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Iran’s Raisi: The only solution is ‘a Palestinian state from the river to the sea’


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi tells a summit of Arab and Muslim leaders on Israel’s war with Hamas that the only solution to the conflict is a Palestinian state from the “river to the sea.”

“The only solution for this conflict is the resistance continuing against the Israeli oppression until the establishment of the Palestinian state from the river to the sea,” he says, echoing protest chants seen as calling for the destruction of Israel.

Raisi calls on those present to take a clear stand and choose what side they are on.

It should be clear to the entire world that there can never be a two state solution so long as one state is bent on eliminating the other state. Better that the state that wishes to reside in peace eliminate the wannabee state.