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Israel will receive crushing response from axis of resistance' for pager attack

Almost Heaven

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Hossein Salami promised Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah that the "axis of resistance" would have a "crushing response" to the explosion of thousands of Hezbollah communication devices this week.

“Such terrorist acts are undoubtedly the result of the Zionist regime’s despair and successive failures. This will soon be met with a crushing response from the axis of resistance and we will witness the destruction of this bloodthirsty and criminal regime," Salami said, according to Lebanese media.

Nasrallah spoke out for the first time Thursday evening on the blows Hezbollah suffered with the explosions of its communication devices on Tuesday and Wednesday.

"Israel crossed all the red lines by detonating thousands of pagers. This could be called a declaration of war," Nasrallah stated. He added that "the devices exploded in unison, in the hospitals as well. As a result of the aggression, dozens were killed, including women and children, and thousands were injured. The true numbers will come with time. This is an act of terror, massacre, genocide. More than 4,000 pagers were distributed to the organization's operatives.

LOL i see Israel has a sense of humor too, imagine this happening just as Hezbollah is threatening a big response :

The leader of Hezbollah had earlier said Israel’s mass attacks on electronic devices in Lebanon were planned to kill “thousands,” that it crossed “all red lines,” and was a “declaration of war”.

At exactly the same moment as Hassan Nasrallah made those comments, Israeli fighter jets screamed over Beirut in what was reported was a mock attack while Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon were bombed.

I thought Hezbollah already declared war (along with Iran, PLO/PA, Hamas, Houthis, ISIS, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, etc.). IIRC, something like 22 terror groups are currently at war against Israel, plus a few nations. If the 124 countries that voted against Israel are counted as being at war against Israel, then there are a LOT of countries at war against Israel.

Israel declaring war back would be kind of redundant at this point.

satan declared war on God a long time ago. God won the war when Jesus snatched the keys to death and Hell from satan and rose from the dead.

Now, Jesus is at home in Heaven preparing places for us to live with Him forever.

It must be soon . . . I think I hear tools being cleaned and put away, smells of Heavenly food cooking, and dishes and silverware being set out on that giant table built for billions of princes and princesses :)
(everyone sits with King Jesus; no one has to sit at a little kids' table away from Him)

That's going to be some huge, massive table!