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Jesus The Reigning King

Exactly. I used the Hebrew text, but you are correct. In both cases, the word is the Strong's 3738. They may look different in the text of both verses because Hebrew is an inflected language --in other words, different prefixes and suffixes are added to a word depending on its function in any specific sentence, unlike English where we use prepositions and word position-- but in both cases it is the very same word.
Thank you for the lessons in Hebrew and Greek, I always find them very informative!
Sorry, I appreciate the explanation.

My confusion came from the need to get better glasses. I was looking at the Strongs reference to 'opened' as 3788 and not 3738. That 3 looked like an 8.

Good to know that the Hebrew words 'opened' and 'pierced' add further proof that when Christ took on a human body, that was equivalent to the servants willful declaration to be a servant forever.

Thanks. Sorry for the confusion.

Sorry, I appreciate the explanation.

My confusion came from the need to get better glasses. I was looking at the Strongs reference to 'opened' as 3788 and not 3738. That 3 looked like an 8.

Good to know that the Hebrew words 'opened' and 'pierced' add further proof that when Christ took on a human body, that was equivalent to the servants willful declaration to be a servant forever.

Thanks. Sorry for the confusion.

No problem, brother. At 80 years old I'm having the same issues with eyesight. (And everything else, it seems. :lol: )
This verse answers my question.......

"Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”
Revelation 11:15

Thank you Lord for Your Word that answers all of our questions because You want us to know.
Praise and Glory to The Lord!!