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How Much Longer Can It Be?

June 10, 2024
By Jonathan Brentner

June 10, 2024
By Jonathan Brentner

I have seen the above picture several times on social media. I’m not sure if it’s real, photoshopped, or an image created by AI. The clear implication is that once the monkey clobbers the sleeping lion with the stick, it will not end well for the primate.

This meme keeps coming to mind as I reflect on current events around the world. Just like the monkey, the globalists are provoking dangerous beasts knowing that their actions will not end well for a great many people. What’s different is that they will initially prosper from the anarchy and widespread death they will cause.

The question on my mind is this: How much longer can it be before the Lion of Judah responds in His wrath, wipes out the realm of the antichrist, and inaugurates His righteous rule upon the earth?

I agree with Dr. David Reagan, who recently wrote that we are “living on borrowed time.” We do not know how much longer we must wait until the Lord appears and God’s wrath in the form of “sudden destruction” descends upon the world (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3), but what we see tells us it must be soon.

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It's wonderful being a member of the Body of Christ and having the ability to interact with members of that family in the way that a Board like this allows even though we may have never met in person.
Yes. Precious fellowship. And I think that technical ability to swiftly interact with people on the other side of the globe is a sign that we're in the last of the last days. Previous generations would have laughed at the thought. God Bless All :)
Yeah i'm like...."50 years." lol. But seriously i hear you. Its like I still believe its near. But maybe as far as as 2030. Optimally i think 2025/2026 ish. Or sooner. You guys...i had a dream of the rapture and i did not go. lol. I'm serious. I was standing in a park with someone and birds chirping...children playing in the background. And the next moment...dead silence...and i knew. I had missed it. I have a few decades of some church trauma...so its a bummer to have a dream like that....but God has always shown me i tend to think pretty negatively. So I'm just taking it as His sense of humor. But yeah i think it could be sometime this year too. After that dream i thought it might be even closer and i better pay attention. But recently i got into a disagreement with a brother. And it ended the friendship. 15 years. I don't think that is the kind of response a rapture dream where you don't make it should produce.

His name is John if you guys might pray for him. He is a believer. He had a lot more trauma than me navigating through life. It just just that he was becoming, for me, a little too comfortable with certain biblical views that he wanted to help me shape my opinion about myself by. Some of it is actually endearing. But some of course is tragic. Looking back, here is the irony...it would have made sense for me to have had a different response and led us both out of the weirdness. John even said at one point in the past, "Lead me brother." Meaning to show stellar valor in seeing my greater value in Christ that he could benefit from in the friendship. So i kind of train wrecked that one. But please pray the Lord fill his heart with His majestc healing. And for me that i would see more soberly in strange situations like that. Where i might be more helpful to others. And also that God might grant us a chance to restore the friendship. Thanks. Blessings you guys :).
Yeah ive heard that 2025 and 2026 as a suggested high watch period only because its 7 years prior to the estimated 2000 year mark of our Lords death.

For a rapture time, that's the closes plausible theory i've heard for it as a timeframe but as always it's only a theory and nothing more.
Yeah ive heard that 2025 and 2026 as a suggested high watch period only because its 7 years prior to the estimated 2000 year mark of our Lords death.

For a rapture time, that's the closes plausible theory i've heard for it as a timeframe but as always it's only a theory and nothing more.
Amen. Only the Lord knows of course. Interesting how that lines up though. My reasons for the guestimation is that I would see the timing of the rapture in conjunction with Ez 38. I would see the argument in 1 Thes 5 contrasting believers not headed for the Day of the Lord (which seems to refer to the trib, or the great trib, or Armegeddon). In this context it seems to imply the 7 year tribulation contrast.

3 While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction [b]will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Because of the pregnant woman language it seems in my mind to imply Age of Grace vs. the 70th Week. And that sudden destruction in this context would be Ez 38 (which I tend to go with the view of a cusp of the 70th week yielding).

Which is different than the use of "escape" in Luke 21:

36 But stay alert at all times, praying that you will have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Which seems to be in relation to the abomination of desolation proper. So I am the only commentary I have seen that pegs the rapture timing with Ez 38. But I would imagine there are commentators and theologians somewhere who might view this...I just have not seen it. But makes the most sense in light of how 1Thes demonstrates the language to me.

So if we use Ez 38 (being the prophecy with the most detail in any one place) as a compass as to "timing," it would seem to potentially fully arrive between 2025 and 2030 with perhaps heavier potentials of around 2025 and 2026 (pending how nation states escalate in prophecy reference direction). I would admit though that as Ez 38 seems to present a full arc "landing of the plane" signification of the bang zone shift into the 70th week (along with Ez 38 being so heavily about Israel and a judgement context for our modern age), we have our fair share of wild hair developments with Israel and Hezbolah tensions forming. And all the dust seemingly kicked up at this time so as to perhaps see not so most clearly a clearest view of Ez 38 forming simultanously.

It is interesting though brother that we are approaching that 2k year mark from Christs resurrection (whether 28, 30, 32 AD etc). In conjunction Michael Heisers video on the Virgo constellation mapping the birth of Christ as 3 bc, maybe 27 AD might have some sense of a 2027 mirror (but Luke 3:23 has Jesus 30 at time of His ministry start...so 2030 again seems to be a strong year in relation to what ever else it might mean scripturally)...because that sounds like a potential rapture candidate for sure as well. Blessings.
Amen. Only the Lord knows of course. Interesting how that lines up though. My reasons for the guestimation is that I would see the timing of the rapture in conjunction with Ez 38. I would see the argument in 1 Thes 5 contrasting believers not headed for the Day of the Lord (which seems to refer to the trib, or the great trib, or Armegeddon). In this context it seems to imply the 7 year tribulation contrast.

3 While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction [b]will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Because of the pregnant woman language it seems in my mind to imply Age of Grace vs. the 70th Week. And that sudden destruction in this context would be Ez 38 (which I tend to go with the view of a cusp of the 70th week yielding).

Which is different than the use of "escape" in Luke 21:

36 But stay alert at all times, praying that you will have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Which seems to be in relation to the abomination of desolation proper. So I am the only commentary I have seen that pegs the rapture timing with Ez 38. But I would imagine there are commentators and theologians somewhere who might view this...I just have not seen it. But makes the most sense in light of how 1Thes demonstrates the language to me.

So if we use Ez 38 (being the prophecy with the most detail in any one place) as a compass as to "timing," it would seem to potentially fully arrive between 2025 and 2030 with perhaps heavier potentials of around 2025 and 2026 (pending how nation states escalate in prophecy reference direction). I would admit though that as Ez 38 seems to present a full arc "landing of the plane" signification of the bang zone shift into the 70th week (along with Ez 38 being so heavily about Israel and a judgement context for our modern age), we have our fair share of wild hair developments with Israel and Hezbolah tensions forming. And all the dust seemingly kicked up at this time so as to perhaps see not so most clearly a clearest view of Ez 38 forming simultanously.

It is interesting though brother that we are approaching that 2k year mark from Christs resurrection (whether 28, 30, 32 AD etc). In conjunction Michael Heisers video on the Virgo constellation mapping the birth of Christ as 3 bc, maybe 27 AD might have some sense of a 2027 mirror (but Luke 3:23 has Jesus 30 at time of His ministry start...so 2030 again seems to be a strong year in relation to what ever else it might mean scripturally)...because that sounds like a potential rapture candidate for sure as well. Blessings.
Yeah Don Koenig had an article where he states how 30 -33 ad was roughly around Christ's time of death.

I'm wondering Israel will escalate things with Hezbollah
Because of the pregnant woman language it seems in my mind to imply Age of Grace vs. the 70th Week. And that sudden destruction in this context would be Ez 38 (which I tend to go with the view of a cusp of the 70th week yielding).
100% agree! Love the way you bring that out

I tend to see us as out of here before Ezek 38 due to the number of places where God speaks of being made known to the Jews, but also to the rest of the world. If we were still here, both believing Jews and Gentiles, that would not be the case.

But I also think it happens before the signing of the covenant which sets off the Trib so I place Ezek 38 in the gap between the Rapture and the signing of the Covenant.
Yeah Don Koenig had an article where he states how 30 -33 ad was roughly around Christ's time of death.

I'm wondering Israel will escalate things with Hezbollah
Don has some wonderful articles on that subject and the timing of things. He had a very thought provoking article on the Oct 7 attack and the days of Awe. His idea is that there will be a 10 year time frame for the Jews, with the last 7 being the final 7 of the Tribulation.
100% agree! Love the way you bring that out

I tend to see us as out of here before Ezek 38 due to the number of places where God speaks of being made known to the Jews, but also to the rest of the world. If we were still here, both believing Jews and Gentiles, that would not be the case.

But I also think it happens before the signing of the covenant which sets off the Trib so I place Ezek 38 in the gap between the Rapture and the signing of the Covenant.
Thanks Margery. If i had to guess, to me it would seem like Ez 38 is the perfect switchoff. In that sense maybe the rapture at "the time of?" I think the gap theory is interesting and may have merit. I don't put too much on the gap theory because it seems that the main reason for having it is to give time for other things we believe might need to occur to take place. Whereas on the spectrum i would just see it that the reason for the rapture is to leave the world with the 70th week--and that there would likely be a number of surprises as to how things form in God's timing. So i guess in that sense i would see gap theories as more ideas of men. But hey, there could actually be one. For sure for sure. I'm just saying i have a bit more fund pressuring myself with prophetic what ifs that can tend to be a bit raw and dangerous in contrast....lol. If feels sillly to say that. Just trying to be fun with whatever i'm thinking might differ. Thanks for your kind and blessed words dear sister.

Oh, yeah...so on the covenant with the many...i agree i don't think the church sees any of the AC visible. Nor the 10 naton confederacy. And it makes sense in my view because the 1st seal is not AC. Which tends to be a bit of a monkey wretnch, i know. Blessings. Thanks for your lovely and gracious feedback. Blessings.
I think we have more time to go than we would like. The only “feeling” of timing I’ve had was during late summer of 2019, I had this urgent sense to look up ways to prepare for a crisis. I told my husband but he didn’t take me seriously. I probably sounded crazy. I just had this sense a dark cloud was over the horizon and I needed to prepare. I didn’t have my husband’s permission to prepare physically with buying things but I prepared spiritually. Then Covid hit a few months later.

I still don’t rely on my feelings much. I just thought it was interesting. Funny enough, even with all that’s going on, I don’t have that sense of urgency like I did that summer. I’m just trying to trust God daily for our needs.
Don has some wonderful articles on that subject and the timing of things. He had a very thought provoking article on the Oct 7 attack and the days of Awe. His idea is that there will be a 10 year time frame for the Jews, with the last 7 being the final 7 of the Tribulation.
I’ve wondered about Don and how he’s doing with his health. I’m so glad he still posts on and off.