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Israel, Gog, And The Monster To The North


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Bible. This is the one book that dares to predict the future not once, not twice, but hundreds of times with 100% accuracy. The Bible tells us in the last days, certain things are going to happen, and friends, we’re seeing those things happen before our very eyes.

The Bible says that the Jewish people, who are God’s chosen people, would be scattered to the four corners of the Earth, and then there’s a sign of the end times specifically telling us that you will know you’re in the last days when this happens. The Bible said that the same group of people, the Jews, who would be scattered, would be regathered. On May 14th, 1948, Bible prophecy was fulfilled before our very eyes, and a prophetic time clock began to tick—that was the day Israel became a nation.

The Bible said not only would Israel be regathered in her land, but that she would be surrounded by enemies and that she would be attacked from her north by a large force identified as Gog and Magog. When you look to the north of Israel today, you find Russia. Many Bible commentators believe that Magog is a reference to Russia.

Look at what is happening right now in the Middle East. We have Israel under attack. Of course, on October 7th, she was attacked, and 1,400 Israeli citizens were slaughtered, some decapitated, some burned alive, and then another 239 were taken hostage.

Now, we have a new potential conflict developing again in the north of Israel with the group Hezbollah. Hezbollah is financed by Russia. Russia is like the Puppet Master working through Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and hostility against Israel.

