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I'm stunned, at a loss for words, at what has happened at my church. I need some advice.


A short bit of background. My wife and I began attending a Baptist church last year. I teach as a sub and we both work in the food pantry fellowship, that is, several of us lead a short Bible class while the bulk of the pantry workers are preparing the food for distribution. We do that so people won't have to sit in their cars for 2 hours until the start time. And overall, the church has been solid as far as teaching. Today, though, was hard. There was a lunch for all the pantry workers, those outside distributing and those inside teaching (us). At the luncheon, we noticed 4 young people at one of the tables, 2 men and 2 women, the men in long pants and white shirts wearing tags that said "Elder xxx" and their companions, "Sister xxx" ... clearly Mormon. Turns out that they are part of the pantry work team, they work outside in the preparation of the food packages. But it shocked me. These are not visitors or guests of members. They are active Mormons, the two men are, in fact, doing part of their 2 year missionary work. And they're doing it at a Baptist church!! Apparently, I'm told, someone in the past allowed the Mormons to participate, for what I reason I don't know. The pantry has been in operation for about 25 years and we're relative newcomers. Now, they are not teaching, they are not passing out literature or witnessing etc. but they are under the banner, the authority of a Baptist church and that alone it seems to me gives them some degree of legitimacy to the outside world. My thought, and my wife's, is that, if they are in our church, we should consider them as "lost" and not co-laborers. And I'm speechless that, as far as I know, no one else thought that. Anyway, my plan is to write a letter, email, to the pastor, the worship leader (who was in attendance) and the pantry deacon (who led the affair) and express my thoughts to them. However, at this time, I'm am still too mad to write in a respectful way so I'll wait a day or so. Also, though, I would like to know if you all think I am making too big a deal about this. (Obviously I don't think so, but ...), and lastly, what if the church hierarchy doesn't take the same position I have? Is this a "separation level event", that is, would you leave the church because of this? Truthfully, if I had to decide right now, I might. And we both really, really like the church. The verse that keeps coming to mind is the one that says "...do you not know, a little leaven leavens the whole loaf?" So, what do you think? Am I making too much of it and would you leave if it came to that? Thanks, RJS
Presuming that the food pantry is an outreach ministry of this church, and that would make these mormons representatives of this church, then "...do you not know, a little leaven leavens the whole loaf?" is very apt in this case, and no, you're not making too much of it.
Presuming that the food pantry is an outreach ministry of this church, and that would make these mormons representatives of this church, then "...do you not know, a little leaven leavens the whole loaf?" is very apt in this case, and no, you're not making too much of it.

Yes, the perception of outsiders or those coming would be that these are leaders in the church and their beliefs, if/when it comes out are accepted by the church.

That may or may not be true but I think this could also fall under avoiding the appearance of evil.

It may also be possible that the Pastor is not aware of what's going on, I third the talk with Pastor if needed, however, have you spoken with the pantry deacon yet?
My wife also recommended talking with the pastor first. The office is closed for the week so Monday I'll do that. Apparently, the Mormon church reached out to us, that is, the pantry folks, because ours is one of the better run ones around. That led to volunteering and where we are now. I'm not sure how involved the current administration was initially. Because it is overseen and run by the deacon board, I'm not sure how many know of the backgrounds of the individuals involved. Since they don't wear their Mormon badges at the pantry, they may be pretty unknown. Both of us feel almost certain that the pastor would not want this but, until someone tells him, I guess you can't assume anything.
I'll be praying for The Holy Spirit to give you discernment and insight on what to do in this regard.
The Lord is trustworthy and will guide you to the right direction 🙏

Maybe do a little digging into your church.
I don't know what your church is connected to but I am aware that some Baptist churches are part of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Not long ago the Southern Baptist Convention split because part of it became tolerant of unconventional biblical sound theology.
Part of the Southern Baptist Convention churches went their separate ways so there's many Baptist churches that are not sound in biblical standards any longer.

That is just bizarre and shocking, and I don’t even attend your church. I’m sorry. I would definitely be very concerned. To me, this falls under “do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” 2 Cor 6. The Mormons should be witnessed to, not being given the privilege of participating in what should be a Holy Spirit guided ministry.
Is the pantry on the actual church property? I’m very surprised that the Mormon church would be on board with sending their Missionaries there to work.
Yes, I agree with your feelings on this. It is absurd to have Mormons fellowshipping as part of your Baptist Church's (any true Christian Church for that matter) food program. I also agree with going straight to the Pastor and privately having a meeting with him, maybe even some of the deacons/elders too. I would want to get a good discerning read on how they react and if they are even aware. This deacon that is in authority there does not show good discernment at all. I would question his theology.

[2Co 6:14-17 NKJV]
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?
15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them And walk among [them]. I will be their God, And they shall be My people."
17 Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you."
After a couple days of prayer, here's the game plan I plan to use. Remember that I think our pastor is solid and will not stand for this, I will be shocked and saddened if he is not.
However, here's my three point suggestions (kind of like a sermon) ...
1. Fix the loophole in the volunteering process that would allow for this to happen. All volunteers need to be either members in good standing of this church or possibly a closely doctrinal church,
2. We have a new member orientation class, 1 hour w/lunch, that provides church ministry info to new/prospective members. It occurs I think, quarterly. So, expand that to include a new member/refresher course on Christian doctrine. The class would cover the core essentials of the Christian faith plus some non-essential doctrines. I'd be willing to teach it if requested. Could be a Sunday morning SS class or Wed. class or even mid week. Probably 8-10 weeks.
3. Incorporate current issues/cultural changes/wokeness into the church's teaching ministries ... that is, address current issues from the pulpit and in SS classes. The congregation needs to know what's happening in our world and how it affects the church. Most/many church goers seem to have a mental 'separation of church and state' mentality. We teach the Bible but neglect to show how it relates to our Mon-Sat. life.
So, that's my plan. It may change a bit before Monday. I thank you for your responses. Please continue to pray for me and the church. I'll keep you posted.
What if the Mormons are using their role in your outreach when they go proselytize for their cult?
What if the Mormons are slipping a tiny slip of paper into bags or boxes with Mormon info or contact on it?
What if the Mormons are gathering people's information for later Mormon contact, whether it's by them or someone else?

Even if none of this or anything else wrong is occurring, it still has the appearance of impropriety, and so can besmirch the reputation and damage the witness of the church.

This absolutely must be stopped immediately. People's souls are at stake.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
What if the Mormons are using their role in your outreach when they go proselytize for their cult?
What if the Mormons are slipping a tiny slip of paper into bags or boxes with Mormon info or contact on it?
What if the Mormons are gathering people's information for later Mormon contact, whether it's by them or someone else?

Even if none of this or anything else wrong is occurring, it still has the appearance of impropriety, and so can besmirch the reputation and damage the witness of the church.

This absolutely must be stopped immediately. People's souls are at stake.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
While we can't assume anything, my mind always goes to this place with the cults... The Mormons believe in 'lying for the lord' (similar to Muslims) which I discussed on another thread. Also it makes me more suspect because these Mormons are there as part of their '2 year mission.' They are also a works based salvation cult like the JWs and Catholics.

It would be great if you could get them in a class and exposed to sound Christian biblical doctrine and prayer.