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In The Fullness Of Time, God Is Bringing The Jewish People Back To The Land — And Back To Him


The Jews.

That was the two-word answer given to Tsar Nicholas and Napoleon Bonaparte when they asked for proof that God is real. No other people group has endured through the ages — despite continual persecution and prosecution. Their respective advisors understood that only God could protect and preserve a people He set apart as His.

Throughout Scripture, God not only promised to provide for the chosen descendants of Abraham — He swore to bring them back to their own Promised Land in the fullness of time.

That promise goes hand in glove with His warning that they would be scattered throughout the world because of their disobedience and faithlessness. They would be harassed and oppressed to the point that they would be left with “a trembling of heart, failing of eyes, and despair of soul” (Deuteronomy 28:64).

But God swore that He would never fail them or forsake them.

All the other Signs of the Times are multiplying before our eyes — here in America and around the world. But the Sign of Israel focuses primarily on the Land and people of Israel.

Many prophetic writers would testify to the magnitude of this great sign that reemerged on the world scene in just the past century. In the fullness of time, God is bringing the Jewish people back to the Land — and back to Him.


Many prophetic writers would testify to the magnitude of this great sign that reemerged on the world scene in just the past century. In the fullness of time, God is bringing the Jewish people back to the Land — and back to Him.
With the current war, the potential for this to lead to either Psalm 83, or Ezekiel 38, seems to get stronger everyday.

God is and has been bringing His people back home, but sadly, many will still be in unbelief, and enter the tribulation.
God is and has been bringing His people back home, but sadly, many will still be in unbelief, and enter the tribulation.
Romans 11:25: Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.

Proves true every day. :bible:
Romans 11:25: Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.

Proves true every day. :bible:
Many interpret the fullness of gentiles has come in meaning once the last one becomes saved, its rapture time, then His focus is back on Israel. At the end of Ezekiel 38 God says they shall finally know His name. However, even then, many will still not believe in Jesus as God, and will go through a living hell in the tribulation - yet, some will become saved before the tribulation ends.

Its a rough journey the Jews have endured all of which could be avoided by simply believing in the One sent by the Father.
Its a rough journey the Jews have endured all of which could be avoided by simply believing in the One sent by the Father.
On a smaller scale, how many painful consequences could have been avoided in my own life had I just believed in God's word and instructions for my life? So many.

I can only imagine the mournful feeling many Jews will feel during the Trib when God will likely lead them to read Stephen's piercing speech in Acts 7.
Its a rough journey the Jews have endured all of which could be avoided by simply believing in the One sent by the Father.
When you think of how the enemy has persecuted them ever since Genesis 3:15, it's remarkable. He's tried to wipe them out since Cain slew Abel. Even now, he tries to "wipe them from the face of the earth" as the slogan goes. He's failed to prevent the Messiah, but hopes to prevent His return. It is futile, but he'll persist until the very end.
How amazing will it be during the Millennial Kingdom, in our Glorified bodies, amongst those who survived the tribulation as believers, in their natural bodies. Its hard to imagine, how in that environment, sin will still find its way in, and cause many in their natural bodies to rebel against God at the end of the MK.