By Terry James for
Harbinger's Daily
To “psych out” means to insinuate a sense of intimidation into the cognitive process. At least that term encompasses the achieved ramification to my way of intended meaning.
There are a plethora of examples, but here are just a few:
Bobby Fisher, an undefeated chess champion in the early 1970s, was a reclusive, thus an unknown player who many say “psyched out” his Russian-Soviet opponent, Boris Spassky, in their July 1972 world championship match. Fisher was a strange, eccentric man holding anti-Semitic views. His brooding reclusiveness and odd ways apparently had a tendency to intimidate opponents who had to face him in their matches.
Another more familiar case of “psyching out” opponents might be when Goliath, the giant warrior, intimidated the Israelites—that is until he came up against young David, Israel’s future king.
This brings us to thinking about recent cases of Israel’s enemies who seek to destroy the Jewish nation and eradicate the chosen people of God. We’ve witnessed God dealing with Israel’s enemies within the past few weeks in ways almost as dramatic as when He dealt with them in Israel’s ancient past.
Israel’s defense force previously brought Iran’s nuclear weapons program to a standstill by introducing a computer worm called “Stuxnet” into the technology used to run Iran’s centrifuges.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently said Iran never will be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. Implied within that statement is the threat of using whatever military or other means necessary to keep the Israel-hating Iranian regime from developing nuclear bombs.
This threat and Iran’s insistence on using proxies to harass and attack the Jewish state and its people through actions such as on October 7, 2023, has the diplomats of the world in a near panic.
To this point, the all-out war that might be necessary to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons hasn’t happened. Israel has, it seems, been able to thwart Iran’s destructive intentions time and time again.
As stated above, we saw this with “Stuxnet” some years ago, and we continue to see Israel’s almost “magical” thwarting of the genocidal aspirations of Iran and its proxies. The remarkable feat of causing the Hezbollah pagers and other communications devices to explode almost simultaneously, killing many terrorists and wounding many others, has put, it seems, an even more virulent “worm” than Stuxnet into the nefarious minds of the devilish Israel haters.
The following excerpt from an Arutz Sheva article published late last month demonstrates the effects of this mind virus. If not such a serious matter of keeping Israel from the dastardly plans of the likes of Iran’s regime leaders, it would be hilarious to consider the paranoid reaction Israel’s “magical” doings have inflicted on those devoted to the destruction of the Jewish state and people.
As Israel continues to demonstrate impressive intelligence capabilities by eliminating much of the leadership of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, some of its enemies are reportedly attributing supernatural powers to the Jewish State.
Iranian opposition news site Iran International published a recording from a televised interview given by an Iranian cleric close to the Ayatollah’s regime accusing the Jewish people of trapping and employing jinn, or genies, for three thousand years, as well as using science fiction technology.
Iranian Shia seminary teacher Mostafa Karami claimed, “Considering the Zionists’ history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret army.”
“They [the Jews] have had access to genies and cosmic science since the time of David and Solomon,” he added. “Historically, they have always used genies; their documents and traditions proved that. They have used genies and demons for warfare and intelligence operations throughout history.”
Karami detailed his magical conspiracy theory in response to the elimination of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah last week.
It’s amusing that this Islamic cleric fanatic believes in Israeli magic. He isn’t far from wrong in that it is supernatural in its reality rather than the nonexistent “magic” to which he attributes Israel’s ability to perform things that seem miraculous.
In fact, the feats are miraculous. The God who calls this strange miracle nation His “chosen people” has imbued Abraham’s seed with His own power at points in history of His own choosing.
So the Islamic Jew-haters have had their evil minds invaded by the “magic” worm, as the cleric has complained. They’ve been “psyched out” by the God of Israel, about whom the Holy Scripture says: “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4).
All of this involving hatred of Israel and the Jewish people at this moment means Jesus is about to intervene against the evil ramping up in the Middle East as well as in the rest of the world.
That intervention will be the Rapture of all believers into Christ’s presence in the clouds of Glory.
You don’t want to be left behind when that any-moment call to believers is made. Here, once again, is how to go to the Lord and to Heaven when that call issues forth, as Jesus told about in John 14:1-3.
Romans 10:9-10 KJV – “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Harbinger's Daily
To “psych out” means to insinuate a sense of intimidation into the cognitive process. At least that term encompasses the achieved ramification to my way of intended meaning.
There are a plethora of examples, but here are just a few:
Bobby Fisher, an undefeated chess champion in the early 1970s, was a reclusive, thus an unknown player who many say “psyched out” his Russian-Soviet opponent, Boris Spassky, in their July 1972 world championship match. Fisher was a strange, eccentric man holding anti-Semitic views. His brooding reclusiveness and odd ways apparently had a tendency to intimidate opponents who had to face him in their matches.
Another more familiar case of “psyching out” opponents might be when Goliath, the giant warrior, intimidated the Israelites—that is until he came up against young David, Israel’s future king.
This brings us to thinking about recent cases of Israel’s enemies who seek to destroy the Jewish nation and eradicate the chosen people of God. We’ve witnessed God dealing with Israel’s enemies within the past few weeks in ways almost as dramatic as when He dealt with them in Israel’s ancient past.
Israel’s defense force previously brought Iran’s nuclear weapons program to a standstill by introducing a computer worm called “Stuxnet” into the technology used to run Iran’s centrifuges.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently said Iran never will be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. Implied within that statement is the threat of using whatever military or other means necessary to keep the Israel-hating Iranian regime from developing nuclear bombs.
This threat and Iran’s insistence on using proxies to harass and attack the Jewish state and its people through actions such as on October 7, 2023, has the diplomats of the world in a near panic.
To this point, the all-out war that might be necessary to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons hasn’t happened. Israel has, it seems, been able to thwart Iran’s destructive intentions time and time again.
As stated above, we saw this with “Stuxnet” some years ago, and we continue to see Israel’s almost “magical” thwarting of the genocidal aspirations of Iran and its proxies. The remarkable feat of causing the Hezbollah pagers and other communications devices to explode almost simultaneously, killing many terrorists and wounding many others, has put, it seems, an even more virulent “worm” than Stuxnet into the nefarious minds of the devilish Israel haters.
The following excerpt from an Arutz Sheva article published late last month demonstrates the effects of this mind virus. If not such a serious matter of keeping Israel from the dastardly plans of the likes of Iran’s regime leaders, it would be hilarious to consider the paranoid reaction Israel’s “magical” doings have inflicted on those devoted to the destruction of the Jewish state and people.
As Israel continues to demonstrate impressive intelligence capabilities by eliminating much of the leadership of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, some of its enemies are reportedly attributing supernatural powers to the Jewish State.
Iranian opposition news site Iran International published a recording from a televised interview given by an Iranian cleric close to the Ayatollah’s regime accusing the Jewish people of trapping and employing jinn, or genies, for three thousand years, as well as using science fiction technology.
Iranian Shia seminary teacher Mostafa Karami claimed, “Considering the Zionists’ history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret army.”
“They [the Jews] have had access to genies and cosmic science since the time of David and Solomon,” he added. “Historically, they have always used genies; their documents and traditions proved that. They have used genies and demons for warfare and intelligence operations throughout history.”
Karami detailed his magical conspiracy theory in response to the elimination of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah last week.
It’s amusing that this Islamic cleric fanatic believes in Israeli magic. He isn’t far from wrong in that it is supernatural in its reality rather than the nonexistent “magic” to which he attributes Israel’s ability to perform things that seem miraculous.
In fact, the feats are miraculous. The God who calls this strange miracle nation His “chosen people” has imbued Abraham’s seed with His own power at points in history of His own choosing.
So the Islamic Jew-haters have had their evil minds invaded by the “magic” worm, as the cleric has complained. They’ve been “psyched out” by the God of Israel, about whom the Holy Scripture says: “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4).
All of this involving hatred of Israel and the Jewish people at this moment means Jesus is about to intervene against the evil ramping up in the Middle East as well as in the rest of the world.
That intervention will be the Rapture of all believers into Christ’s presence in the clouds of Glory.
You don’t want to be left behind when that any-moment call to believers is made. Here, once again, is how to go to the Lord and to Heaven when that call issues forth, as Jesus told about in John 14:1-3.
Romans 10:9-10 KJV – “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Terry James is an author, general editor, and co-author of numerous books on Bible prophecy.