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Islam is getting restless at home and abroad, and the U.S. government loves it



Attacks on U.S. assets domestically and overseas are all part of a broader plan to destabilize, divide, demoralize and deconstruct the waning American empire

In case you haven’t noticed — and I’ll forgive you if you’ve checked out in need of a respite from the continuous barrage of insane “news” recently — the barbarians are inside the gates and they’re getting restless.

On Saturday night in D.C., tens of thousands of useful idiots stormed the White House gates, spread feces and fake blood all over, defaced statues, and generally were out of control in showing their support for the Hamas butchers. I doubt many of them realize exactly who or what they are supporting but it must have felt good so they did it. People, especially young people, are angry. And angry people are easily manipulated through their emotions.
Meanwhile, another mob of about 200 “pro-Palestinian” protesters gathered at a port in Oakland, California, and breached a U.S. military supply ship that they believed was about to set sail for Israel with military aid on board. The protesters chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” This slogan has become a battle cry for eliminating Israel from the map. Watch below.
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