We may not yet be in the days foretold in the Bible when "men's hearts will fail them with fear (Luke 21:26-27)" but people are certainly increasingly disturbed by all the wrong that is occurring in this world...and in this nation.
Right is being regarded as wrong, and wrong as right. Good (when it's not being despised) is being ignored; and evil (when it's not being glorified) is nonetheless being encouraged. We see those things definitely occurring in politics and in court cases. And deliberate actions are being taken to divide the people of this country along every possible line, from race to economics to social responsibilities.
These things are extremely disturbing; but responses among the "average" persons in America range from rage to resignation. Some are ready to fight; others have just given up. Many are between those two extremes and are unsure how they are to live in these evil days. In fact, I hear people repeatedly ask, "What can I do in the face of all this that is wrong? What can I do in these evil days around me?"
A while back, after considering this question from a biblical perspective, I gave an answer on another site. But now that we have CCF, I'm repeating it below:
The other day I saw a Charlie Brown cartoon in which Charlie is saying to Snoopy, "Many folks are praying for God to heal our land, but I think He is still waiting for people to humble themselves, repent and turn from their wicked ways."
God could turn this nation around in an instant. But why? So we can make some acknowledgement of Him then go back and enjoy life, live the way we want, focus on the many things this life offers --family, entertainment, fun-- and give Him some time on Sunday morning and maybe a Bible study mid-week? That's not why He saved us.
And that is not why we find ourselves in the situation we are currently in, here in America. He has allowed all this for a purpose. Can we know what that is?
Yes, He wants us in Heaven with Him for eternity; but He also desires multitudes of others to be there with Him, too. And that is why He saved us and left us here. The fact is that He has called us to do our part. And that begins by --each day-- entering into essential, daily, intimate relationship with HIM, dying to self-will and self-desire, and being absolutely willing to abandon our dreams for ourselves in exchange for His plan for us.
You can't talk it until you walk it. God does not accept lip-service, and He will not anoint a life lived in that way. America has taken Him for granted for far too long. To many Christians use Him as a means to their own ends; they consider Him a source of answered prayer; they act as though His purpose was to supply the needs and, too often, the wants of those who call themselves His. In truth, their contact with Him is shallow and convenient.
God has said, "Enough!!!" These ARE the last days. And if we who purport to believe that statement actually DO believe it, then what are we doing as a result?
I'm not speaking about religious activities, I am talking of seeking a real relationship with God. It is NOT something God does in us: He has done His part in the world and us through Christ. He is calling on US to do our part. What is our part?
His Word tells us.
Over and over in the Bible we read of God working in the lives of simple human beings to accomplish His will. (Oh, what can be done by an ordinary man or woman in the hands of an extraordinary God!) But in every case we see things begin with some form of the fact that the person "set his mind" or "set his heart" to seek God and obey Him. Can that be said of us?
You want to know what we can do in the face of all this that is gathering speed toward destruction around us? Stop looking to kings and princes, and chariots and horses; instead look to God and seriously seek His face and set your heart on it. Hannah, Nehemiah, Daniel, Isaiah. All of them. They had their own version of Jacob's cry: "I will not let You go until You bless me!"
Nothing else will do.
You and I can continue to live for God half-heartedly and live on the lowest rung of heaven for eternity ... or we can truly stop living for self and set our mind to seek Him to gain the power to live for Him here ...with the promise that we will live in eternity in the closest ring of His glory.
That result has nothing to do with how great a work you do here on earth. Not at all. It has only to do with how willingly you surrender your life to Him. There IS a cost. But I assure you that, as great as it may be here on earth, it is nowhere near the cost He, Himself, bore for us.
My friends, I pray you have read through to the end. Because what I have written above will provide not just a supremely blessed eternity but a life of real joy and true peace here on this earth ... regardless of our circumstances.
May God touch you deeply with His truth.
Right is being regarded as wrong, and wrong as right. Good (when it's not being despised) is being ignored; and evil (when it's not being glorified) is nonetheless being encouraged. We see those things definitely occurring in politics and in court cases. And deliberate actions are being taken to divide the people of this country along every possible line, from race to economics to social responsibilities.
These things are extremely disturbing; but responses among the "average" persons in America range from rage to resignation. Some are ready to fight; others have just given up. Many are between those two extremes and are unsure how they are to live in these evil days. In fact, I hear people repeatedly ask, "What can I do in the face of all this that is wrong? What can I do in these evil days around me?"
A while back, after considering this question from a biblical perspective, I gave an answer on another site. But now that we have CCF, I'm repeating it below:
The other day I saw a Charlie Brown cartoon in which Charlie is saying to Snoopy, "Many folks are praying for God to heal our land, but I think He is still waiting for people to humble themselves, repent and turn from their wicked ways."
God could turn this nation around in an instant. But why? So we can make some acknowledgement of Him then go back and enjoy life, live the way we want, focus on the many things this life offers --family, entertainment, fun-- and give Him some time on Sunday morning and maybe a Bible study mid-week? That's not why He saved us.
And that is not why we find ourselves in the situation we are currently in, here in America. He has allowed all this for a purpose. Can we know what that is?
Yes, He wants us in Heaven with Him for eternity; but He also desires multitudes of others to be there with Him, too. And that is why He saved us and left us here. The fact is that He has called us to do our part. And that begins by --each day-- entering into essential, daily, intimate relationship with HIM, dying to self-will and self-desire, and being absolutely willing to abandon our dreams for ourselves in exchange for His plan for us.
You can't talk it until you walk it. God does not accept lip-service, and He will not anoint a life lived in that way. America has taken Him for granted for far too long. To many Christians use Him as a means to their own ends; they consider Him a source of answered prayer; they act as though His purpose was to supply the needs and, too often, the wants of those who call themselves His. In truth, their contact with Him is shallow and convenient.
God has said, "Enough!!!" These ARE the last days. And if we who purport to believe that statement actually DO believe it, then what are we doing as a result?
I'm not speaking about religious activities, I am talking of seeking a real relationship with God. It is NOT something God does in us: He has done His part in the world and us through Christ. He is calling on US to do our part. What is our part?
His Word tells us.
Over and over in the Bible we read of God working in the lives of simple human beings to accomplish His will. (Oh, what can be done by an ordinary man or woman in the hands of an extraordinary God!) But in every case we see things begin with some form of the fact that the person "set his mind" or "set his heart" to seek God and obey Him. Can that be said of us?
You want to know what we can do in the face of all this that is gathering speed toward destruction around us? Stop looking to kings and princes, and chariots and horses; instead look to God and seriously seek His face and set your heart on it. Hannah, Nehemiah, Daniel, Isaiah. All of them. They had their own version of Jacob's cry: "I will not let You go until You bless me!"
Nothing else will do.
You and I can continue to live for God half-heartedly and live on the lowest rung of heaven for eternity ... or we can truly stop living for self and set our mind to seek Him to gain the power to live for Him here ...with the promise that we will live in eternity in the closest ring of His glory.
That result has nothing to do with how great a work you do here on earth. Not at all. It has only to do with how willingly you surrender your life to Him. There IS a cost. But I assure you that, as great as it may be here on earth, it is nowhere near the cost He, Himself, bore for us.
My friends, I pray you have read through to the end. Because what I have written above will provide not just a supremely blessed eternity but a life of real joy and true peace here on this earth ... regardless of our circumstances.
May God touch you deeply with His truth.