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How should we live in these evil days?


Staff member
We may not yet be in the days foretold in the Bible when "men's hearts will fail them with fear (Luke 21:26-27)" but people are certainly increasingly disturbed by all the wrong that is occurring in this world...and in this nation.

Right is being regarded as wrong, and wrong as right. Good (when it's not being despised) is being ignored; and evil (when it's not being glorified) is nonetheless being encouraged. We see those things definitely occurring in politics and in court cases. And deliberate actions are being taken to divide the people of this country along every possible line, from race to economics to social responsibilities.

These things are extremely disturbing; but responses among the "average" persons in America range from rage to resignation. Some are ready to fight; others have just given up. Many are between those two extremes and are unsure how they are to live in these evil days. In fact, I hear people repeatedly ask, "What can I do in the face of all this that is wrong? What can I do in these evil days around me?"

A while back, after considering this question from a biblical perspective, I gave an answer on another site. But now that we have CCF, I'm repeating it below:

The other day I saw a Charlie Brown cartoon in which Charlie is saying to Snoopy, "Many folks are praying for God to heal our land, but I think He is still waiting for people to humble themselves, repent and turn from their wicked ways."

God could turn this nation around in an instant. But why? So we can make some acknowledgement of Him then go back and enjoy life, live the way we want, focus on the many things this life offers --family, entertainment, fun-- and give Him some time on Sunday morning and maybe a Bible study mid-week? That's not why He saved us.

And that is not why we find ourselves in the situation we are currently in, here in America. He has allowed all this for a purpose. Can we know what that is?

Yes, He wants us in Heaven with Him for eternity; but He also desires multitudes of others to be there with Him, too. And that is why He saved us and left us here. The fact is that He has called us to do our part. And that begins by --each day-- entering into essential, daily, intimate relationship with HIM, dying to self-will and self-desire, and being absolutely willing to abandon our dreams for ourselves in exchange for His plan for us.

You can't talk it until you walk it. God does not accept lip-service, and He will not anoint a life lived in that way. America has taken Him for granted for far too long. To many Christians use Him as a means to their own ends; they consider Him a source of answered prayer; they act as though His purpose was to supply the needs and, too often, the wants of those who call themselves His. In truth, their contact with Him is shallow and convenient.

God has said, "Enough!!!" These ARE the last days. And if we who purport to believe that statement actually DO believe it, then what are we doing as a result?

I'm not speaking about religious activities, I am talking of seeking a real relationship with God. It is NOT something God does in us: He has done His part in the world and us through Christ. He is calling on US to do our part. What is our part?

His Word tells us.

Over and over in the Bible we read of God working in the lives of simple human beings to accomplish His will. (Oh, what can be done by an ordinary man or woman in the hands of an extraordinary God!) But in every case we see things begin with some form of the fact that the person "set his mind" or "set his heart" to seek God and obey Him. Can that be said of us?

You want to know what we can do in the face of all this that is gathering speed toward destruction around us? Stop looking to kings and princes, and chariots and horses; instead look to God and seriously seek His face and set your heart on it. Hannah, Nehemiah, Daniel, Isaiah. All of them. They had their own version of Jacob's cry: "I will not let You go until You bless me!"

Nothing else will do.

You and I can continue to live for God half-heartedly and live on the lowest rung of heaven for eternity ... or we can truly stop living for self and set our mind to seek Him to gain the power to live for Him here ...with the promise that we will live in eternity in the closest ring of His glory.

That result has nothing to do with how great a work you do here on earth. Not at all. It has only to do with how willingly you surrender your life to Him. There IS a cost. But I assure you that, as great as it may be here on earth, it is nowhere near the cost He, Himself, bore for us.

My friends, I pray you have read through to the end. Because what I have written above will provide not just a supremely blessed eternity but a life of real joy and true peace here on this earth ... regardless of our circumstances.

May God touch you deeply with His truth. :pray:
We may not yet be in the days foretold in the Bible when "men's will fail them with fear (Luke 21:26-27)" but people are certainly increasingly disturbed by all the wrong that is occurring in this world...and in this nation.

Right is being regarded as wrong, and wrong as right. Good (when it's not being despised) is being ignored; and evil (when it's not being glorified) is being encouraged. We see those things definitely occurring in politics and in court cases. And deliberate actions are being taken to divide the people of this country along every possible line, from race to economics to social responsibilities.

These things are extremely disturbing; but responses among the "average" persons in America range from rage to resignation. Some are ready to fight; others have just given up. Many are between those two extremes and are unsure how they are to live in these evil days. In fact, I hear people repeatedly ask, "What can I do in the face of all this that is wrong? What can I do in these evil days around me?"

A while back, after considering this question from a biblical perspective, I gave an answer on another site. But now that we have CCF, I'm repeating it below:

The other day I saw a Charlie Brown cartoon in which Charlie is saying to Snoopy, "Many folks are praying for God to heal our land, but I think He is still waiting for people to humble themselves, repent and turn from their wicked ways."

God could turn this nation around in an instant. But why? So we can make some acknowledgement of Him then go back and enjoy life, live the way we want, focus on the many things this life offers --family, entertainment, fun-- give Him some time on Sunday morning and maybe a Bible study mid-week? That's not why He saved us. And that is not why we find ourselves in the situation we are currently in, here in America. He has allowed all this for a purpose. Can we know what that is?

Yes, He wants us in Heaven with Him for eternity; but He also desires multitudes of others to be there with Him, too. And that is why He saved us and left us here. The fact is that He has called us to do our part. And that begins by --each day-- entering into essential, daily, intimate relationship with HIM, dying to self-will and self-desire, and being absolutely willing to abandon our dreams for ourselves in exchange for His plan for us.

You can't talk it until you walk it. God does not accept lip-service, and He will not anoint a life lived in that way. America has taken Him for granted for far too long. Christians used Him as a means to their own ends; they considered Him a source of answered prayer; they acted as though His purpose was to supply the needs and, too often, the wants of those who called themselves His. In truth, their contact with him was shallow and convenient.

God has said, "Enough!!!" These ARE the last days. And if we who purport to believe that statement actually DO believe it, then what are we doing as a result?

I'm not speaking about religious activities, I am talking of seeking a real relationship with God. It is NOT something God does in us: He has done His part in the world and us through Christ. He is calling on US to do our part. What is our part?

His Word tells us.

Over and over in the Bible we read of God working in the lives of simple human beings to accomplish His will. (Oh, what can be done by an ordinary man or woman in the hands of an extraordinary God!) But in every case we see things begin with some form of the fact that the person "set his mind" or "set his heart" to seek God and obey Him. Can that be said of us?

You want to know what we can do in the face of all this that is gathering speed toward destruction around us? Stop looking to kings and princes, and chariots and horses; instead look to God and seriously seek His face and set your heart on it. Sarah, Nehemiah, Daniel, Isaiah. All of them. They had their own version of Jacob's cry: "I will not let You go until You bless me!"

Nothing else will do.

You and I can continue to live for God half-heartedly and live on the lowest rung of heaven for eternity ... or we can truly stop living for self and set our mind to seek Him to gain the power to live for Him here ...with the promise that we will live in eternity in the closest ring of His glory. That result has nothing to do with how great a work you do here on earth. Not at all. It has only to do with how willingly you surrender your life to Him. There IS a cost. But I assure you that, as great as it may be here on earth, it is nowhere near the cost He, Himself, bore for us.

My friends, I pray you have read through to the end. Because what I have written above will provide not just a supremely blessed eternity but a life of real joy and true peace here on this earth ... regardless of our circumstances.

May God touch you deeply with His truth. :pray:
Do you happen to know which Peanuts strip you saw that in?
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Matthew 5:13-14

Jesus has called us as Christians to be salt and light in this world. We need to stand out by reflecting Christ to those around us in this dark world.
We want to live a life worthy of being called Christians because we represent Jesus.

Because the Restrainer is in us, being The Holy Spirit, we hold back evil, and give hope to those who may be hurting, people who feel unloved or unworthy, people who need to know that Christ offers hope in the Gospel of Jesus.

I know you point out that it's not so much work we do while here on earth but how committed we are to God, that is true, but we do want to set an example by working out our faith so that by our good works onlookers can give God Glory and give hope to the unsaved that evil does not prevail because God's Goodness does exist and incite them to seek God while He can be found.

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven"
Matthew 5:16

"Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near"
Isaiah 55:6
Great write up!

Stop looking to kings and princes, and chariots and horses; instead look to God and seriously seek His face and set your heart on it.

This reminds me of this passage:

It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in people.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in princes.

Psalm 118:8-9

God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the sea.

Psalm 46:1-2

That result has nothing to do with how great a work you do here on earth. Not at all. It has only to do with how willingly you surrender your life to Him.

The thought has come to me that as one surrenders to the Lord, seeking His will, then the work He desires for us becomes more clear, more focused for the greatest good.
Very encouraging! I was at the funeral this week of a friend an colleague who died suddenly of a heart attack. A devout and very angry atheist (we had many discussions about faith together, his views were extreme), the chaplain who took the service had him in heaven but provided no gospel content, in fact God was not even mentioned. The many people there lapped it up- 'everyone goes to heaven regardless of anything'. I've been feeling off ever since. We're living in perilous times indeed. God Bless All :)
Very encouraging! I was at the funeral this week of a friend an colleague who died suddenly of a heart attack. A devout and very angry atheist (we had many discussions about faith together, his views were extreme), the chaplain who took the service had him in heaven but provided no gospel content, in fact God was not even mentioned. The many people there lapped it up- 'everyone goes to heaven regardless of anything'. I've been feeling off ever since. We're living in perilous times indeed. God Bless All :)

This is part of why some denominations and independent churches are very strict about issues of fellowship and participation in spiritual activities and events, to include who they will marry (and where), who they will conduct a funeral for, who they permit to participate in Holy Communion, who they will pray publicly with, who may preach and teach from the pulpit, who may rent or use the church property (and for what purpose(s), etc. All of these are public proclamations of faith. It is very important that the reputation of the Church is not besmirched and witness is not compromised or impaired.

Once upon a time I would have thought how stuck-up or mean or unloving of other Christians, but after what I've seen in some churches and denominations, I understand a lot more about why this kind of thing can be necessary, both for a denomination/individual church's sake, and individual believer's spiritual health (and sometimes mental and physical health).

I've had to turn down invitations to functions/events at some churches because they were engaged in or involved something that was contradictory to the Bible. Some things are simply not negotiable, and other things are adiaphora. If in doubt, I have no problem consulting a trusted Pastor for advice, both about attending, and the Biblical way to decline if necessary. I've also walked out of church services and events . . .

I don't think I know a Pastor, who will conduct an unsaved person's funeral, unless maybe a military Chaplain.
However, I would have no problem with a Pastor that preaches a fire-and-brimstone sermon at the funeral of an unbeliever and is clear that the person is NOT going to heaven, so long as he also preaches Law and Gospel, and is clear that faith in Jesus as Lord (God) and Savior is the only way not to go to Hell. I'd prefer that such a service were not held in a church because to anyone passing by or seeing the announcement in the paper, the funeral simply being held in the church would send an unclear and/or false public message.
Once upon a time I would have thought how stuck-up or mean or unloving of other Christians, but after what I've seen in some churches and denominations, I understand a lot more about why this kind of thing can be necessary, both for a denomination/individual church's sake,
Absolutely. I had to learn the hard way, after going to a nondenominational church that went off the rails, hijacked by a group of new people, split, and then folded. It was horrible. There was even a suicide.
We are sheep and we need to know that we won’t be led into the wrong pasture. And know that wolves can’t take over the flock. There is safety in a denomination.
I go to a Calvary Chapel which technically isn’t a denomination but for doctrinal purposes, it is. And I will never darken the door of another non-denominational church ever again.
Absolutely. I had to learn the hard way, after going to a nondenominational church that went off the rails, hijacked by a group of new people, split, and then folded. It was horrible. There was even a suicide.
We are sheep and we need to know that we won’t be led into the wrong pasture. And know that wolves can’t take over the flock. There is safety in a denomination.
I go to a Calvary Chapel which technically isn’t a denomination but for doctrinal purposes, it is. And I will never darken the door of another non-denominational church ever again.
:hug: :console:

I'm sorry that happened to you. But thank you for sharing a real-world example of the destruction that can happen when wolves in sheep's clothing get into the flock. It might save someone else the same heartbreak and angst.

I'm happy you found a church where you're comfortable and in the presence of God.

My denomination has its doctrinal flaws, but it consistently preaches and teaches unadulterated Law and Gospel, the need to be salt and light, The Great Commission including social ministry, local mission/ministry, and national/international mission/ministry, regards the Bible as inerrant, stands up for what is morally right in spite of what is going on in society and potential consequences for refusing to be PC, and trains, supervises, and supporys its Pastors and missionaries well. The biggest issue I have with it is its eschatological teaching about the End Times. So I'm a closet pre-Tribber there (not the only one) 😃 :lol: and believe differently about a few things than most people here :lol: Always trying to be respectful of the official or majority opinion when conversing there or posting here :) There is no perfect church or denomination because sinful humans run them and worship in them, but The Church with Jesus Christ as its head is perfect. Someday, The Church and its doctrine and practice will be perfect because we'll be with Jesus :) Until then, we have to pray and go where God leads us :) FWIW, I have asked God about switching and He has made it very clear about my staying where I am. Given what is going on with Dad, even stiff-necked me can see at least a little of God's wisdom and reasons for this.
Hello Ghoti. Interesting post, thanks! It was a university chaplain, we both work for a university. I appreciate the need to try to provide some comfort for the deceased person's relatives, but the bible talks about grieving like those who have no hope. Giving false hope to people is ultimately very cruel. A hall full of people heard you can believe or be whatever you like and we all go to heaven in the end anyway. There was another Christian at the funeral, she looked puzzled afterwards, trying to square the circle perhaps. God Bless You :)
I don't think I know a Pastor, who will conduct an unsaved person's funeral, unless maybe a military Chaplain.
Absolutely. I had to learn the hard way, after going to a nondenominational church that went off the rails, hijacked by a group of new people, split, and then folded. It was horrible. There was even a suicide.
We are sheep and we need to know that we won’t be led into the wrong pasture. And know that wolves can’t take over the flock. There is safety in a denomination.
I go to a Calvary Chapel which technically isn’t a denomination but for doctrinal purposes, it is. And I will never darken the door of another non-denominational church ever again.
Same happened with the former non denominational church I used to attend. The new Pastor even gave the pulpit to someone to give an activist style speech on social justice and I sat there shaking my head and left and never went back.
I too found a good Calvary Chapel Church and it teaches right out of the Bible. I love my church.

Though the beginning of this church got backlash for receiving hippies, drug addicts and name it off the street lost young people, it was amazing to see them transform into God fearing Jesus loving believers, and that Jesus movement has thrived even though sadly there was a split a few years ago with the son in-law of Chuck Smith and he parted ways from Calvary Chapel Association and now has his WOKE version of Calvary Chapel. But if we know scripture and are Bereans we know who is a real believer and who are the Tares of the church
Well, I have never done one; however.I might conduct an unsaved person's funeral ... IF the Holy Spirit Lord me to. It occurs to me it would be a great opportunity to preach the gospel to a room full of unsaved souls.
You might have to do an exorcism or two or three :lol:

I've done LE security for gang funerals. Amazing the Christian faith in places one would never suspect. However, the convolutions to be a gang member while a believing Christian :yikes: Not an image a church wants to project. There were older Christian family members, who were non-gang-affiliated at the funeral, but simply by being there they were affirming the gang(s), gang lifestyle, exposing themselves and others to potential gang-related violence, and failing to take responsibility :mad:
I'm going to try to use the image as the wallpaper on the outer screen of my cellphone . . . might be a good way to start a conversation (everyone loves Peanuts)

Since there are still at least ten Christians in each of the U.S. and Canada, who by God's grace are imputed Jesus Christ's righteousness, and who bear God's name (Christian, as in Jesus Christ), I'm standing on the promises God made in Genesis 18 and 2 Chronicles:

20 And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.
22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the Lord.
23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?
24 Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?
25 That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
26 And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:
28 Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.
29 And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake.
30 And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
31 And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake.
32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.
Genesis 18:20-32, KJV

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV


:thankyou: JESUS!!! :thankyou:
Absolutely. I had to learn the hard way, after going to a nondenominational church that went off the rails,

I attended a healthy robust church just outside of Washington D.C. Was very involved. The pastor at some point bought in to Calvanism and the first thing that happened was the Wednesday night teachings shifted to the pastor's new beliefs. Then it started showing up on Sundays too. It was interesting how it was done sneakily. Anyway, fast forward several years and that church no longer exists.