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Iran expected to attack Israel as early as Monday, US officials arrive in Middle East - report

The Iranian attack on Israel in response to the assassination of Hamas political bureau leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran last week is expected to come as early as Monday, three US and Israeli officials told Axios reporter Barak Ravid on Sunday.

Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of US Central Command, arrived in the Middle East early Sunday morning amid Hezbollah and Iran's threats against Israel, Walla reported on Sunday, citing two senior US officials.

The aim of the visit, which was planned before the current escalation, is to prepare a coalition to counter such threats, the report added.

Israel on high alert at Iran threatens revenge

Several Iranian officials vowed that the country would avenge Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s assassination, as Israel remains on high alert for a potential attack and the United States is sending additional forces to the region.


Sounds like a false alarm

Something Amir said: a reason Iran may be delaying an attack is a report that Israel told Iran that if they dare target any civilians Israel will destroy all their nuclear stations.
Iran issues flight warning notice to pilots ahead of expected attack on Israel
Iran has issued a NOTAM, a notice alerting an aircraft of dangers en route, for the center, west, and northwest of the country, advising aircraft to change their routes.

Attack may occur Monday, sources say

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a G7 conference call on Monday that an attack carried out by Iran and Hezbollah against Israel could begin as early as Monday.

According to Barak Ravid on Axios on Sunday, citing three US and Israeli officials, the attack could occur on Monday.

Reports that Israel conveyed a message to Iran through a third European country: Any attack on civilian targets by Iran will be met with the immediate destruction of all Iranian nuclear facilities

The United States believes that this fact is the reason for Iran’s long wait before attacking.

(Hillel Fuld on X)

Hossein Salami, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, said this morning:

The US and Israel export all types of prohibited weapons and claim today that Iran has no right to have a nuclear capability.
The enemy thought, wrongly , that eliminating the nuclear scientists (the Iranians) would prevent us from achieving a nuclear capability...

(Abu Ali)

Amir Tsarfati

An interesting point: Defense Secretary Austin ordered a squadron of F22 Raptor planes, the world's most advanced stealth fighter, to be sent to the area. The question arises: why do you need such planes to intercept slow drones that fly at a speed of 200 km/h? The answer is that you don't have to - the Americans really don't want to become an active party in a war that might develop here, but the Raptors came up with exactly this possibility.

(Tamir Morag)

It's currently almost midnight in Israel.
I see it like this....
Satan is darkness and for the most part evil men love to do their wickedness in the dark.
We will see if Iran makes their move tonight there.
If not, we know what is spread by the media doesn't change, which they will say anything to keep people tuned in to them and divert from what is the real story.
Iran may attack, but then they may hold off, but just for a while until they have secured an alliance for back up to insure Israel doesn't target their nuclear facilities.
It’s looking like not much is going to come from their threats.
They will do it. It's just when, is the question.
For two reasons we know they will attack Israel.

One because it's prophetic in The Bible.
The other is because Islam has a lot of pride and if they make a threat like that, they need to have face by making the threat so.

What we just don't know is when. But Iran will attack Israel.
Hossein Salami, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, said this morning:

The US and Israel export all types of prohibited weapons and claim today that Iran has no right to have a nuclear capability.
The enemy thought, wrongly , that eliminating the nuclear scientists (the Iranians) would prevent us from achieving a nuclear capability...

(Abu Ali)

Amir Tsarfati

An interesting point: Defense Secretary Austin ordered a squadron of F22 Raptor planes, the world's most advanced stealth fighter, to be sent to the area. The question arises: why do you need such planes to intercept slow drones that fly at a speed of 200 km/h? The answer is that you don't have to - the Americans really don't want to become an active party in a war that might develop here, but the Raptors came up with exactly this possibility.

(Tamir Morag)

Perhaps they know USSR is going to get involved
Or targets farther away than the immediate area need protection, or capability to get to/hit/recon/return from and need stealth, etc.
Hossein Salami, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, said this morning:

The US and Israel export all types of prohibited weapons and claim today that Iran has no right to have a nuclear capability.
The enemy thought, wrongly , that eliminating the nuclear scientists (the Iranians) would prevent us from achieving a nuclear capability...

(Abu Ali)

Amir Tsarfati

An interesting point: Defense Secretary Austin ordered a squadron of F22 Raptor planes, the world's most advanced stealth fighter, to be sent to the area. The question arises: why do you need such planes to intercept slow drones that fly at a speed of 200 km/h? The answer is that you don't have to - the Americans really don't want to become an active party in a war that might develop here, but the Raptors came up with exactly this possibility.

(Tamir Morag)

Even if we dont really want to be involved, you always present a strong show of force, and many key assets of ours are already on station. Iran actions or lack of will be the deciding factor if our forces are used or not
Even if we dont really want to be involved, you always present a strong show of force, and many key assets of ours are already on station. Iran actions or lack of will be the deciding factor if our forces are used or not
It may be they're needed to protect our key assets in the area. Maybe from USSR or PRC or . . .

. . . could be an excuse to move more assets away from defending US
Numerous reports are emerging tonight indicating that while Iran and certain terrorist groups are making efforts to attack Israel, Russia has allegedly taken control of parts of Sudan with assistance from the Muslim Brotherhood-led military. It is reported that two battalions of Russian troops have landed in Port Sudan and are now moving towards Jebeit City. There, they are supposedly preparing to collaborate with forces akin to Hamas (SAF) to launch attacks on civilians and forcibly displace the Sudanese population. Have there been any statements from the UN or NGOs regarding the validity of these reports?

Russian Troops Enter Sudan, Escalating Regional Tensions

Uh, oh

Reminiscent of Nazi strategy before/during WWII

Maybe we'll start seeing some USSR professional forces, now

or maybe they're still being held in reserve for something bigger and more important [sigh]

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: