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How Near Is the “Fullness of the Gentiles”? :: By Terry James


During the course of my conversations with David Hitt, a close friend of many years, he interjected what I believe to be a most insightful consideration. His thinking involves the circumstances surrounding the Rapture, the restoration of Israel, and the possibility of the Rapture occurring during widespread devastation, perhaps a war—one like we see going on at present involving Israel and its hate-filled enemies.

The “fullness of the Gentiles” presented by Paul in Romans 11 has always been foremost in the minds of those who study from the pre-Trib view of Bible prophecy. What exactly does that phrase mean with regard to the time of the Rapture of the Church?

"that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it” (Acts 28:28).

Really good article by Terry. Thanks for posting it Rose!

This is a really interesting dive into Isaiah 6:8-12 while looking at the fullness of the Gentiles in Romans 11:25

"God gives five conditions that exist just before his people spiritually awaken: .....In the middle of describing utter devastation (conditions 1-3 and 5), God interjects an enigmatic condition 4: “and the Lord have removed people far away.” The Lord (in all caps) is Yahweh: the covenantal God, and thus the emphasis appears to be on the keeping of a covenant. “People” implies more than one people, i.e., Gentiles. This clause likely refers to the Rapture."

I particularly enjoyed his summary here:

"So, let’s assemble what we have learned. Paul says in Romans 11:25 that Israel’s partial hardening will end when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. In Isaiah 6:11-12, God tells the prophet that He will end His hardening of His people proximate a widespread devastation, likely a great war or a direct act of God. From these two statements, one concludes that the fullness of the Gentiles comes in on the precipice of or during a widespread devastation, after which God ends His partial hardening of Israel’s elect."

Now I want to go look at Isaiah 6 and really dig deep.
"God gives five conditions that exist just before his people spiritually awaken: .....In the middle of describing utter devastation (conditions 1-3 and 5), God interjects an enigmatic condition 4: “and the Lord have removed people far away.” The Lord (in all caps) is Yahweh: the covenantal God, and thus the emphasis appears to be on the keeping of a covenant. “People” implies more than one people, i.e., Gentiles. This clause likely refers to the Rapture."
Oh, I love this so much!
Thank you, Margery, for posting this!