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How Much Longer Can It Be?

June 10, 2024
By Jonathan Brentner

June 10, 2024
By Jonathan Brentner

I have seen the above picture several times on social media. I’m not sure if it’s real, photoshopped, or an image created by AI. The clear implication is that once the monkey clobbers the sleeping lion with the stick, it will not end well for the primate.

This meme keeps coming to mind as I reflect on current events around the world. Just like the monkey, the globalists are provoking dangerous beasts knowing that their actions will not end well for a great many people. What’s different is that they will initially prosper from the anarchy and widespread death they will cause.

The question on my mind is this: How much longer can it be before the Lion of Judah responds in His wrath, wipes out the realm of the antichrist, and inaugurates His righteous rule upon the earth?

I agree with Dr. David Reagan, who recently wrote that we are “living on borrowed time.” We do not know how much longer we must wait until the Lord appears and God’s wrath in the form of “sudden destruction” descends upon the world (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3), but what we see tells us it must be soon.

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I disagree with the author when he says the world is on the brink of the opening of the 2nd Seal. He's getting ahead of himself.

The Church will have been Raptured before the world is on the brink of the 2nd Seal.

The world will be on the brink of the 2nd Seal after the first Seal is opened.

Until then we may see major wars, but they won't be that of the 2nd Seal.
I disagree with the author when he says the world is on the brink of the opening of the 2nd Seal. He's getting ahead of himself.

The Church will have been Raptured before the world is on the brink of the 2nd Seal.

The world will be on the brink of the 2nd Seal after the first Seal is opened.

Until then we may see major wars, but they won't be that of the 2nd Seal.
I don't think he was implying that the church would be here for the second seal. His implication was pointing to the extreme that conditions are for a probable coming war that will take many lives as the second seal and the Pale horseman will bring.
I've read many of his articles and he is very much pre Tribulation rapture.
Many in the Prophecy circle have been saying we are in "the shadows of the Tribulation" and the world is setting up for it.
I like his statement that The Restrainer is holding everything back and the church is the Restraining Force that is holding back the Tribulation.
I usually don't do this, as I like to back up my thoughts with Bible verses. However, without anything additional to contribute facts or otherwise, I do believe the Rapture is very, very soon. This is what I feel in my spirit. 👍

As I am one of the first to tell people not to trust their feelings, please don't trust my feelings and think the Rapture will happen very, very soon because Goodboy said so. I am only just letting those who know me know what it is I am feeling, nothing more. I certainly could be wrong!

I am kind of wondering though if other Christians are feeling the same? 🤔
I disagree with the author when he says the world is on the brink of the opening of the 2nd Seal. He's getting ahead of himself.

The Church will have been Raptured before the world is on the brink of the 2nd Seal.

The world will be on the brink of the 2nd Seal after the first Seal is opened.

Until then we may see major wars, but they won't be that of the 2nd Seal.

from link:
The world is on the brink of the opening of the second seal and the release of the “pale horse,” which will bring war and conflict to the earth (Revelation 6:3-4). Perhaps soon, the constant threats from Russia to use nuclear weapons against NATO members will become a reality and contribute to the massive death toll indicated in Revelation 6:8.

I was a little confused by the wording myself but I do believe he is pre-trib in his eschatology like 1LoverofGod pointed out.

What threw me off more was his mislabeling of the 4 riders. The 2nd seal rider described in Rev 6:3-4 is the red horse representing war, not the pale horse.
The pale horse is the 4th seal of Rev 6:8 representing death.
I usually don't do this, as I like to back up my thoughts with Bible verses. However, without anything additional to contribute facts or otherwise, I do believe the Rapture is very, very soon. This is what I feel in my spirit. 👍

As I am one of the first to tell people not to trust their feelings, please don't trust my feelings and think the Rapture will happen very, very soon because Goodboy said so. I am only just letting those who know me know what it is I am feeling, nothing more. I certainly could be wrong!

I am kind of wondering though if other Christians are feeling the same? 🤔
Me personally , i don't feel that we are very close, i feel that we still have a bit more time left to wait, JMHO
I feel like the Rapture could come any day now. Of course there are some who probably felt that way in other centuries. I think there is plenty of reason today to believe that we're in that "season". The Tribulation itself might be a ways off yet...
I hear you. 👍

I got saved at 28 and am now 70. At 28 I thought the Rapture would happen any day now, however this is different. When I was 28 it was really just the fact that I really wanted the Rapture to happen soon. Sure I also want it to happen soon today, but as I said the feeling is different. I can't explain the difference, but it is different for me anyway.
I've lived thru seasons where I felt it was so close, and others when those around me felt it but I didn't.

The more people think it's close, the more a time frame gets pushed forward as a possibility, the less I trust my feelings that it's soon.

The less people talk about it being close, the more I look up and think maybe now.

Right now it might be a wonderful time for the Rapture. Paul did say "as you see the day approaching" and we surely do.

But so did my grandfather when Israel came back in 1948. A lot of Christians like him looked at Israel and thought the Rapture was just around the next corner.

And it still might be. The next moment.

So I look for the Lord, I go to the window as I close the blinds each night and check the sky just in case.

But I pray for Christian husbands for my granddaughters each night because if Jesus comes later than I expect, I want them married to good Christian men.

I pray for my unsaved loved ones with an urgency I've felt is increasing by the day.

And I prepare my affairs, my apartment as if I will die years from now and I want to leave it as easy as possible for our son and daughter and their spouses to deal with.

What I'm describing is waiting on the Lord, for His perfect timing. Keeping myself ready, but not easily disappointed if His timetable is different than I expect.
What I'm describing is waiting on the Lord, for His perfect timing. Keeping myself ready, but not easily disappointed if His timetable is different than I expect.

Its easy to get drawn in emotionally when the world events seem to be signs everywhere. Then when tensions in the middle east calm down, it can almost be a disappointment that we’re still here. This is why my recent focus is no longer spending all my time trying to force fit pieces in the prophetic puzzle. I still keep my ears and eyes wide open, hoping to be called Home soon, but also planning my life down here as if I have many years left.

My take away - the end result is the same no matter when, or how we get there!!!!!
I used to “feel” it was closer a few years ago. Funny, because we have more forward movement prophetically than ever. Or at least I think so, and quite a few Bible prophecy teachers who have been watching for decades.
I think I got a little tired, so I don’t allow myself to get overly excited about it.
Still watching though.
I hear you. 👍

I got saved at 28 and am now 70. At 28 I thought the Rapture would happen any day now, however this is different. When I was 28 it was really just the fact that I really wanted the Rapture to happen soon. Sure I also want it to happen soon today, but as I said the feeling is different. I can't explain the difference, but it is different for me anyway.
It is great to have your testimony on this brother. It helps to have some old school rapture thought in our day...seeing the difference. Amen.
I used to “feel” it was closer a few years ago. Funny, because we have more forward movement prophetically than ever. Or at least I think so, and quite a few Bible prophecy teachers who have been watching for decades.
I think I got a little tired, so I don’t allow myself to get overly excited about it.
Still watching though.
Yeah i'm like...."50 years." lol. But seriously i hear you. Its like I still believe its near. But maybe as far as as 2030. Optimally i think 2025/2026 ish. Or sooner. You guys...i had a dream of the rapture and i did not go. lol. I'm serious. I was standing in a park with someone and birds chirping...children playing in the background. And the next moment...dead silence...and i knew. I had missed it. I have a few decades of some church trauma...so its a bummer to have a dream like that....but God has always shown me i tend to think pretty negatively. So I'm just taking it as His sense of humor. But yeah i think it could be sometime this year too. After that dream i thought it might be even closer and i better pay attention. But recently i got into a disagreement with a brother. And it ended the friendship. 15 years. I don't think that is the kind of response a rapture dream where you don't make it should produce.

His name is John if you guys might pray for him. He is a believer. He had a lot more trauma than me navigating through life. It just just that he was becoming, for me, a little too comfortable with certain biblical views that he wanted to help me shape my opinion about myself by. Some of it is actually endearing. But some of course is tragic. Looking back, here is the irony...it would have made sense for me to have had a different response and led us both out of the weirdness. John even said at one point in the past, "Lead me brother." Meaning to show stellar valor in seeing my greater value in Christ that he could benefit from in the friendship. So i kind of train wrecked that one. But please pray the Lord fill his heart with His majestc healing. And for me that i would see more soberly in strange situations like that. Where i might be more helpful to others. And also that God might grant us a chance to restore the friendship. Thanks. Blessings you guys :).
I disagree with the author when he says the world is on the brink of the opening of the 2nd Seal. He's getting ahead of himself.

The Church will have been Raptured before the world is on the brink of the 2nd Seal.

The world will be on the brink of the 2nd Seal after the first Seal is opened.

Until then we may see major wars, but they won't be that of the 2nd Seal.
Yeah i didn't see that article mention the first. I guess everyone knows it was COVID? lol. Did i miss something? Thanks Tall. I'm with you on WWIII not being the second seal...or at least not before the 1st...real seal. Amen. And of course yeah the church is not on earth during the tribulation. As a board-certified class clown of course i will likely have a different take on seal one as the story goes. But even if we linger, i don't think we see WW3. I think we get close. But then maybe that too might a bit be a wee bit of a tease angle.

I always enjoy your posts and interaction brother. I've been coming to this forum a bit more lately because my origin forum JDF has been kind of slower these days. And you guys really grow on a brother like family. So thanks for your love and care and hospitality. Especialy now because whatever might happen looks to be cooking even as we speak. Blessings.
I didn't imply that he did. I disagreed with his saying the world is on the brink of the opening of the 2nd Seal and substantiated my position as to why I disagree with him.
Thanks for clarifying. Yeah because it seems like the 1st prize for seal one generally goes to AC making a covenant with the many. So my guess "now" is that the author sees AC Covenant leading to WW3. But it was not very clear in the article to me why the author approached it like that. I have a completely different systematic so i tend to just roll with where others are thinking. But yeah....thanks for clarifying.
It could be at any moment.
(Imminency doctrine)

Regardless, we are to be about the work of The Lord (whatever He has called us to do) and there are three Commandments we have to persist in until Jesus does return:

Love God
Love our neighbors
Carry out The Great Commission (however we're called to do so)

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
Matthew 22:37-38, KJV

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Matthew 22:39-40, KJV

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28:18-20, KJV

Dear God,please let me be about Thy work when Thou dost return, instead of engaged in sloth and/or some other terrible sin.

In Jesus' Name

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: