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HUNS: Their History


Can’t wait to get to Beulah Land!
The Huns were nomadic warriors who terrorized much of Europe and the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries A.D. They were impressive horsemen best known for their astounding military achievements. As they plundered their way across the European continent, the Huns acquired a reputation for being ruthless, indomitable savages.
My comment: Some Roman Christians believed they were devils arrived straight from hell.
Attila murdered his brother, Bleda, because he suspected Bleda would murder Attila for he (Bleda) sought to lead the Huns.
Interestingly, Spell-checker doesn’t accept the words Attila nor Bleda as correct spellings.
Interesting history, there, @Ronnie. Throughout the ages there were groups that waged war ruthlessly without any moral limits whatsoever. I've always thought that the attempts by the modern west to establish rules of war that all would follow was bound to not be followed, and would only cripple the side attempting to follow those rules.