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How Bible Prophecy Can Inspire Our Worship Of God

Rarely do Christians think about Bible prophecy in connection with worshipping God. The tendency is to view prophecies as mysteries to be solved, or promises about the end times that aren’t relevant to us today. Those misperceptions are unfortunate, because prophecies—both those that have been fulfilled in the past and those about the future—are very relevant to us now, especially when it comes to our worship of God.

God reveals Himself to us on every single page in the Bible. Every passage—whether directly or indirectly—conveys information about who He is and what He does. This is true about the prophetic portions of Scripture as well. Every time we read a Bible prophecy, we learn more about God. And the more we learn, the richer our worship can become.

Before I share specific examples of prophetic passages that can inspire us toward worship, let’s consider the definition of worship. Many Christians associate worship with what we do in church on Sunday. It’s common for us to describe church services as worship services. Together, we sing to God, and we learn from His Word.

But worship is much more than that. Worship has to do with the state of our mind and heart toward God. It has to do with our thoughts about God and our response to Him. To worship God is to show reverence for Him and to admire His greatness. When we worship God, we proclaim that He is worthy of honor and glory and praise because of who He is and what He has done. Worship begins in the heart, and it involves a response to what we know about God.

