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Islamization of the USA


Mike and I just finished watching the second episode of a multi part series on Islam by Pastor Billy Crone. He put that out in 2016 and in it he gives global stats including stats from the USA stating that by 20-30 years, most of Europe will be under Islamic rule. We will have a Muslim majority in the USA by 2050.

It startled me and had me thinking about the future of my son and daughter. I know the solution is to share the Gospel. I just can’t help shake such a feeling of grief and sadness thinking about my kids.

I’m praying the rapture happens by 2026 but that is not guaranteed. We could be here for much longer.

I’ll share the video series here: Get A Life Ministries

I wonder what everyone else thinks about Islam and the future, this side of the Rapture.
Obama brought in tens of thousands and planted them in specific locations. Thankfully Trump put a stop to it but then diben let everybody in.

East and west mix like oil and water. Yes, Islamic communities are a mission field but it wasn't for good that so many Islamists were welcomed in to the country.
It's mind boggling why our government would permit the indoctrination of the Islamic ideology to take place in this country.

The American Center for Law and Justice, a Constitutional Law firm headed by Jay Sekulow has tried to stop the indoctrinating of Islam in public schools. It's still going on.

This article is from 2015:

Islamic Indoctrination in Public Schools Is 'Nationwide Epidemic,' Conservative Law Group Says

The American Center for Law and Justice has claimed that Islamic indoctrination is growing into a "nationwide epidemic," based on several cases of public school students allegedly being taught Islamic ideology. The conservative law group said that as many as 7,000 Tennessee residents have called to complain about students being require to learn the Five Pillars of Islam.

"For the last several years, parents from across the country have contacted the ACLJ — from California to Maine — concerned about the teaching of Islam in their local schools. It seems that many schools may be going well beyond simply teaching about a religion. From disparate treatment of religions, to distortion of truth, the teaching of Islam seems entrenched with problems," the ACLJ wrote in a statement shared with The Christian Post on Thursday.

According to the law group, students in Tennessee and Georgia have been told to recite an Islamic conversion creed, while in one Nashville middle school students were reportedly told to write "Allah is the only God," the Daily Caller reported in September.

The ACLJ said that teachings about Christianity or Judaism were skipped entirely at such schools, making the cases "indoctrination."

I have said this for years, and I still believe it (and act on it as/how I'm called to do)

We did a terrible job of taking The Gospel to the 10-40 window (many different reasons),
so God brought/is bringing the 10-40 window to us.
If we don't bless the muslims with The Gospel,
God will curse us with sharia.

The Twin Cities is a fertile, wide-open mission field.
I see and hear many more non-Americans/non-Christians when I'm out-and-about, than American Christians (unless I'm in church or a Christian bookstore).
I see more non-American Christians than American Christians witnessing to non-Christians (American and non-American).
It's a treat to talk to any Christian about God/the Bible/eschatology these days <3
The muslim religious police here do not like me :big grin; :lol: :rofl:
The woke/occult/new age/satanists often move away quickly from me, especially the satanists. Actually, they're running away from the Word of God :cry:

The "uniform of the day" is generally a T shirt with either John 3:16 or John 14:6 verse printed on it, and a crucifix necklace.
Since it's cold now, add sweatshirt with basic part of John 14:6, Jesus is King, or "dear person behind me, I hope you know that Jesus loves you," etc. If reasonable and possible, the sweatshirt comes off inside public places, since the actual Word of God is better :)

The Gospel and The Holy Ghost never return void.

<3 It's a real privilege and blessing to see The Holy Ghost at work <3


:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
I remember reading about how the Saudi government spends billions of dollars buying off governments to allow the teaching of Sunni Islam. They send money to build Mosques and support organizations to lobby for Islam to be spread in schools, and all other cultural institutions in Western Nations.

It reminds me so much of how God tells us that the Love of Money is the root of all evil.

What baffles me is how short sighted those politicians and leaders are. If all of this is true, how can they not see that their descendants would suffer under Sharia and what Islam brings to their nations. It’s not like they would be immune from the ramifications.
What baffles me is how short sighted those politicians and leaders are.
Right! Can’t they see what’s happening in the UK?

I get a lot of my information about Islam from Pfander Films, Jay Smith & CIRA Int’l Al Fadi. Both are believers and experts. Al Fadi was raised an Islamist in Saudi Arabia. Once he came to Christ he was heavily persecuted and fled to the US. Jay Smith, PhD runs a doctorate program. I’ve taken one of his courses.

As a grandma I pray my grandson will avoid the dangers of Islam. If he were my child I’d be educating him via Pfander Films. You’ll need to preview for content if you watch the debates:force:
but there are many educational videos :book:
I remember reading about how the Saudi government spends billions of dollars buying off governments to allow the teaching of Sunni Islam. They send money to build Mosques and support organizations to lobby for Islam to be spread in schools, and all other cultural institutions in Western Nations.

It reminds me so much of how God tells us that the Love of Money is the root of all evil.

What baffles me is how short sighted those politicians and leaders are. If all of this is true, how can they not see that their descendants would suffer under Sharia and what Islam brings to their nations. It’s not like they would be immune from the ramifications.
It's been pointed out by many who have observed the absurdities that some politicians have allowed and have encouraged as being done purposely to destroy America because of the globalist agenda and America with our unique constitution having been in the way of getting the agenda done.
Very sad to see it happen, but God's prophecies must be fulfilled, including the formation of the OWG with AC being the world leader.
The good side is knowing that soon we will be taken up to meet The Lord in the air and all of these atrocities will be left behind for The Lord to judge and clean up this world.