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Israel has NOT lost Gods favor (title edited by mod)

God and his sons love is amazing. That is why the door remains open to Israel=Matt 23:39--They have outright refused to walk through the door for over 1950 years give or take. Until they do, Jesus told them-your Father is the devil.
I'm sorry you have had bad theology taught to you or you don't understand scripture.
It's important to side God's people Israel. 🙏Exodus 12:3
Why has God left Israel in a state of blindness?
For the Gentiles to be saved, but once the fullness of the Gentiles is complete, God turns His attention back to His people Israel for their salvation
Read Romans 11
I believe spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen, and literal Israel will never do Matt 23:39
I'm sorry you have had bad theology taught to you or you don't understand scripture.
It's important to side God's people Israel. 🙏Exodus 12:3
No bad theology-Spiritual Israel( meaning Gods chosen) belong to God now. Literal Israel will never do Matt 23:39 i believe. John who wrote revelation had 0 clue what Jesus' religion would be named in these last days. Thus used Israel=spiritual Israel, made up of any Israelite who accepts Jesus and joins his religion and gentiles.
No bad theology-Spiritual Israel( meaning Gods chosen) belong to God now. Literal Israel will never do Matt 23:39 i believe. John who wrote revelation had 0 clue what Jesus' religion would be named in these last days. Thus used Israel=spiritual Israel, made up of any Israelite who accepts Jesus and joins his religion and gentiles.
Please cite the scripture saying there's a "spiritual Israel".
So many Jews have come to Christ Jesus and are saved.
I hope so. Yes it takes leaving Judaism and joining Jesus' real religion. The one he started back then and all the ones who listened to him left Judaism and joined his religion. Judaism leaders were having them murdered.
Honestly Jesus had no religion nor did he begin a religion. He showed us the Way to have a relationship with Him
Paul went around setting up Christian congregations. Jesus speaks to 7 christian congregations( not synagogues)in the book of Revelation. So yes Jesus did start a new religion.
Its hard to believe one actually believes that God is with a religion that rejects his son.
No bad theology-Spiritual Israel( meaning Gods chosen) belong to God now. Literal Israel will never do Matt 23:39 i believe. John who wrote revelation had 0 clue what Jesus' religion would be named in these last days. Thus used Israel=spiritual Israel, made up of any Israelite who accepts Jesus and joins his religion and gentiles.
It appears you have your mind made up that the nation of Israel has been replaced by a spiritual Israel.
I'm sorry you don't understand what the Bible really says.
I hope you will be open to receiving the Truth and see how God Never changes, and this is so when He makes a Covenant. 🙏
It appears you have your mind made up that the nation of Israel has been replaced by a spiritual Israel.
I'm sorry you don't understand what the Bible really says.
I hope you will be open to receiving the Truth and see how God Never changes, and this is so when He makes a Covenant. 🙏
Its a100% guarantee--Reject Jesus=antichrist.
Paul went around setting up Christian congregations. Jesus speaks to 7 christian congregations( not synagogues)in the book of Revelation. So yes Jesus did start a new religion.
Perhaps our definitions of religion are different. To me, religion is man trying to bridge the gap with God by our own efforts. Christianity, in contrast to all others, is God bridging that gap. All that's left for us is belief, faith, and relationship. Oh, and works as a response to, not a cause of, salvation.
I think OP was taught in a church, which teaches replacement theology.
Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran (other than CLB), Episcopal, and Presbyterian are some of the denominations, which teach this.
This doctrine is erroneous, but does not mean the churches, which teach it, are not Christian, and it doesn't mean that the churches that teach it don't support physical/political Israel or the Jews.

In a previous thread, @mattfivefour posted about replacement theology and included a link to a good article about it.

EDITED TO ADD: The article isn't there, anymore. Please stand by while I locate another article [sigh]


Easy-to-understand, reasonable-length article
The Replacement Theology Theory
August 10, 2003
Pete Garcia

Longer article that gets into the weeds

A Dispensational Response to the Knox Seminary Open Letter to Evangelicals

Mike Stallard (Pre-Trib Research Center)

Article with some historical background/asides/context. Note, that this article is NOT Christian, and includes information from Mormon, islamic, etc. perspectives.
Wiki Supersessionism
Perhaps our definitions of religion are different. To me, religion is man trying to bridge the gap with God by our own efforts. Christianity, in contrast to all others, is God bridging that gap. All that's left for us is belief, faith, and relationship. Oh, and works as a response to, not a cause of, salvation.
No matter what, God has always had 1 religion-Israels religion until they rejected Jesus, then the religion Jesus began. Jesus appointed teachers( apostles) to teach. It works that way today as well. Jesus appoints his teachers on earth.
You're mixing up scripture and misusing it. You are taking scripture truths and putting them where they don't apply
1John 2:22--Who is the liar if it is not the one that denies Jesus is the Christ( Messiah). This is the antichrist the one that denies the Father and the son.
Jesus told the Israelite leaders off=Matt 23. He said they closed the kingdom of God up to all listening to them--Jesus will be doing the judging. As long as they never do Matt 23:39 and go to Jesus' religion they are not in Gods favor.
Matt 23:38=Your house abandoned to you= cut off of being Gods chosen---The renting of the banner in two the moment Jesus died signified that truth.

In Ez. 36, God tells the mountains His chosen people, the Jews, are coming back to His lands.
And Ez. 37, the valley of the dry bones. After the Holocaust, the Jews came back from their ashes.
They came to stand on their feet, and muscle an skin was given to them. The start-up nation.
"But there was not yet Spirit in them".

That will come, when they see Yeshua HaMaschiach, they will cry over Hem as over a firstborn son.
(Zech. 12:10)

And so all Israel shall be saved! (Rom. 11)

To be clear, no one here is denying that salvation is only through Jesus -- there is no other way, and we all believe that. That applies equally to Jews and non-Jews.

What we're taking exception to is the idea that God is done with Israel and it has been permanently replaced by the church. That goes against so many scriptures in both the old and new testaments that a fair reading using the normal literal sense of words cannot support it. More sure than the Sun will rise tomorrow, God will draw a remnant of Israel back to Him -- He has promised that and it will happen.