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Islamic Conquest in America: New York Church Converted into Mosque as Muslims Celebrate Victory

The conversion of St. Anne’s Church into a mosque is not just a real estate deal—it’s a symbolic conquest that exposes the West’s accelerating decline, as Islam advances with unwavering determination while Christianity crumbles under complacency, weak leadership, and self-inflicted surrender.

The battle for the soul of the West is being waged right before our eyes, and the enemies of our civilization aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. In a disturbing and outright threatening video by Syfeddine Hormi, posted on his YouTube channel, SYFEtalk openly celebrates the highly controversial conversion of St. Anne’s Church, a historic Catholic landmark in Buffalo, New York, into a mosque. His words aren’t just gloating—they are a brazen declaration of Islamic supremacy and a guarantee of what’s to come if the West continues its self-inflicted decay.

Breaking Down the Most Troubling Statements

Right from the outset, the Syfeddine declares: “Allahu Akbar! New York historic Catholic church, St Anne’s Church, has been bought by the Muslim community and is going to be converted into a mosque.” That phrase, shouted in triumph, has been the war cry of jihadists for centuries. It has echoed through history as Christians, Jews, and others have been conquered and forced into submission. Now, it’s being used to celebrate the Islamization of Buffalo, and make no mistake—this is an ideological conquest, not a mere real estate transaction.

A Prophetic Conquest?

He then invokes a hadith of Muhammad, stating: “This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house or residence, but that Allah will cause this religion to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored, and the disgraceful will be disgraced.”

This is an open admission that Islam’s ultimate goal is total domination, with its adherents believing they have a divine right to subjugate every non-Muslim society. When Muslims like this speaker celebrate the Islamization of a Western city, they see it as the fulfillment of Muhammad’s prophecy—meaning they don’t intend to stop at one church, one city, or even one country.


If we don't get on our knees before God in prayer, the muslims will force us (or everyone they can, anyway) on their knees before them :tap:
Either as converts, dhimmis, or for beheading.

No. :tap:

Yet another reason for congregations to own their own churches.

For now, at least "only" buying the churches. But when they start meeting resistance, they'll start burning. Same pattern as in other countries as muslims impose sharia.

If we don't stop it now, we won't able to.

If we don't bless the muslims with The Gospel, God will curse us with sharia.



:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: