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Humiliation Ensues for Canadian PM Justin Trudeau When He Receives a Rude Welcome from a Disgruntled Constituent While on Vacation

Disgraced Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is so hated by the general public that he cannot escape their wrath even while taking taxpayer-funded vacations.

As The National Post reported, the man referred to as the “Governor of the Great State of Canada” jetted off last week to British Columbia (B.C), a Canadian province, for a family skiing trip. But what he hoped was an uneventful event turned quite spicy on Friday.

Online footage showed a woman giving Trudeau a piece of her mind in a colorful fashion. The clip opens with Trudeau walking to his car before the woman calls out.

The woman is heard shouting “Mr. Prime Minister!” to get Trudeau’s attention, and he turns around. Trudeau then walks over to the woman and shakes her hand, expecting a pleasant, short talk.


I saw it. She uses some bad language, but every single Canadian channel that reported it (and there are lots) had hearty agreement in the comments.

He is so RUDE! That same ski hill has online complaints on X and other places about how Trudeau and his security detail have roughly barged in front of people waiting in line for the ski lifts, taken over in the hotel bar and restaurant.

Zero consideration for people who have saved up for their family vacation, expecting a good time at the ski slopes in Rossland. There are long line ups for the ski lifts, and space is limited in public areas like bars and restaurants due to the packed ski season.

But he's entitled to shove them out of the way, with his security detail of RCMP. No excuse me, please or thank you, just MOVE OVER, coming thru. RUDE!!!!

BTW this is an unwritten rule in Canada. If there's a line up, you take your place at the end, you ask where the end is if unsure and above all you NEVER barge into the line and shove yourself to the front.

If someone offers to let you in (this is courtesy for pregnant women, disabled) then you can but otherwise you DON'T do that. Buses, ski lifts, line ups at the bank, the emergency dept. We live in line ups of one sort or another. People who disrespect the line are considered SCUM of the EARTH!!