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Israeli, Egyptian forces exchange fire, Egyptian soldier killed

Israeli and Egyptian forces exchanged fire near Rafah on Monday, with sources in the IDF telling Israeli media that Egyptian soldiers fired at Israeli soldiers who returned fire. An Egyptian soldier was killed in the exchange of fire.

After the incident, IDF officials contacted Egyptian officials to cease the fire. No Israeli soldiers were injured in the incident.

The IDF said that the incident was under investigation and that a dialogue was occurring with the Egyptians.

The Egyptian Armed Forces said they were conducting an investigation regarding the incident and that one soldier had been killed.


I'm guessing Egypt will make some noise but nothing will come of it. That's my opinion at the moment.
Yeah i'm being semi lazy at the moment so please correct me but i think Egypt cops a lot of judgements mentioned in Ezekiel i think ?

I wonder whether this may be the starting point of these judgements as this may or may not cause Egypt to start turning against Israel again

Egypt is attempting to manage increasing tensions with Israel -​

Egypt-Israel tensions have been escalating slowly, and they could reach a kind of boiling point. The exchange of fire on Monday and the killing of an Egyptian soldier add a new tragedy to the already simmering tensions. The incident could not have occurred at a worse time.

On May 5, Hamas fired rockets at the Kerem Shalom crossing, killing four Israeli soldiers. The IDF was already preparing for a possible incursion into Rafah on the Gaza border with Egypt. Egypt had opposed this incursion and it had likely pressured the US to prevent it.

However, Israel called Cairo’s bluff and moved ahead, sending the 162nd division, with its 401st armored brigade and infantry, into eastern Rafah on May 7. The troops took the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing and Egypt closed its side of the crossing.

This caused aid to pile up in Egypt. Eventually, a phone call between US President Joe Biden and Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi got the aid flowing again. The phone call was on Friday. Aid began flowing on Sunday, May 26. This might have reduced tensions. But many other irons in the fire caused issues between Israel and Egypt....

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