pastor is one of the richest men in his state, I have to ask myself is he there to lead his flock, or he is there to use his highly public pulpit to line his own pockets?

I know he has stated he has not received a salary since 2005, but any business man can make that statement without lying, but still draw from his churches vast wealth.

Unabashedly flaunting personal wealth would seem to be at odds with the teachings in bible.
As I told mattfivefour, I am not interested in arguing or debating about what you or anyone else thinks. Show me proof as I have asked for all along that Joel believes and teaches something other than salvation by accepting Jesus as Savior. I really don't care how much money he has. That may make him a bigger sinner than us, but has nothing to do with what he believes or teaches. If that is what you are going by, you are judging him.
As I told mattfivefour, I am not interested in arguing or debating about what you or anyone else thinks. Show me proof as I have asked for all along that Joel believes and teaches something other than salvation by accepting Jesus as Savior. I really don't care how much money he has. That may make him a bigger sinner than us, but has nothing to do with what he believes or teaches. If that is what you are going by, you are judging him.
Im just stating the facts without ever commenting on his own beliefs.

If you feel he is solid, great.
I'm saying that, after listening to what Joel Osteen says and reading what he writes, Joel Osteen's gospel is humanism. It is that God wants you to be happy; that the chief end of everything is the happiness of man. Christianity is built on the fact that the chief end of everything is the glory of God. We were created to bring God glory, not to bring ourselves pleasure. And our trust in God is such (or should be such) that if we live lives that glorify Him, in accordance with His teachings, He will provide the pleasure we desire. But when we turn that around and make God a means of gaining pleasure for ourselves, we reverse the entire program of God and miss completely His purposes. The first path leads to eternal life and glory through Jesus Christ; the second path leads to eternal death, according to God's Word. This is what makes Mr Osteen such a dangerous man: his Gospel is exclusively focused on the second, not the first. And the end of it is eternal death. I'm not judging the man, I'm judging his gospel.
Amen Adrain, great post.
Wow what a busy thread. Lotta action here. Osteen has a way of causing that. 😊

Praying for your operation Goodboy, that all goes well and that nothing else is found.

I want to reiterate and expound on what I have already mentioned in this thread. My mom has been watching Joel here and there for years. His sermons have not led her to Christ. They don’t seem to even make her curious about Christ. Rather, they seem to reinforce everything she already believes about “God.” She applies all of the benefits of “God” that he mentions, to herself.
I have watched quite a few of his sermons, and I have never in my entire life seen a preacher so skilled at purposely avoiding anything “controversial” aka convicting. There is absolutely no conviction whatsoever to be found in his words. None.
Fun fact: His little invitation at the end was only added after many years of his TV preaching when he caught a lot of heat from other pastors for not having one. You can find older videos of him and there is no invitation to get saved at all.
The invitation is presented as when the fortune cookie is tossed onto the table at the end of the Chinese dinner, but everyone is too stuffed to eat it. It is almost flavorless compared to the main course that was served up. And it is cheap. Yes, cheap. From what I have seen, (and possibly there are examples out there where I can be proved wrong. I hope so.) there is no cross presented at the invitation. There is no resurrection. There is nothing but a vague invitation to receive a vague Jesus.
Now, I am a firm believer that God Almighty can use anyone, anytime, anywhere to bring people to Himself. Despite their shortcomings (and I use that word generously here.) But a few people getting saved is still no excuse for Joel’s cotton Candy messages. Because I see my Mom enjoying them very much. And not saved. Not convicted. Not curious. Not concerned.
She would rather listen to him than me or anyone else speaking the hard truths of the Bible and presenting the offense of the cross, because his church is so big and he is slick and attractive, and his words soothe her itching, self-justifying ears.