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Iran helped plan devastating Hamas attack on Israel, gave green light last week after months of preparation: report


Iranian security officials helped the Palestinina terror group Hamas plan its Saturday sneak attack on Israel — and gave the final go-ahead at a meeting last Monday in Beirut, an explosive new report says.

Officers from Iran’s infamous Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had been working with the Gaza Strip-based terrorist organization since August to plan the Oct. 7 attack, which sent thousands of rockets and groups of gunmen over the fortified Israeli border, killing more than 700, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

The attack was the most serious breach of the Jewish state since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Iranian officers — as well as reps from Iran-backed militant groups including Hamas and Lebanon’s Hezbollah — refined tactical and strategic plans for the assault during several meetings in Beirut, according to the Journal, which cited senior members of both terrorist groups.

